> Great Genius Insights into Everything (53)


Twin Flame Runner and Chaser

Twin Flame Runner and Chaser

The Runner and the Chaser are the roles that twin flames take after the previous part of this phase of the relationship.

The Arguments and Fights cause a lot of confusion between twin flames as they are usually not spiritually enlightened and don’t consciously know what is happening.
These arguments, in reality, have a deep meaning and benefit both partners… As explained “”

But now the conscious mind doesn’t understand all this… and so, the running and the chasing begins…

One of the Twin flames, usually the man, becomes ‘The Runner’.

The Runner tries to escape all the confusion by running away from the twin flame relationship…
He does that because he feels that he ” just can’t take it “.
If you ask the runner, he won’t have any specific reason for running. He just doesn’t know what’s happening, feels like he’s losing control of himself and just feels kind of irritated for no reason. He hasn’t been through anything similar ever before and doesn’t know what to do.
So, as a sort of a natural defence mechanism, the mind tells him to run. And so he does.
He tries to avoid the twin flame, and might suddenly end the relationship in a very abrupt manner.

The other twin flame, usually the woman, now takes the role of ‘The Chaser’
She gets deeply hurt and shocked by the unexpected behaviour of the Runner, and tries to ‘get him back’
The Chaser is driven by the inner knowing that everything will be all right at some point.
She tries to get the runner to resolve the issues and does all that she possibly can.
The Chaser also gets very confused and might act in a way that seems almost ‘crazy’…
She fears losing him (because she already has in many previous lives ), is deeply hurt already, and she’s also feeling the twin flame love which is as deep as love can get, really…
This creates an emotional chaos which gets very overwhelming for the Chaser.
She also has no idea what is happening and all she wants is to get the runner back. So she starts chasing him…

This chasing only makes the runner run more…
The Chaser then comes to an extremely painful point where she shatters completely and has no idea where to go.
That’s when the Spiritual truth begins to unfold.

The Chaser starts looking for information about what has happened because she knows its not something that can be considered ‘normal’.
And that ultimately leads to enlightenment.

Then comes the waiting period for the Chaser. That’s when the Runner is still running and the Chaser has realized the reality of this Sacred relationship.
The Chaser has to wait for the runner to come back.
That, considering the emotional state of the Chaser at this point and the depth of Love that she feels, is very hard to do.
The Chaser might try to make the runner realize what’s happening now, or might just wait for him to realize it on his own (that’s if they are completely out of touch or if the runner is not willing to talk or listen)

The runner keeps running and tries to move on in life (which can, sadly, go on for years)… but ultimately realizes that the twin flame IS his life
The runners enlightenment happens when he receives a ‘soul-shock’ when the Chaser finally gives up and, in a way, walks out of his life.
[OR it can happen naturally over time]

That’s when both of them Reunite after having realized the Spiritual reality and that’s where their ‘Happily ever After’ begins…

Source: http://theeternalbliss.wordpress.com/2011/10/02/the-runner-and-the-chaser/


Phases of a Twin Flame Relationship

Phases of a Twin Flame Relationship

A Twin flame relationship is not all ‘perfect’, as one might expect, especially in the beginning (usually a few years).

After reading or hearing about twin flames and their perfectly balanced energies, many people think it would be like a fairytale, the you-find-your-twin-flame-and-live-happily-ever-after kind of thing.

It is not.

It is a perfect relationship, but it needs some work from both the partners.

After having been separated from each other literally millions of years ago, both twin flames (of all souls) went through a lot of pain and suffering… and gathered negative emotions in the process.

These take a while to get sorted. And this can be difficult at times.
But you’ll get through it…
Love will take you there…
And then the world is your canvas and you’re the painters…
Together, in love, harmony, in Eternal Bliss.

There are, as I see It, Five main phases of a twin flame relationship.
Everyone understands the twin flame relationship differently… and there are no clear timelines or specific periods for any of these phases.
Each differs for every twin flame couple.
I’m giving you this information so that you can understand this relationship better.
There are no rules. And there is no One-size-fits-all in a Twin flame relationship.
Each relationship will be unique, just like each couple.

Having said that,
Here are the Four main phases that usually resonate with all twin flames in some way.

