> Great Genius Insights into Everything (63)


The Virtuous Woman as Spoken by the Wisest King

The Virtuous Woman as Spoken by the Wisest King

“An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, But she who shames him is like rottenness in his bones.”
- Proverbs 12:4 New American Standard Bible (©1995)

“A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband, but a wife who puts him to shame is like bone cancer.”
- Proverbs 12:4 International Standard Version (©2012)

“A diligent woman is a crown to her husband: and she that doth things worthy of confusion, is a rottenness in his bones.”
- Proverbs 12:4 Douay-Rheims Bible

Pulpit Commentary:

Such a wife poisons her husband’s life, deprives him of strength and vigour; though she is made “bone of his bones, and flesh of his flesh” (Genesis 2:23), far from being a helpmate for him, she saps his very existence. Septuagint, “As a worm in a tree, so an evil woman destroyeth a man.” Here again Siracides has much to say, “A wicked woman abateth the courage, maketh an heavy countenance and a wounded heart: a woman that will not comfort her husband in distress maketh weak hands and feeble knees” (Ecclus. 25:23).

Thus runs a Spanish maxim (Kelly, ‘Proverbs of All Nations’) -

“Him that has a good wife no evil in life
that may not be borne can befall;
Him that has a bad wife no good thing in life
that chance to, that good you may call.”

“Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.”
- Proverbs 31:10 King James Version

“Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life.”
- Proverbs 31:11 New Living Translation (©2007)

“Her husband has full confidence in her; as a result, he lacks nothing of value.”
- Proverbs 31:11 International Standard Version (©2012)

“She rewards him with good, not evil, all the days of her life.”
- Proverbs 31:12 Holman Christian Standard Bible (©2009)

“She will bring good to him—never evil— every day of her life.”
- Proverbs 31:12 International Standard Version (©2012)

She helps him and never harms him all the days of her life.
- Proverbs 31:12 GOD’S WORD® Translation (©1995)

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible:

She will do him good, and not evil… Or, repay good unto him, give him thanks for all the good things bestowed by him on her; will seek his interest, and promote his honour and glory to the uttermost; all the good works she does, which she is qualified for, and ready to perform, are all done in his name and strength, and with a view to his glory; nor will she do any evil willingly and knowingly against him, against his truths and ordinances; or that is detrimental to his honour, and prejudicial to his interest

“Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.”
- Proverbs 31:33 King James Version

“Her husband is well known; he sits among the leaders of the land.”
- Proverbs 31:33 International Standard Version (©2012)

“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”
- Proverbs 31:29 New International Version (©2011)

“Many women are capable, but you surpass them all!”
- Proverbs 31:29 Holman Christian Standard Bible (©2009)

“Many women have done wonderful things,” he says, “but you surpass all of them!”
- Proverbs 31:29 International Standard Version (©2012)

“While I was still searching but not finding– I found one upright man among a thousand, but not one upright woman among them all.”
- Ecclesiastes 7:28 New International Version (©2011)

“Though I have searched repeatedly, I have not found what I was looking for. Only one out of a thousand men is virtuous, but not one woman!”
- Ecclesiastes 7:28 New Living Translation (©2007)

“Which my soul continually searches for but does not find: among a thousand people I have found one true man, but among all these I have not found a true woman.”
- Ecclesiastes 7:28 Holman Christian Standard Bible (©2009)

“Among the things I seek but have not found: one man among a thousand I did find, but I have not found one woman to be wise among all these.”
- Ecclesiastes 7:28 International Standard Version (©2012)

Pulpit Commentary:

He found only one man among a thousand that reached his standard of excellence – the ideal that he had formed for himself, who could be rightly called by the noble name of man.

Not one woman in a thousand who was what a woman ought to be. Says the Son of Sirach, “All wickedness is but little to the wickedness of a woman; let the portion of a sinner fall upon her” (Ecclus. 25:19). So the Greek gnome -

“The sea, fire, and woman are three evils.”
- Greek Saying

“There is no thing wickeder than a woman of evil temper.”
- English Saying

Solomon had a thousand wives and concubines, and his experience might well have been that mentioned in this passage.


The Truth about Brainwashing and Possession

The Truth about Brainwashing and Possession

“It is, in fact, impossible for one consciousness to possess another. Each identity possesses an integrity that will not allow any affiliation of which it does not approve. Using an analogy, psychological antibodies are far more potent than physical ones. The self or identity quite literally closes its boundaries to any forces that do not follow its own purposes and intents. There are no exceptions.

This integrity allows the identity always to maintain its own pattern or mark, permitting within its peripheries only those affiliations that serve its unique purposes. In those terms, the self or identity cannot be defiled.

Here I would like to add a brief side note having to do with cases of apparent “brainwashing,” in times of war, for example. You form your own reality. Those captured in such encounters, therefore, are captured because they are already operating in a system of beliefs that does suit their greater purposes. This subject is highly complicated. But in any case, the so-called brainwashing suits the purposes of those so treated. This does not mean that no sympathy should be granted them. A really close examination of their conscious beliefs and purposes, however, would show an acquiescence and acceptance of such experience, and a need for it to occur.”

