> Great Genius Insights into Everything (49)


Religion is Devised to Keep You Miserable and Compliant

Religion is Devised to Keep You Miserable and Compliant

“Religion is devised by the religious con-artists to keep you miserable, obedient, subservient and compliant. One of the best ways of achieving this is to make you feel guilty about any action which gives you pleasure – and that is precisely what the church has done throughout the centuries. It is a brilliant strategy!

Early priests realized that they could only control the masses when they were in church. Out of church, the effects of the illusion quickly wore off, and people returned to living normal, happy and well-adjusted lives. But what do people do given half a chance? Why, they indulge in things which bring them pleasure! This is, after all, one of the fun parts about being alive. So if people naturally gravitate towards having fun and enjoying life, then what a brilliantly diabolical scheme it is to brand everything which is enjoyable as ‘evil’, ‘sinful’, ‘corrupt’ and against the ‘law of God’! The more you think about it, the more fiendish it seems. For in this way, the priests can control the flock when they are out of church. After all, how on earth can you control the sheep if they are diverted from your control by indulging themselves in pleasurable pursuits??

Every conceivable human act which gives joy and pleasure has been systematically branded as wicked, evil and the Devil’s work.

Being made to feel guilty for having natural, joyous thoughts, or performing enjoyable physical acts ensures that the ‘priesthood’ are able to control you even when you are not at church. This is a highly effective method of thought control, and is, of course, based upon the weapon of lies.”

- Inner Circle Philosophy (Stuart Goldsmith)


How the Media Manipulates Mass Perception of Reality

How the Media Manipulates Mass Perception of Reality

“We truly do live in an environment in which information is power, which means that information is also money. A great many companies are now dedicated purely to accumulating, processing and selling information, and this situation is increasing almost exponentially. The more channels there are available for the distribution of information (cable TV, satellite TV, video, new FM radio channels, etc. etc.) then the more companies proliferate to exploit the desire of the sheep for all this information. The companies gather it, and sell it to the sheep. It’s that simple. I am not talking about advertising here.

The operators of the media scam attempt to con values from you under false pretences. The values they seek are primarily money, and secondarily influence (= power) over the masses. They are con-artists because they are often not ‘up front’ about their motives. Instead, the media masquerade as altruistic champions of the people, fighting the corner for their readers/viewers and facing every danger selflessly to bring the latest important news story from far-flung corners of the globe.

The pay-off for the media is money, power and influence. The pay-off for the sheep is the rather sad and pathetic belief that they actually know what is going on around the world – when they don’t; and a feeling that, because they understand the ‘latest issues’, they have personal power – which they don’t.

The media operate by selectively presenting you with edited snippets of world news. These snippets are the pieces which they believe you will be most interested in. And most of the time, they are selected purely for their degree of sensationalism.

Using these ‘news’ items, the media attempt to manipulate your emotions in order to get you to feel what they think you should feel. They also offer opinions which they attempt to get you to subscribe to. Even up-market newspapers present an extremely narrow cross-section of current world news. A few stories are selected from thousands of possible stories by the editor. His or her job is to present you with a version of reality which he or she thinks you will find most acceptable. By ‘acceptable’ I mean that you will be willing to pay good money to purchase this particular version of reality. The sheep then scramble to purchase the particular fantasy which most concurs with their own fantasy.”

- Inner Circle Philosophy (Stuart Goldsmith)

“The first thing you must realize is that newspapers exist to make lots and lots of money for their owners. That’s it. This is the only reason they exist. Dismiss from your mind any notion that newspapers exist as any kind of public-spirited information service which altruistically keeps the citizens informed of the latest world events!

How do newspapers make their money? They make their money through selling advertising space in the newspaper. They also make money on the ‘cover price’ of the paper or magazine. Television makes money through selling advertising space. This is their prime concern – how to sell as much top-priced advertising as possible.

From this, it follows that the bigger the circulation of your newspaper/magazine, or the more people who watch your TV program (and hence the adverts during the commercial breaks), the more you can charge for advertising. Indeed, this is exactly the case. The amount you pay for advertising is directly related to the number of potential punters you are going to reach. This means that the publications are forever striving to increase their circulation.”

