> Great Genius Insights into Everything (60)


Why Everyone Will Have to Become an Entrepreneur (Infographic)

Why Everyone Will Have to Become an Entrepreneur (Infographic)


The Four Horsemen and the Four Faces of God

The Four Horsemen and the Four Faces of God

“One of the weapons of the enemy is the weapon of force. But the enemy has been disarmed from that weapon since the Bible says that Christ has take out of the way the handwriting of requirements which is the law by nailing it to the cross, and having disarmed principalities and powers, he made a spectacle of them openly (He did not nullify the law but fulfilled it in our place and disarmed it from being used against us by the devil). The devil has lost his weapon of force, but he still uses his other weapon which is the weapon of fear. He has lost his teeth, but he has not lost his roar. A lion with teeth does not need to go around roaring at its prey. It simply goes in for the kill. If one is able to overcome the roar, one is rendered undevourable. Being untouchable by both force and fear makes one truly invincible. Remember that all physical force can only happen when metaphysical force is successful. If one’s metaphysical force is strong enough to repel all other metaphysical forces, the enemy can’t even get through with physical force. When one is able to use force, one does not need to use fear. Force is a higher weapon than fear. But what is even higher than force is the weapon of deception. Deception is not really a weapon but yet it can be considered the only true weapon. Lack of awareness is what enables the enemy to use force and fear effectively on you. All of these finally leads to death.

The devil’s four weapons and their order are represented by the four horsemen in the Bible. The white horse represents deception of false doctrine. This is not the white horse Jesus sits upon. It is the white horse that the Anti-Christ sits upon. The devil pretends to speak the truth but is actually false light. The red horse represents force of warfare and violence. The black horse represents fear, lack and limitation. The pale horse represents death, sickness and destruction. The answer to the four horsemen is the four faces of Jesus or God. The face of the lion repels the white horse by the fire of truth against lies and ignorance. The Face of an Ox is the servant-hood of the Holy Spirit which neutralizes the effects of war and strife against your life. The Face of a Man represents the Sheppard who provides for His Sheep to counter the lack and famine of the world. The Sheppard also has a rod to drive off the enemies and a staff to guide you in safety so that you shall fear no evil. The face of the eagle represents having a divine perspective of the life of God that negates all forms of death and sicknesses, loss and even destruction. In the path of the righteous, there is no death. Death is the final enemy to be destroyed because death is the lingering effect.

The devil’s first weapon is deception, followed by the rest. The first weapon must work before the other weapons can work. If one overcomes at the first level, one overcomes at all levels. This is why awareness is the key, and intelligence is the most important thing in the universe. Awareness is power, and if you have full awareness, you are omnipotent. Where there are no weak spots, the enemy is always trying to create a weak spot from time to time. That is why you have to remain aware of when you are weaker in any of the areas whether it is force, fear or death/disease/loss.

Each time the enemy attempts to weaken you in an area, it is an opportunity for you to strengthen yourself in that area. The enemy is taking a big gamble against you where they usually have a higher probability of winning, but if you win, they lose big. Of course in the overall, the odds are greatly stacked against them where they would ultimately lose to you, but they still have a chance of winning, which is the reason why they even fight in the first place. Therefore their strategy tends to target the masses where they would be able to amass many small victories, and to target the powerful ones less. That is why awareness a defense.

The Bible says that knowledge is a defense. The more aware you are, the more you are usually left in peace. And if the enemy decides to attack, it is a situation where you can gain a lot if you win, and cause them to lose a lot on the overall as well. Be sober and vigilant. Cast your cares upon the Lord to overcome the weapon of fear. Be aware of the truth in all areas of force, fear and death. This puts you above all weapons and makes you a force not to be trifled with. Your weapons and defenses are superior, and you don’t even have to fight because you are not in conflict with yourself. You have become one pointed and complete. This is all power, all freedom and all abundance.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