Phase One – The Preparation

This phase comes BEFORE you meet your twin flame.
But I’m counting it as one of the phases as It is very much a part of your Twin flame relationship.
What happens in this phase -

- Karmic Relationships
There are one or few seriously devastating relationships. These begin with strong emotions and end painfully. These are called Karmic relationships.

– Emptiness and Strong desire for ‘The One’
After you’ve been through the Karmic relationships, you’ll have a very deep yearning or desire to find ‘The One’.
At this point you will desire meeting your perfect love, whose image you will carry in your imagination (or in some cases in Dreams).
This Image is of your Twin flame, although you probably won’t realize it at this point.
This happens because your soul knows your Twin flame is coming!

Phase Two – The Meeting – A Glimpse of Heaven

This is the phase when you meet your twin flame for the first time (in this incarnation).
You might try to resist at this point but you will fall for him/her anyway.
Then comes a short period of ‘perfection’.
This is what I like to call A Glimpse of Heaven
What happens In this Phase -

- The first meeting
You’ll meet your twin flame in unusual circumstances or at some unexpected place.
[A place where you would not expect meeting your life partner/soulmate]
You’ll find this person somehow ‘special’ at this point. Even though you might not even think of them as a partner.

– The initial attraction
You’ll soon find yourself being attracted to your twin flame.
You might not be ready for a relationship (because of the karmic relationships that you’ve been through) and so you might try to resist this attraction.
You’ll fall anyway. Deeply in love.

– A short period of the most ‘Perfect’ relationship that you’ve ever experienced.
After the initial attraction, You’ll find yourself in a deeply romantic relationship.
It will seem perfect in every possible way.
You’ll find all that you want in your partner and much more.

This is what the Twin flame relationship is actually supposed to be like.
And this is what it becomes (if not better) after you get through the problems that surface in the next phase.
This short period makes you aware of the perfection of yourself and your twin flame and brings back the memories that were always deep within you. This makes you want to go through the next phase (which is a little tough).
It’s like a trailer for what your relationship is going to be in phase four, after the reunion.

Phase three – The Dance – Resolving what is known as the Karma

This is the tough one.

It starts after you’ve been in a relationship with your twin flame for a while.
In this phase, all the accumulated negativity and lower emotions come to surface.
This seems difficult to go through at the human level,
but it is actually a truly divine process in which the Twin flames get deeply cleansed with each other’s help.
This lets them achieve higher energy levels so that they can ascend in bliss together.
This is also the phase where both twin flames get spiritually enlightened…
This is when they search and find the spiritual reality.
If you’re currently in a Twin flame relationship, you’re probably in this phase (As This is the period of time when you usually begin finding information on this).

What Happens in this Phase -

– Arguments / Fights
This phase brings many arguments and fights.
This happens because the negativity that each partner is carrying within (usually at a subconscious level) comes to surface.
The twin flame will reflect this like a mirror and so you’ll think it’s in them, when in reality its in you.
This begins the deep cleansing process.

- The blame game
Each twin flame sees their own negativity and clutter in their twin flame.
Also, deep seated fears and frustrations surface.
So you think Its happening because of the other and start blaming each other.
You consciously might not realize it but this is clearing all your clutter which is a good thing.

– The Runner and the Chaser
The arguments and the Blaming causes a lot of confusion (because usually the spiritual process is not understood by the conscious mind, as we are conditioned to trust logic more that feeling)

One twin flame, at this point, takes the role of the ‘Runner’ (which is usually the man)
The Runner tries to avoid the partner and runaway from the relationship.
This happens because the runner doesn’t consciously know what is going on and feels like he’s losing control.

The other twin flame, now, becomes what I call the ‘Chaser’ (usually the woman)
The Chaser is spiritually more aware than the runner at some level and tries to ‘chase’ or ‘run after’ the runner.
The chaser usually wants some sort of commitment at this point. This happens as the chaser subconsciously or consciously wants to get over with this tough phase so that both of them can reunite.

The Chaser is deeply shocked and hurt by the ‘running’ and unexpected behavior of the Runner.
This is when they feel the need to understand what really is happening and so they start searching or reading about it.
This usually leads to the enlightenment of the Chaser.

The Runner becomes spiritually enlightened too, either through the chaser’s conscious effort, or by receiving a ‘Soul Shock’ when the Chaser gives up and goes away from the Runner Twin flame.

The Phase gets stretched longer the more the Runner runs.
Ultimately, the runner does return and the Karma is finally fully resolved.

