> Great Genius Insights into Everything (47)


The Illusionary Partner that Men and Women Desire

The Illusionary Partner that Men and Women Desire

“Men are schizophrenic when it comes to women. They actually desire two separate and mutually exclusive things from their potential partner:

1. A nymphomaniac, randy tart who wears miniskirts, high heels and stockings, and who is prepared to make herself sexually available at any time of the day or night, preferably bent over the kitchen sink scrubbing vegetables at the same time!

2. A ‘perfect’, spiritually pure virgin. A delicate, drifting angel dressed in white flowing gown who is kind, supportive, understanding and caring! (OK, the white gown is optional, but the rest is essential).

These two images, are, of course, mutually exclusive (i.e. you can’t have both in the same woman!). No woman can be a sexy tart and a pure, untouched virgin – this is a contradiction in terms and cannot happen.

Now the important point for you to grasp is this:

This schizophrenia results from the fact that normal men have not realized that they want many women for many different things. The image-making machine (romantic love-myth), leads them to believe that they will actually achieve these disparate characteristics within one woman! So they vainly seek these elusive (actually non-existent, by definition) women, before finally settling for third or fourth best. They then become more and more disillusioned with life, because the image makers continue to convince them that they have been short-changed. They actually believe that everyone else is getting this kind of woman, and it is only them who have drawn the short straw in life.

This leads to extreme unhappiness and dissatisfaction – even anger at the rest of the world.”

- Inner Circle Philosophy (Stuart Goldsmith)

“Women are also continually bombarded with the images of the type of men they are supposed to find desirable. This image is of a man who will either exploit her vulnerability, or protect her vulnerability. I call this the Black Knight – White Knight syndrome.

The Black Knight comes along on his jet-black steed and sweeps the woman off her feet, and takes her away from home and security. He carries her off to some distant, mountain castle and ravishes her in endless nights of passion. He won’t take ‘no’ for an answer and forcefully overcomes her token resistance. She is completely helpless and unable to stop his advances (not that she really wants to, anyway!)

The White Knight comes along on his milk-white charger and rescues the helpless damsel from distress (possibly even from the Black Knight!). He carries her away to safety, security and ‘happy ever after’ romantic love. He is steady. He is secure. He is boring, but has a great salary and prospects. He’s the boy next door. Cue doves, cue sunset, cue violins…..

In other words, women are just as schizophrenic as men. They actually desire two mutually exclusive things:

1. They desire to be forcibly ‘taken’ by a strong-willed, handsome man (black knight) who will not take ‘no’ for an answer. The basis of this desire is the abandonment of responsibility for initiating the sexual act – just as it is with the man and the ‘tart’. He can abandon responsibility. It wasn’t his fault, she practically raped him!

2. They desire a strong but gentle, protective father figure who will love them, cherish them, and protect them from all harm. This is the ultimate desire of all women – the need for security. Women crave security.

These are mutually exclusive ideals. You cannot find both within one man! Women eventually settle for the White Knight ninety nine times out of a hundred, because this satisfies their basic craving for security. But any woman with any kind of sexual ‘history’ has had an affair, fling, encounter with the Black Knight. This is the ‘absolute bastard’ who just charmed her off her feet, promised her the earth, took her to bed, and then pissed-off! But oh how fondly she remembers him…… You ladies reading this just know I’m right! In fact, a name has just popped into your mind as you read that paragraph. I wonder what he’s doing now?”

- Inner Circle Philosophy (Stuart Goldsmith)


The Secret of Controlling Your Partner’s Orgasm

The Secret of Controlling Your Partner’s Orgasm

“In a two-person sexual activity, one partner would stimulate the other, gradually bringing them up to the point high in the plateau phase where an orgasm is actually building, and will then reduce the level of stimulation to just below that needed to trigger the orgasm. By carefully varying the intensity and speed of stimulation, and by practicing with the same partner to learn their responses, a person can be held in the highly aroused state near orgasm. This process may be repeated as desired, but at some point repetition may cause the urge to orgasm to become overwhelming. When a partner eventually provides enough stimulation to achieve an orgasm, it may be stronger than usual due to the increased tension and arousal that builds up during the extended stimulation.

