> Great Genius Insights into Everything (62)


Identify Your Perfect Life in Great Detail

Identify Your Perfect Life in Great Detail

Step #1: Identify your perfect life in great detail.

Step #2: Write down the list of things that your perfect life would comprise of. (For example, no more commuting to work, no boss, no employees, only working from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., sleeping until noon every day, living in a five-bedroom house with deluxe décor, owning a huge home-office complete with a private beach, shopping with your wife at a high-end mall twice a week, donating $10,000 a month to the Children’s Society, earning a monthly income of $100,000 after taxes, driving a brand-new BMW 7 series, and so on.)

Step #3: Picture what each item would look like if you were an outside observer, watching yourself living or performing the items on your perfect-lifestyle list. See and envision each thing in great detail as if you were in a movie and others were watching that movie of you.

Step #4: Constantly see the movie of your perfect life in your mind’s eye or in, as Dr. Maltz (author of Psycho Cybernetics) calls it, the Theatre Of Your Mind over and over again.

It’s actually daydreaming with a specific purpose.

- Fabian Lim (Click! Work Anytime, Live Anywhere)

“What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. MARK 11:24. Reread this passage and pay close attention to the difference in tenses. The verbs believe and receive are in the present, but the verb shall have is in the future. The inspired writer is telling us something of the greatest importance by this seemingly minor difference in the grammar of the sentence. If we believe and accept as true the fact that our desire has already been accomplished and fulfilled, that it is already completed, then its realization will follow as a thing in the future. The success of this technique relies on the confident conviction that the thought, the idea, the picture is already fact in mind. In order for anything to have substance in the realm of mind, it must be thought of as actually existing.”

- The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (Joseph Murphy)


The Value Creation of Paid vs Free Information

The Value Creation of Paid vs Free Information

“Some people still think that information should be free and do not see the reason of paying for it. Well, there is a need to educate them, because when there is a greater and greater market of people willing to pay for information, the world would progress more and more rapidly. There are reasons why it is good to charge money for information, and why it is worth paying for it. When people charge money for the information they provide, it increases their livelihood and they can live better lives. They would be able to commit their time, energy and drive to being a “knowledge worker”. They can be involved full-time in the researching of information, refining of information, organization of information, presentation of information and marketing of information. This is why in the end you get better quality information products.

Free isn’t entirely free, it costs you something. Either it costs you in the lowering of quality because the information provider cannot commit to working on it full-time, of it costs the world in terms of less promotion and efficient delivery and therefore a whole lot less people get to hear about it or have it in their hands. Therefore when something does not cost you money, it may cost you in other areas of drawback. But the good news is when it costs you money, it gives you greater gain as well. This means that on the overall when people are willing to give and receive in terms of money and product, everyone wins and more value is created as a result. When you pay for information, you are actually paying for the person to do a better job in creating, researching and giving you that information, you are paying for that information to be marketed so that you would come to know about it easily, and you are paying for that information to be better presented and delivered to you.

Do you see how much good work you are funding for when you pay for something of value such as information? There is labor cost, advertising cost, delivery cost and other miscellaneous costs, all of which are significant. The more people are able to consciously recognize the value of things, and the way money works and how much good it does in paying for quality things rather then to just expect everything to be free, the more buyers there would be for good work, and the easier job the providers have in selling, and the lower the amount they can charge because of increase in volume, and the lower the prices of things, and the greater the amount of quality things being distributed, and everybody wins as money circulates.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

“Only the ones who charge money can do what they do and offer value best. Money doesn’t come from the sky. It comes from offering value in exchange for it. All who expect value to be given for free are beggars. And all who give value away for free completely are fools. Neither will ever know the Truth.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

“When I had my “Spirit Herbs “Clinic and Herb store, it was the hardest to learn, to charge people when they did not feel good, what I also observed that people who had no problem to be charged, they healed miraculously and others had hard time to grow.”