- SETH (The Afterdeath Journal of An American Philosopher)


Seven Traits of Highly Magical People

Seven Traits of Highly Magical People (By Carolyn Elliott)

1. You know you’re magic.

This is the big one. In their heart of hearts, everyone is magic. But most folks just don’t know it. It’s very sad, and it’s not their fault. They’ve had the awareness beaten out of them one way or another. Our society in general is very anti-magic.

Magic people always have a mission. And part of that mission is to help folks still stuck in the clay (that’s my way catchy of saying “folks still stuck in naive materialism and unaware of their innate magic-ness”) understand that magic is real and within them, too.

So basically, if you know you’re magic, you’re ahead of the game. Which means you don’t really need this article – but look, it’s the internet and we’re just having fun.

2. Synchronicities happen for you – a lot.

And they tend to speed up when you spend a lot of time on meditation, art, ritual, intentional movement or prayer. Sometimes these synchronicities are just cute or silly, but often they’re life-changing and dramatic.

The biggest synchronous thing that can happen to a magic person is to meet another magic person. Or a whole enclave of them. It’s thrilling. It’s overwhelming. It’s love.

When lots of synchronicities are going on, I like to say “the jewel net is moving.” Why?

Because we’re all jewels in an infinitely connected web of silken joy.  

And sometimes the net shifts and folds in on itself and we run smack into a whole bunch of other jewels. And it’s great.

3. You’re sensitive to seasons and lunar cycles.

The more magic you are (and remember, being magic is mainly a matter of… knowing that you’re magic!) the more the energies of light and the two big cosmic lamps in our region (the sun and moon) affect your business.

You might find that you can’t sleep on full moon nights (all that energy, so ramped up!) and that you go through epic mythopoetic cycles of emotional birth and death as spring turns to summer turns to fall turns to winter.

4. You have very vivid dreams.

Magic people have at least partially developed aetheric bodies. This means, at the very least, that one or more of their chakras (Rudolf Steiner liked to call them “lotus flowers”) are open and active.

Maybe you’re a magic person with a giant, pulsing, highly-empathic heart chakra. Or maybe your third eye is open and you have an easy time seeing the visionary fluid dance of all things.

At the highly developed end of the spectrum, magic people have fully-formed aetheric bodies that can freely navigate the astral planes.

But having your aetheric sense perceptions open, even a little bit, means that you can see more vividly in the nighttime dream world than others can. So, you got that goin’ for you. Which is nice.

5.  When you fall in love, it’s psychedelic.

Forget a loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou. When a magic person falls in love (very probably with another magic person), it’s more like a sheet of acid, a gallon of mushroom tea and thou. And I’m not saying that actual drugs are involved.

I’m saying that the intensity of dopamine and oxytocin rushes, in magic brains, tends to produce more than just sexy-cozy-attachment.

They tend to also unleash psychic perception (you can read your lover’s thoughts – like, for reals – not just “I was thinking of you!” “I knew you were thinking of me, baby. ‘Cause I was thinking of you!“), encounters with your lover in the nighttime dream world, ecstatic sex that ruptures the boundaries of your identity, and other fun stuff.

Also, be careful with all that. It can get hairy if your lover happens to be one of those not-really-very-stable-or-sane magic people. Of which there are quite a few.

Magic people fall in love and it’s all like, whoah.

6. You have an abundance of prana.

Or creative energy. Or genius, or whatever you want to call it.

Wilhelm Reich called it “orgone.” Kant called it “Geist.” Emerson called it “Soul.” Mezmer called it “animal magnetism.” It’s sexual energy which transmutes into different feeling-tones when centered in different chakras and channels in the body.

In other words – even though it’s sexual energy, your abundant prana doesn’t necessarily feel “sexy” (although it probably does in spring and summer). It might just feel buzz-y or space-y or urgently creative.

You get seized with the need to write that poem, plan that ritual, record that song, make those spicy ginger fudge brownies. It’s implacable.

Also, no matter what you look like, folks tell you that you’re “hot.” And they mean it. You are. You radiate the light and heat of the cosmos. You’re a star, you magic darling!

7. You love to spread the magic around.

Your chief motive for making art, cooking great food, tending your garden, whatever – isn’t to be rich or famous. Though that could be cool.

If you’re magic, your biggest motive is to spread the magic around, because you just can’t stand not doing it. The magic is so fun, so beautiful, so warm, so true.

This means that it drives you a little crazy when you can totally see the magic in someone, and they can’t see it in themselves.

It drives you maybe even more crazy when you can totally see the magic in the world, and the world at large seems to not tenderly care for and appreciate its own magic.

So, you put effort everyday into doing stuff that increases the sum-total of magic and wonder and joy and love and delight in the world.

You turn up the volume on everything gorgeous so it can’t be ignored.

In conclusion,

You’re magic and I am too, and I love you.

Carolyn Elliott really digs metta meditation and weird poetry. She’s the author of Awaken Your Genius: a 7 step guide to uncovering your creativity, which will appear next fall from North Atlantic Books / Evolver Editions.  She blogs over at Awesome Your Life, and facilitates a Facebook Group (which you’re welcome to join) called The Dreamer’s Tantra, devoted to dreaming ourselves awake.

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