Familiarity with one’s partner is thought to play an important role in helping individuals better understand their limits in what concerns sexual stimulation and its intensity. This aspect of orgasm control is mainly based on the idea that the entire practice is an acquired skill. This skill can only be developed through practice. Generally, individuals who practice the technique of orgasm control try it with the same person and discover their own limits. Knowing one’s limits in this matter is mandatory to be able to control the amount and intensity of the sexual stimulation so one can postpone the orgasm as much as possible. Moreover, practicing orgasm control with the same partner for longer periods of time is more likely to be more successful in achieving the goal. The reason behind this is perhaps the fact that the communication is more open between partners that are familiar with one another. Nonetheless, as orgasm control is an acquired skill, the technique is usually successful if both partners are aware of the others’ limits.

On the other hand, familiarity in this matter can be regarded from another perspective. In order to be able to control one’s orgasm, individuals must have a solid knowledge of their own body and how their body reacts at different levels of sexual arousal. Therefore, orgasm control is also closely connected with the familiarity between an individual and his/her own body. Being aware of the body’s limits in what concerns the intensity and duration of sexual stimulation is mandatory in order to be able to postpone climaxing. However, this is a technique that is learned by every person with time and which requires consistent practice. In the end, orgasm control is all about knowing one’s own body and it is not so much about the skills of the partner.”

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orgasm_control


Embark Upon the Path of Personal Freedom

Embark Upon the Path of Personal Freedom

“You are about to embark upon the path of Personal Freedom. By being a member of Inner Circle, and moving through the power grades, you will eventually emerge into the light of TOTAL FREEDOM.

To attach yourself to this spiral, and reverse your current (possible) downward spiral, you need to take some pretty radical decisions about your life. You also need to WAKE UP and STOP DREAMING!

This is why my material is so shocking – some would even say offensive. I cannot help you to achieve your dreams and desires by tiptoeing around you and making my every statement bland, inoffensive and acceptable to all. It is precisely for this reason that I chose the format of Inner Circle.

To put it bluntly, I am tired of wasting my energies trying to convince hopelessly entrenched and negative skeptics of the truth of my message. It is a waste of my personal energies. I only want people who are prepared to listen and prepared to act on what I say. In order to help you, I must do the equivalent of taking you by the shoulders and giving you a jolly hard shake! I need to shake you until your teeth rattle. Only by doing this will I get you, possibly, to open one bleary eye and look in my direction!”

- Inner Circle Philosophy (Stuart Goldsmith)

“I know the message sounds cynical. I have to make it hard-hitting if I am to get through to you, and I am not trying to write some wishy-washy, ‘easy reading’ balanced pap which will offend no-one and please everyone.

You are training to be an initiate, in full and powerful control of your life. You are trying to become one of the elite few – people who have ‘woken up’ and who possess the keys to power and wealth. This material is not for ‘normal’ people. They will continue to dream and fantasize their lives away – they are beyond salvation!”

- Inner Circle Philosophy (Stuart Goldsmith)

“Once you start to use Inner Circle teachings in your life, you will gain tremendous power and advantage over others. I do not mean that you will want to rush out and exploit others. I mean that you will have an advantage in the same way that a human has an advantage over, say, a dog or cat. You will naturally be more powerful than other people. And it is only the knowledge of the various con-tricks and illusions which confers this great power.

Quite simply, as you rise through the grades of Inner Circle, I expect you to stop playing the silly little games which the rest of the population are playing! Instead, I want you to start living a free, independent and powerful life of your own. Not dictated by someone else, not manufactured for you by media stereotypes, not a silly illusion constructed by religion or other ludicrous mysticism, but your own life, lived the way you want to live it. The ultimate goal of your life is to be whatever it is you want to be, unfettered by the constraints of society and the sheep around you.”

- Inner Circle Philosophy (Stuart Goldsmith)

“Fear of poverty in non-Initiates is the major source of their lack of personal power. You cannot have personal power if you allow other people to dictate to you exactly what you will do with most of your waking time – and yet this is exactly what most people in employment do.