- Eva Gaspar (Facebook Comment, 6 Feb 2014)


Imagination Creates Preshapes for Physical Reality

Imagination Creates Preshapes for Physical Reality

“Dream images therefore impress space-time too lightly for your waking neurological perception, and the objective field is filled with shapes impressed upon it by thought; but not strongly enough to be actualized. Such dream impressions do serve, however, as initial imprints, which incline the objective medium to take certain patterns over others, and serve to “prepare the ground” for later physical manifestation. Dream images and imaginative acts then prepare the way for physical ones, impressing large areas in general preshapes which are later “filled in.

It is as if the mind makes preliminary test patterns that are projections in space-time, but in a ghostly fashion. These dream images, however, are laid upon initial fields of probabilities which are characteristics of the physical medium itself. Thusly, certain images will “take” better than others fitting within probability boundaries more easily, and possessing more of the many prerequisite conditions necessary for a fully materialized object or experienced event. Other such images will scarcely make any impression at all.”

“The objective field, then, is a medium with the propensity for leaning toward objectivity; it accepts mental stimuli which imprint it – stamp it – and form it into the habitual grooves of nature’s shapes. It is manipulatable, gelatin-like, and composed of inclinations toward probable patterns upon which specifics ride.

All of this sounds quite dry, yet the intensity of emotions, desires, and intents everywhere rules, and is the primary consideration in the stiffening of probabilities into perceived events. Emotional states are characteristic of all consciousness. “States of feeling,” perhaps, explains better what I mean, for I am not presuming that a rock loves or hates, but that each physical object is “alive,’ filled with consciousness, and having states of feeling. These states attract certain impressions or imprints and repel others.”

- William James (The Afterdeath Journal of An American Philosopher)

“Everything around you exists as part of the Universal Mind, also called God/All-That-Is. The Universal Mind is unmanifest essence, the substance out of which all physical form is created. You are part of this Infinite Intelligence. This Higher Intelligence exists in perfection and perfectly creates your thoughts, beliefs, and inner pictures as the world you experience around you. You can learn to tap into this Higher Mind and draw to you unlimited health, abundance, new ideas, knowledge, and anything else you want.

The Universal Mind is perfection. It perfectly creates what you think about. How can you best use your connection to this vast, all-powerful force? Think about what you want rather than what you don’t want, for the Universal Mind creates whatever you think about. Focus steadily on your visions, hopes, dreams, and goals, and intend to have them.

Learn how to do “energy work” before taking action for the best results.

How do you connect with the Universal Mind and use this connection to create what you want? You are always linked with the Universal Mind, for It creates whatever you think about. You can learn to consciously link with the Universal Mind by doing what I will call “energy work” before you take physical action to create what you want.

Energy work involves using thought, imagination, and visualization before you take action. Energy work uses the power of light, magnetism, and your link with the higher dimensions to create results.

You can do energy work by using your imagination to turn what you want into patterns, colors, symbols, or a feeling-sense. You do energy work by then imagining the pattern to be more beautiful, open, and harmonious. As you mentally picture and play with the image of what you want to create you are working with it as energy.

Before you do energy work, first concentrate on the results you want to create. Then, imagine your mental aura as a gridwork of light, extending straight upward. The higher it goes, the finer the gridwork becomes. Some people picture this gridwork as a screen whose mesh grows finer the higher it reaches. Others see it as a fabric of woven light, imagining the weave to be closer and finer in the higher dimensions.

Send your awareness upward through this gridwork and imagine that you are linking with the higher aspects of the Universal Mind. Imagine you are meeting with what you want to create in its energy state, and mentally work with whatever image comes into your mind to make it more beautiful. When it feels good as energy, you can “draw” it into your reality by imagining you are turning this energy into subatomic particles of light that you harmonize with and bring into your being. You can learn to do this within seconds, and doing this can create amazing and rapid results.

When you work with energy it may feel as if you are “making it up.” You can create real results by imagining you are working with the energy of what you want to create.”

- ORIN (Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self)

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