> Great Genius Insights into Everything (66)


Sexual Flow = Financial Flow

Sexual Flow = Financial Flow

The easiest way to get rich is to have more sex.

More gourmet sex.

That is, sex which is infused with the power of surrender. Sex where you let go, emotionally open and let yourself be seen.

If you are feeling financially stuck, chances are that you are sexually stuck.

Sexual energy is life force energy. It creates new life. If you aren’t creating babies, you need to be directing that energy somewhere. If you don’t, it will invert back on you in all sorts of destructive ways, creating everything from depression to weight gain to health problems to zero cash flow.

You have the creative power of the universe at your genitals. Use it.

Here’s how:

1) Have regular sex. If not with a partner, then with yourself. Set up weekly sex dates, or several times a week. Hey, even try a 30-day sex challenge to kick things off. This energy needs to be kept moving, or it will get stuck and implode.

2) Use sexual ailments as barometers. Any problem in the reproductive organs is simply dammed up sexual energy. You name it, whatever it manifests as on the physical plane in your breasts, prostate, cervix, womb—it is only the expression of stuck energy somewhere connected to your sexuality.

It’s a sign that instead of expressing your energy outward into the world, it is inverting on you can causing pain and dis-ease.

Take that as a sign that you have to reverse the flow.

I see this a lot with clients. Especially in women and the appearance of cysts. When I question them about their sexual history, there is always a correlation to suppressed sexual energy.

3) Your “financial difficulties” are manmade. Meaning, you made them. Take responsibility. Money is energy. Money is the universe affirming back to you that you have stepped up to your game, and are giving it your all.

If you are just dialing it in, if you haven’t fully connected to your path and are not giving your gifts, your bank balance will reflect that.

Not sure what your gifts are?

Here’s a hint: the closer you get to the truth of your gifts, the more money you make.

For years, I was in “exploration” mode, or I was doing some version of what I do now, but not yet in its fully realized form. When I got bolder, put myself out there more and fully owned my gifts, the universe responded with more money.

4) Your libido = life force. Carl Jung said that on a psychological level, the libido is our drive to individuate, to express our unique gifts in the world. You tap into that much more easily when you are tuned into your sexual energy.

At times, when I feel excited about doing something, when I’m poised at the precipice or big risk, I feel a tingling in my genitals. I’m so excited, that I’m sexually excited.

AND, the precursor to this was me fully connecting to my sexual energy. I opened up the floodgates of my enormous sexual appetite—which really is an appetite for life, because sexual energy and creative energy are one in the same, remember?—and the financial abundance poured in.

5) Clear the blocks in your sexual relationship. This applies to both your relationship with sex and within an intimate partnership. If you carry internalized sexual oppression (and we all do), it weighs you down until you confront it.

If there are blocks in your relationship, it will show up as impeded cash flow.

One couple I was working with had decades of financial instability. This mirrored their marital blocks. Once we worked on clearing those blocks, they experienced a financial ease that had eluded them for years. Literally, the phone calls kept coming with invitations to work after we processed a major block that had been sitting in the space for years.

- By Kim Anami

About the Author: Kim Anami is a woman on a mission: to illuminate the direct and profound connection between ravishing sex and a thriving life. As a Life and Intimacy Coach, she has propelled thousands of people into higher stratospheres of intimacy, sensuality and creativity. With a spiritual synthesis of Taoism, Tantra, Transpersonal psychology, philosophy and two decades of coaching and workshop curation, plus an unapologetic penchant for luxury sex toys, she brings a unique fusion of wit, wisdom, and orgasmic inspiration. Her musings on love, life and sex have graced the pages of Playboy and radio and television programs with audiences ranging from 50K to 7 million. With a book out in 2013 and an array of digital programs, Kim’s bodacious empire is touching minds, hearts—and other areas—by the millions. Explore her exquisite retreats, salons and 1-on-1 offerings, at KimAnami.com.


Sex is the Secret to Looking Younger

Sex is the Secret to Looking Younger, claims researcher

Regular sex could now be the key to looking up to seven years younger, a researcher claims.

Dr David Weeks, former head of old age psychology at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, said people need to be aware of the benefits of having a healthy sex life, particularly in their later years.

He said sex has a number of health benefits which can make men and women look between five and seven years younger which includes; it causes the release of endorphins, the ‘feel good’ chemical which acts as a natural painkiller and reduces anxiety aiding sleep; exercise boosts circulation which is good for the heart; and it also causes the human growth hormone to be released which makes the skin look more elastic.

Dr Weeks said: “My message is that lovemaking is good.

“The stereotype of an elderly person is that when they get their pension and bus pass, they stop having sex and that’s not true.

“Sexual satisfaction is a major contributor to quality of life, ranking at least as high as spiritual or religious commitment and other morale factors, so more positive attitudes towards mature sex should be vigorously promoted.