- Inner Circle Philosophy (Stuart Goldsmith)

“You do not need to fight against the media. You can become the media. Use ways and means to communicate your truths to the world.”
- Enoch Mind Reality


How Charities Cause More Problems than they solve

How Charities Cause More Problems than they solve

“Is the Initiate cold, unfeeling, careless of the starving millions? No. He feels as much as the next person – except that his feelings are genuine because they do not spring from a need for approval, or guilt, or worry, or fear. In fact it might be worth, at this point, stating the Initiate’s feelings on a particular issue, e.g. the ‘starving millions’ in (let’s say) Sudan.

His thoughts are likely to be as follows:

1. There are hundreds of thousands of causes’ clamoring for his attention. Everything from wheelchairs for the disabled Ping-Pong team, to the Maori legal fighting fund. The list is almost endless. If he were to start naming these charities at top speed, it would take over two months just to get through the list of names – by which time a hundred new ones will have been formed. Note I am saying nothing whatsoever about the worthiness of these charities.

2. His time and funds are limited. If he gave one hundredth of one penny to each of them he would be bankrupt.

3. It therefore follows that he must strictly limit any charitable giving – preferably to zero!

4. He is not able to be manipulated by the latest media story, or the church making him feel guilty, or any of the con-artists using any of the eight weapons.

5. He is totally guilt-free, and would not feel guilty even if he never gave a penny to any of them – which he rarely does.

6. He recognizes that most charities are limitless sinks of funds and effort. Almost regardless of how many billions are poured in, the problems remain. In fact aid very often causes far more problems than it solves. This is an unpleasant truth to those who seek to absolve their guilt by limited charity.

7. Finally and vitally: if an Initiate decides that he will focus his considerable personal power on a (usually very local) charity, then he moves into the task with tremendous power, and things really start to happen. I’m not talking about a $75 conscience check.

However, let me remind you that the Initiate’s policy of non-interference in the lives of others means that he rarely becomes involved in conventional charitable works. The reason is, as I have said before, that one can rarely predict the consequences of a so-called ‘good’ act, and ‘good intentions’ are simply not enough of an excuse for wholesale interference into the lives of others.”

- Inner Circle Philosophy (Stuart Goldsmith)

Harmful Charity

“Let me give you an example of pointless charity – of which there are many thousands.

Recently there was a massive crop failure for the third year running in Sudan, and the people faced starvation again. The reason that they are starving is because they are struggling to survive on unworkable, worn-out land. A situation which will not improve, only deteriorate.

Massive aid was flown into the desert. Millions of gallons of drinking water were trucked in. The whole thing was being paid for by millions of little $75 conscience checks from nice, affluent, middle-class people buying themselves some smug satisfaction. Of course, lives were saved in the short-term, but these aid centers act like magnets to hundreds of thousands of people living in outlying districts.

These people from other districts are not actually starving, but they are not having too good a time either. So these people from the outlying districts (not the starvation zone) see these aid centers as really great places for a free handout to make life a little easier. Unfortunately, this has had the effect of displacing over one million people from their homes in outlying regions, and attracting them in to an already hopelessly overpopulated and worn-out region.

This ensures that the death-rate multiplies horribly in successive years when the fuss dies down and the aid workers (and camera crews) leave for the next ‘hot’ story.
This is an oversimplified example, but the basic message is beware meddling in things about which you know nothing. It is arrogant and dangerous. The motivation is simply one of salving your conscience and justifying the retention of the bulk of your wealth.”

- Inner Circle Philosophy (Stuart Goldsmith)

“My friend started a charity, a pet food pantry. It was for people who were affected by the economy who lost their jobs. A lot of people had to bring their pets to the shelters because they couldn’t even afford to feed them so she’d get places like Wal-Mart to donate food & supplies & she would give people 2 weeks worth of food, & they would have to get the rest themselves. She realized after a while that she was getting people in who were using her (saying they had more pets than they actually did because she’d give them more food so they wouldn’t have to buy any themselves, etc), but she knew that she was also helping people who really needed it. So she left it up to the people to do the right thing or not. Use the honor system. Eventually she couldn’t do it anymore because too many people from other towns were coming, she would have new people coming in every month & places stopped donating but she still will go out & buy pet food for a few really needy people. She is a remarkable woman. I admire generosity & compassion. There isn’t enough of it.”

