Techniques for Manifesting your Preferred Reality
First quick Technique
1. Get a clear Vision or Intention of what you would like your preferred Reality (your preferred Life) to be like.
2. Because you simply exist, you automatically Deserve everything you may want.
Accordingly, make sure you feel you Deserve this preferred Reality.
3. What would be the Beliefs of someone already experiencing precisely this Reality?
4. Adopt those Beliefs.
5. When events-contradicting-this-belief come up, or when Beliefs come up that are in contradiction to your recently-adopted beliefs,
A. Do not be in denial. Acknowledge and own these disempowered Beliefs. (Because you can not change what you do not “own”.)
B. Realize that these disempowered Beliefs and your recently-adopted beliefs are both equally-real, equally-valid, and you contain them both.
C. With this realization, simply choose to express your preferred recently-adopted beliefs.
(Since you already contain ALL beliefs, you don’t need to “get rid of” the undesired beliefs. Simply express the preferred beliefs.)
6. Feel the way someone would feel that is already experiencing this preferred Reality.
7. Think the way someone would think that is already experiencing this preferred Reality.
8. Act the way someone would act that is already experiencing this preferred Reality.
- Bashar (Member of a 5th dimensional civilization called the Essassani)
Second quick Technique – “The Referential Preferential You”
1. Conjure up in your imagination, the ideal or divine or perfect or ultimate version of yourself.
(If you find this difficult, then imagine your favorite Divine being instead.)
2. In your imagination, put this “ideal you” or “Divine being” into this preferred Reality situation.
3. Watch in your imagination, how the “ideal you” or “Divine being” feels, thinks, and acts in this preferred Reality situation.
4. Simply COPY that behavior:
A. Feel the way the “ideal you” or “Divine being” is feeling in this preferred Reality situation.
B. Think the way the “ideal you” or “Divine being” is thinking in this preferred Reality situation
C. Act the way the “ideal you” or “Divine being” is acting in this preferred Reality situation.
NOTE: Your imagination is the “pipeline” through which your Higher Self talks to you.
- Bashar (Member of a 5th dimensional civilization called the Essassani)
3 Phases for Receiving the “Version” of Reality You Prefer
1. See it. (mental)
Visualize it. Imagine it. Daydream it. Visualize it clearly. You don’t need to visualize it for a long time. Short time is sufficient, but you need to visualize it clearly. You need to have a solid clear picture. Visualizing it creates the blueprint, so see it in great detail.
See it ==> Become an efficient Mental Antenna to receive this “version” of reality.
2. Feel it. (emotional)
Get excited & passionate about it! How would you feel if you had it now? Feel that now! Plug into your vision with all your emotions & all your senses, as if you had it now! Involve all your senses – imagine smelling it, touching it, tasting it, etc.
Feel it ==> Become an efficient Emotional Antenna to receive this “version” of reality.
3. Be it. (physical)
Physical action. Do it! To ground the experience. Do actions that most closely mimic the actions you “see” yourself doing in your vision. Gather and use whatever props mimic that scenario, and do a “dry run”. Doing this “make believe” physical action trains the body consciousness. This makes it “real for you now”, so the universe then delivers it to you. NOTE: This physical action does not directly cause this desired reality to manifest. Instead, this physical action creates a more precise vibration in yourself, making you a better antenna to receive it, by you becoming more aligned to the same vibration. The reality you desire already exists. You do not have to create it. You only have to receive it.
Be it ==> Become an efficient Physical Antenna to receive this “version” of reality.
In other words,
1. See it. ===> Become a precise mental antenna to “receive” that version of reality.
2. Feel it. ===> Become a precise emotional antenna to “receive” that version of reality.
3. Be it. ===> Become a precise physical antenna to “receive” that version of reality.
- Bashar (Member of a 5th dimensional civilization called the Essassani)
Visualization – how to do it effectively
This explains the Mechanics of how to effectively manifest what you are visualizing and wishing to manifest.
The physical mind is not designed to know HOW something will manifest, or what it will look like when it does manifest.
But you can use it to decide what you want.
Your visualization is simply a symbolic representation of a state of being, whose purpose is to generate Excitement within you. But it may not manifest in the form you are visualizing.
Step 1:
You create the most vivid visualization of what you want, that you can.
And you get really excited about it.
Step 2:
You GIVE that visualization and that excited state of being to your Higher Mind.
Step 3:
Then, you TOTALLY LET-GO of any need, that it manifest in the form you were visualizing.
(But you do “hold on” to that excited state of being associated with that visualization.)
So you Let-Go that visualization, and Give the visualization and that excited state of being to your Higher Mind – which does understand HOW that can come into manifestation.
This way, your Higher Mind can produce for you a manifestation that does correspond with the excited state you gave it, but which, in specific form, is much better and more profound than the details of your specific visualization. Your Higher Mind can produce a manifestation that is far greater than what the human mind can ever imagine – by a long shot!
So don’t prevent your Higher Mind from giving you something profoundly-better than your visualization, by insisting that it “must” manifest only in the form you are visualizing.
Remember to Give the visualization to your Higher Mind, and then Let go of the need that it manifest in the form you were visualizing.
- Bashar (Member of a 5th dimensional civilization called the Essassani)
Follow your excitement!
Finding your Purpose in Life.