“The Bible has Four Horsemen and the Lord riding upon a Cherub emerging from Eternity and invading Time to bring the Apocalypse or the Revelation of the End of Time (duality) and the beginning of Eternity (Oneness). In the Bible, the Lord is depicted as riding a Chariot/Cherub or sitting upon a Throne with an Anointed Cherub that covers. We know that the Anointed Cherub fell and became the Devil, while the Lord Himself is also called the Angel of the LORD. He has come to reconcile all things unto Himself, whether they are things in earth, or things in heaven. The Four Horsemen are controlled by the Devil/Chariot Rider. The White Horse represents Conquest with False Spiritual Teachings. The Black Horse Represents Famine of Financial Collapses. The Red Horse represents War with Violence and Force. The Pale Horse represents Death of Virus and Epidemics. But no matter what the Devil does, it is still serving the purpose of God, and Jesus is on the throne and in control. The Bible goes one step further and talks about the Four Faces of Jesus/God: The Face of a Lion represents the roaring of Truth against the lies of the Devil. The Face of an Ox is the servant-hood of the Holy Spirit which neutralizes the effects of war and strife against your life. The Face of a Man represents the Sheppard who provides for His Sheep to counter the lack and famine of the world. The Face of an Eagle represents victory over death and diseases with Healing in the Wings of Jesus and His Resurrection Life and Power.”

- Enoch Mind Reality


Why A Resource Based Economy is So Foolish

Why A Resource Based Economy is So Foolish

“Most people are not able to see things as it is. Only few can recognize the truth. The Venus Project is an illusion. A resource based economy is going backwards. Star Trek is going backwards. Money and capitalism are tools that move society forwards. Even though the tools can be abused, it does not invalidate them. There is a lot of foolish thinking and false enlightenment in the New Age. The truth is always a blend between the new and the old. There are a lot of things about a resourced based economy in the Venus Project that would fail that have been overlooked. There are many people who do not understand the true nature of money. The truly enlightened possess the mentality of the Elite and beyond. Many try to “skip” that level and therefore their understanding is full of holes.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

Why the Venus Project is so stupid

“A lot of people seem to have trouble grasping how dumb a resource based economy is…

They’ve so far totally avoided the implementation side of the VP (Venus Project) but never run out of vigor when telling people how evil money is.

Anything that is bartered for is considered money…

But my main point why the Venus Project is soooooooooooooo dumb is that it completely stalls innovation of resources…What’s this you ask? Let me explain…

A resource is never a resource until after a human has the inspiration to create something useful out of it. Only then does it become valuable. In effect, the real resource is human creativity. This is precious and should be encouraged and never put in second place.

Yet in a resource economy inspiration is put behind already currently known resources. Once the individual creates a new thing of value then the computers will have to adjust the new resource to be able to equally divide it between the people. Not only will this hamper creativity but also deprive the creative individual with the reward he deserves for his innovation.

This is just one of so many flaws…”

- Chris

“A resource based economy isn’t above a monetary based society…It is a monetary based society, it’s just that they have changed the word cash for resource.”

- Chris

“My theory compares how people would react in each society from how they have reacted to like societies in the past… How come people assume that in the Venus Project people are going to be all loving and giving? While everyone who wants a free market system are greedy savages? It’s not going to be like that at all… You’re going to get both good and bad.

It’s just Marxism 2.0…Some people are wondering why some of us here are so against it…Well it’s not because we are party poopers or anything…It’s because we know how communism was brought in…It’s exactly the same…”

- Chris

“My ideal society a system should be based upon….Common law… Who knows how a society will look if ‘common law’ became law…It might go hyper hi-tech, it might go very spiritual, most likely, it will be a lot of things because it caters for the individual and everyone can pursue their own objectives.”

- Chris

Source: http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=40424

“Instead of going for a resource based economy which is actually going back to primitive civilization, we should go for enlightened capitalism instead. Evolution works through indirection: It creates a capability and then uses that capability to evolve to the next stage. Humanity has created money as a tool, and it is meant to use that tool to help it progress and advance further and not discard it. Money is a tool that helps accelerate progress and should be used. Enlightened use of money is the key.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

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