Phase Four – The Reunion

This is the phase of the reunion.
This is when the split soul becomes One again.
This happens first at the level of the soul and then in the physical plane (Yes, that’s when you get married, unless, as in rare cases your physical reunion is not a part of the plan)
The reunion happens when both the partners are fully aware of the spiritual reality.

Phase Five – Eternal Bliss – Being LOVE

This is the ‘Happily Ever After’ Phase.

Both Twin flames will be fully spiritually aware and enlightened at this time.
There is perfect love and harmony.
The twin flames now enjoy their Sacred love and Intimacy,
and have the power to create whatever they can imagine…

The world truly becomes their canvas… And they paint it with the colors of Love.

At the end of their journey on Earth, They ascend together…
And go on to experience more…
just like they always have…
In other worlds and other planets… In this universe and beyond…
Together, In love, joy, and Peace
Together, In Eternal Bliss…

Source: http://theeternalbliss.wordpress.com/2011/10/01/phases-of-a-twinflame-relationship/


The Signs of A Twin Flame

The Signs of A Twin Flame

Overwhelming Love and Attraction
A deep and very overwhelming sense of love and attraction is felt.
You just cannot resist your Twin flame… They attract you like a magnet.
The Love felt is so deep that you might have never even known you could possibly love someone so much.

Sense of Completion
You feel a sense of ‘being complete’. This is not something that can be described in words… You just feel like you’ve found something that was always missing but you might have not realized what.
It feels like there is nothing else in the world that you require apart from being with your Twin flame.

A Deep Connection
You feel like your hearts are literally connected with each other always (because they really are!) .
You can actually ‘feel’ your twin flames touch from miles away and ‘hear’ their voice even when they aren’t really talking…
You can read each other’s mind and complete each other’s sentences (even before they begin).
You know what your Twin flame will say or do in a specific situation and can predict their behavior.
You feel like you’ve known him/her forever even if you’ve just met a few weeks or months back.
You can totally confide in your twin flame and share anything and everything…

You Compliment Each Other Perfectly
Your talents are complimentary… If you’re good at speaking for example, you twin flame will be good at writing or listening.
The lessons that you’ve learnt and your experiences and the knowledge that you have is also complimentary (For example, If you know how to make music your twin flame might be a good singer)
Your basic nature will also be similar yet complimentary (for example, If you’re sort of emotional your twin flame might be very practical).

Your actions and words seem sort of ‘synchronized’
Both of you might say the same thing at the same time often.
You might both send a message or call each other at the same exact moment.

Major changes in Life
Twin flames deeply affect your life in a positive way.
You’ll find that there have been major changes in you or in your life since you’ve met your Twin flame.
Your nature might change so much that you actually feel like a different person. Twin flames bring out the real self in us. They make you more of your actual self.
Harmful habits (like smoking or drinking or gambling or anything else that is harmful for you in any way) might disappear completely.
Your life in general becomes much better than ever before…

Similar Taste and Choice
Your taste in things like Food, Fashion or Decor, Music and Art might be very similar.

There will be little things that will make you feel like ‘It’s just meant to be’
The entire universe will seem to be giving you signals and trying to bring the two of you together (That’s because it actually is…)
Occurrences and events that might not seem to make much sense to your logical mind will seem to ‘feel’ like they’re telling you something…

Strong Sense of Sacredness
Your Love for you Twin flame feels truly divine and Sacred… like a devotee’s love for God
The Intimacy also feels sacred… In a way that you might have never thought could be possible…
Sacredness is felt in every moment that you’re with your twin flame… no matter what you’re doing.

A Feeling of Eternal Togetherness
You just know deep inside that the two of you will be together even after you’ve passed in this life.

Time Loses Meaning
There is no sense of time when you’re together. It becomes non-existent.
You can go on and on and on for hours when you’re talking.
You might find yourself being together for hours and it feels like a few minutes. Time passes very quickly when you’re with your Twin flame.

Life Becomes Meaningful
When you meet your Twin flame, you get a very strong feeling that ‘This is IT’.
You feel that this is all that you need and This is what you have always been looking for…
Your Twin flame brings a new meaning and joy to life… something that’s really worth living for!

Source: http://theeternalbliss.wordpress.com/2011/10/02/the-signs-of-a-twinflame/

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