“Sexuality is definitely not the prerogative of younger people and nor should it be.”

The 59-year-old will tell a British Psychological Society conference today about his research, where he asked men and women questions about their sex lives. He found those who looked younger than their age claimed to have sex an average 50 per cent more – in the 40-to-50 age group equating to three times a week rather than twice.

Dr Weeks’ findings of the benefits of a healthy sex life follow previous evidence that suggests regular lovemaking is associated with reducing the risk of early death.

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/lifestyle/10161279/Sex-is-the-secret-to-looking-younger-claims-researcher.html


10 Reasons Sex Makes You Beautiful

10 Reasons Sex Makes You Beautiful

Do you find yourself spending lots of money on beauty treatments? Although eating well, exercising and feeling good are great ways to boost your beauty quotient, I have another solution for you.

It’s free.

It’s fun.

It’s natural.

It’s orgasms.

Sex is the consummate beauty enhancer. It puts all other products and procedures to shame. Here are 10 reasons to incorporate orgasms into your beauty routine:

1. Sex makes you glow.

Your hair gets shinier and your skin becomes luminous. Estrogen, which contributes to healthier hair and skin, increases production in women who have frequent sex. You’ll also produce more collagen, which keeps skin supple and firm.

2. Youth is beauty and beauty is youth.

Frequent sex makes you look younger. While I’d argue that youth itself isn’t necessarily the heart of beauty, I’d say that “youth-full-ness” is. People who have sex three or more times a week look tend to look younger.

3. Orgasms are the ultimate antidepressant.

You release serotonin and DHEA at climax. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates your mood and makes you feel content, happy and hopeful. DHEA has antidepressant effects and boosts immunity. Sex helps you to look and feel radiantly beautiful.

4. Orgasms and sexual activity release pheromones.

Pheromones make you more attractive to the opposite sex. The more sex you have, the more sex people want to have with you. Wear orgasms instead of perfume.

5. It’s natural breast enhancement.

Breasts swell up to 25% during sex, according to Dr. Michael Roizen, Dr. Oz’s pal. Nipple height increases one half inch. Have a big night out and are in need of a push-up bra? Spend another 20 minutes “getting ready” with your partner and then hit the town. Considering other methods of growth? Spend more time in bed instead.

6. Sex reduces stress.

A huge dose of oxytocin is released at the point of orgasm. Oxytocin wipes out cortisol, the major stress hormone. Most of us in urban life exist with high cortisol. Plenty of sex will unfurl your brow and leave you in a state of bliss.

7. Orgasms flatten your belly.

Having increased cortisol in your system contributes to that “paunch” around your belly. Again, our friend oxytocin lowers cortisol. Those last 5-10 pounds you can’t seem to lose around your belly? Orgasm them away.

8. You’ll become a better person.

All the feel-good chemicals released in the ascent to orgasm, at orgasm and in afterglow, elevate you. Dopamine increases your drive and ambition. Oxytocin makes you more relaxed, kind, patient and loving. Testosterone will make you perform better at work. Endorphins will reduce your stress and leave you feeling elated. What better all around panacea is there than an orgasm?

9. Sex improves overall well-being.

Sex isn’t just good for the belly, it’s good for your whole body. Your heart rate and blood pressure double, and a vigorous sex session can be the equivalent calorie burn of a strong power yoga class. Plus, orgasms induce the production of phenylethylamine. This brilliant compound increases happiness, confidence, focus AND curbs appetite.

10. It will ignite your confidence.

People who know what they want are attractive. Studies have shown that sex and meditation light up similar areas in the brain. The same benefits you’d expect to receive with meditation also come along with great sex: you feel in tune with yourself and the world around you, your inner guidance is strengthened, you feel calmer, more creative and able to tackle problems with a clear head.

All through an orgasm.

An orgasm a day, or at least several a week, not only can have miraculous health benefits, but it will also leave you smokin’ hot.

- By Kim Anami

About the Author: Kim Anami is a woman on a mission: to illuminate the direct and profound connection between ravishing sex and a thriving life. As a Life and Intimacy Coach, she has propelled thousands of people into higher stratospheres of intimacy, sensuality and creativity. With a spiritual synthesis of Taoism, Tantra, Transpersonal psychology, philosophy and two decades of coaching and workshop curation, plus an unapologetic penchant for luxury sex toys, she brings a unique fusion of wit, wisdom, and orgasmic inspiration. Her musings on love, life and sex have graced the pages of Playboy and radio and television programs with audiences ranging from 50K to 7 million. With a book out in 2013 and an array of digital programs, Kim’s bodacious empire is touching minds, hearts—and other areas—by the millions. Explore her exquisite retreats, salons and 1-on-1 offerings, at KimAnami.com.

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