Act on it! Excitement is caused by a resonance with your Higher Self. Excitement is a “sign” that the activity you are contemplating is aligned with your Higher Self, and this alignment is what causes the excitement. This naturally leads you to what you are “meant” to be doing – what your Soul “hopes” your will free-will chooses to do. This is your “Purpose“. So this is the simple yet effortlessly-effective way to find your life’s “Purpose“.
Mechanically, “excitement” is a high state of resonant-excitation that occurs when the Thinking+Intentions of the physical dimension self are sharply aligned with the Thinking+Intentions of its own Higher Self.
So excitement serves as a “compass” – to let you know when you’re “on course” – when you are doing or contemplating doing exactly what your Higher Self would just love to have you be doing.
When you follow your excitement, and do what excites you, this means that :
1. This activity is “you” (truly aligned with your Soul).
2. Because it is “you”, this activity is effortless for you.
3. Because it is “you”, the universe will support you (including financial support) to continue doing this, in progressively more expanding ways.
Following your excitement is following the “signs” your Higher Self is giving – to lead you in the most DIRECT way possible to what it “hopes” your free-will will choose to do, which is the same as your life’s Purpose. The catch is this:
Even if following your excitement means doing something seemingly trivial and unprofound, even then, just do it!
Because proceeding towards doing this seemingly mundane thing, might lead you to meet someone, or discover something, that is just “perfect” for furthering your Life’s purpose.
IMPORTANT consideration:
“Follow your Excitement – with INTEGRITY”. Bashar defines “integrity” to mean, NOT any particular moral standard, but instead: Realizing that everything is a whole (integer), and you are one with the whole. And therefore, (Golden Rule), you treat everyone and everything with the same respect and consideration and care that you would want them to treat you.
“Follow your Excitement – with INTEGRITY”.
If you have something to give, in the reality you are creating, there are people ready to receive it. If someone has a song to sing, there is an audience in that reality to hear it.
Fear or anxiety is excitement with a negative judgement projected onto it.
Fear/anxiety = Excitement plus negative judgement
Remove the negative judgement, and you have Excitement.
Fear/anxiety with the negative judgement removed = Excitement
- Bashar (Member of a 5th dimensional civilization called the Essassani)
“Excitement” is the energy that occurs when one is in resonance with their own Higher Self. This is a “signal” from your Higher Self (which always honors your free will) to encourage you to act or move in a particular direction. “Excitement” can therefore be used as a “compass heading” to move & act in the direction that your Higher Self hopes you will move – for your highest joy. If you “follow your excitement” consistently, you will end up fulfilling your Life’s Purpose.
“Anxiety” is the energy of excitement, but filtered through a belief in something undesirable or unpreferred.
- Bashar (Member of a 5th dimensional civilization called the Essassani)
“Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do, when you need to do it. Money is only one of many valid tools to achieve this abundance. And it is not always the most direct tool to use – for doing what you need to do when you need to do it.”
- Bashar (Member of a 5th dimensional civilization called the Essassani)
Trusting your Timing
We, as our Higher Self (Over-Soul) actually creates Time (as we experience it). Our Higher Self exists outside Time and Space. It projects portions of itself into specific time/space holograms (time/space matrixes), which we then experience as an incarnation. So, from the point of view of any one incarnation, there is time, there is “past, present, and future”. But from the point of view of the Higher Self, there is no Time. It’s all happening NOW. It’s just one big Eternal-NOW. So keep in mind that our Higher Self is creating the actual “time” that we are experiencing in a linear fashion.
When we intensely want to do something now, and it is easily possible to do it, no problem. We just do it.
But if we intensely want to do something now, and it is NOT possible to do it NOW, we are then at a critical decision-junction:
We can choose to interpret this as
“I am not getting what I want.”
Or, we can choose to interpet this as
“I always get what I want. If it’s not available now, then there must be an excellent reason for this.”
Which of these choices we make is critical in determining the outcome, as this choice is equivalent to selecting a BELIEF, and we then experience the outcome aligned with that belief.
If you choose to interpret the situation as
“I am not getting what I want.”,
then, sure enough, you will continue to not get what you want.
But the alternative is this:
Choose to interpret this situation (of not being able to do what you want to do NOW) as
“I always get what I want.”
“I always get what I want. If it’s not available now, there must be an excellent reason for this.”
You see, often our Higher Self “arranges” time in such a way that we do not get what we want when we initially want it, only because it wants us to first accumulate certain experiences, certain skills, certain appreciations, certain connections with other people, certain awarenesses – FIRST! So that when we do get to experience this thing we want, we will then be appreciating it and enjoying it on a much deeper and more profound level.
So when you want to do something and it is not immediately available, REMEMBER: Your Higher Self is merely delaying this experience, so you get some other experiences first, so that you may enjoy and appreciate this thing you want EVEN MORE, when you do get it.
So when you want to do something and it is not immediately available, TRUST YOUR TIMING.
Do not buy into the belief that
“I do not get what I want.”
Instead, remind yourself:
“I always get what I want.”
“I always get what I want. If it’s not available now, then my Higher Self must have some experiences it wishes me to have first, so that when I do
get what I want, I’ll be able to enjoy it even more. I’ll be able to enjoy it on a much richer, deeper basis.”
- Bashar (Member of a 5th dimensional civilization called the Essassani)