- Annie Strickland (Facebook Comment) (12 September 2013)

“The Apostle Paul uses his commercial business to finance his own ministry for spiritual work. Everyone should focus on giving to the area of life changing work that they are directly involved themselves. This is how they can have maximum control, efficiency, awareness and responsibility in the good that they intend to do.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

“FCC will try and use guilt to manipulate you into handing over your hard-earned cash. They will point to the young homeless, they will photograph pitiful scenes of cardboard city and make them into posters and they will do everything in their power to ensure that you give your money through guilt. Guilt that you have a home whilst the people they ‘represent’ (unasked, of course) do not. And in case you have forgotten, their pay-off is the smug feelings of self-satisfaction they obtain through giving your money away.

The Initiate makes quite a big distinction between voluntary problems and truly accidental problems. For example, if a neighbor’s roof blows off in a hurricane, then it would be reasonable to invite your neighbor in to share your house until the storm blew over and he was able to repair his roof. It would not be reasonable to put your neighbor up in a hotel at your expense, for a year or two whilst he sat around and lamented the destruction of his roof!

Similarly it is not reasonable to hand out money to people who decided to leave home and turn up in a strange town with nowhere to stay.

The Initiate has a strong drive towards non-interference.”

- Inner Circle Philosophy (Stuart Goldsmith)

“The Initiate hardly ever gives money away to ‘charities’ or similar. He realizes that there are thousands upon thousands of ‘good causes’ all trying to use guilt to manipulate him into parting with his money. He knows that if he gave every penny away, he would not achieve anything worthwhile in terms of the relief of human suffering. His total lack of knowledge concerning any particular ‘good cause’ means that there is at least a fifty-fifty chance that his money will actually cause more harm than good. Blundering incompetence which causes serious damage is a very common feature of charity.

The Initiate is not ashamed of being rich. Wealth gives him freedom to be whatever it is he desires to be. He becomes a happy, joyous, self-fulfilled person. He or she knows that people very rarely benefit from handouts, but that people always benefit from struggling back up the ladder through their own efforts.

People are fundamentally lazy (this includes Initiates) and so if money can be had by merely stretching out your palm, there is little incentive to rebuild your life the hard way. And yet only through struggle – using your own resources – do you grow as a human being. Charity is ultimately demeaning and life-destructive, although very temporary, carefully targeted, and time-limited charity can be lifesaving. This type of charity accounts for a fraction of one percent of the total amount of money given away.

Of the billions given every year to charity, most of it is squandered, stolen, thrown down the drain, wasted on crackpot projects or otherwise frittered away. Only a tiny fraction of one percent of charity actually does any real ‘good’, understood in the Initiate sense.

The Initiate is not the slightest bit guilty about his current wealth level, and he certainly feels no inclination at all to give it away to someone else – he considers this rather a strange concept!”

- Inner Circle Philosophy (Stuart Goldsmith)

“Charities and religions are the biggest users of the weapon of guilt to extract money from you; but there are others:

Spongers, for example. These are people who have opted for an easier life (note I do not say easy, just easier) by getting you to provide money for them. These people often get you to hand over the loot by the use of guilt.

Thus a wife might say something like: “If you were a real husband, then you would be able to buy such and such”. Often, of course, the guilt is much more subtly applied than this. Many wives apply continuous and subtle guilt-pressure throughout an entire marriage in an effort to get their husbands to work harder, get a better job, bring in more money.

Children are expert at using guilt-tactics on their parents. You will often hear them saying things like: “Mum, all my friends have got a super whizzo computer, I’m the only one who hasn’t!”

Beggars. The best beggars have discovered that guilt is a great way of getting people to cough-up. If you don’t have a glass-eye or wooden leg, then a screaming infant will do nicely!

Blackmailers. These are people who play directly on your guilt over some real or imagined crime. If you don’t pay them the money, then they will tell the world what a naughty boy you’ve been.”

- Inner Circle Philosophy (Stuart Goldsmith)

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