They fear poverty and so they stay in jobs which they do not enjoy, as wage-slaves, working for bosses who use fear to manipulate them. As an employee, you hand over roughly 40 hours every week (that’s nearly 2000 hours a year) of your precious, limited life to another person. Your return is the absolute rock-bottom minimum amount of money they can get away with paying you. Bosses and the government actually want the population to be in a state of semi-panic concerning unemployment and the economy. Why? Because the bosses and government want the population to work as hard as possible for the absolute minimum reward. This scenario brings in maximum money and personal power for those in charge, and prevents the masses from ‘waking up’.

As I mentioned earlier, most bosses secretly long to have queues of people clamoring at the factory gates for the chance of a job, because this means that they can pick the very best people, pay them almost nothing, and command absolute loyalty, obedience and respect from them.

Likewise, the government desire the same thing, as this keeps inflation way, way down, and ensures that ‘the masses’ devote 101% of their waking time to slaving in order to earn a crust. No time is then left for thinking, questioning or rebelling.”

- Inner Circle Philosophy (Stuart Goldsmith)

“I said that the purpose of Inner Circle philosophy is to explain the various con-tricks and illusions which other people use to control and manipulate you. They want your life-values. They want you to sacrifice yourself so that they might profit. But in order to explain the various con-tricks to you, I have to dwell on these negative aspects of human nature at the expense of the positive. I said that to criticize me for this is rather like criticizing a book on terminal infectious diseases as being ‘unduly morbid’, or ‘obsessed with death’! I want to remind you that the whole purpose of becoming an Inner Circle Initiate is so that you can live a truly joyful, happy and fulfilled life. There’s nothing negative about that!”

“It is really exciting to be an initiate. Every day of your life is filled with an incredible sense of well-being and happiness. This feeling arises through having every aspect of your life in firm control, going the way you want it to go. Not just one aspect, or a few aspects, but every aspect of your life. You cannot be truly happy if even one part of your life is out of balance or out of your control.”

- Inner Circle Philosophy (Stuart Goldsmith)

Filtering Negative and Capturing Positive Influences

“Most people have a need for the approval of others. The Initiate, in contrast, merely enjoys the approval of others. You can enjoy ice-cream, without needing it. I hope that you can see the big difference between these two stances.

To become an Initiate, you must eliminate the need for the approval of others.

Personally, I love getting approval and admiration from other people. It’s a great feeling knowing that others like and admire you, but I don’t need it. If I get it – then fine, but if I don’t get it – then that’s fine too. This is another characteristic of an Initiate. He or she will capture any positive influence which comes their way, but reject any negative input. In this way, if someone shows you approval or admiration, you can capture the positive benefit and use this to re-enforce all of the good feelings you have about yourself. But if they withhold approval, or give strong signals of disapproval, then you simply filter-out these negative influences, and they have absolutely no effect on your feeling of well-being.

This is an incredibly powerful technique which will bring rich rewards in your life. Imagine! Never feeling the need for the approval of others ever again! Imagine filtering-out all negative influences which emanate from other people. Imagine capturing only the positive influences, and using these to build your feeling of self-esteem and worth!”

- Inner Circle Philosophy (Stuart Goldsmith)

“You have been given the knowledge required to achieve wealth, power and freedom. You are now on a dead-level playing field. You can choose to do nothing with this knowledge, in which case you will still be an Initiate, because you know things which others merely suspect. Alternatively, you can put this knowledge into practice and leap up the power-ladder to become what I call a WARRIOR. Initiate’s KNOW, Warrior’s KNOW AND USE.

I will now tell you what it would mean to you if you became a Warrior:

A Warrior is not readily identifiable.

They could not point you out in the street and say “Look! There walks a Warrior!” They will only suspect they are in the presence of such a person if they happen to have any dealings with you.

The first thing they might notice is the very straightforward and candid manner in which you deal with them. The words ‘refreshingly honest’ might come to mind, as they attempt to pinpoint what is different about this person.

Next, they might become aware that, perhaps for the first time in their life, they were in the presence of someone who is happy and fulfilled.

Because you have freed yourself from all external controls, you can wake up every morning and decide what you want to do with each day. This is largely hidden from those around you in order to prevent their jealousy and envy.

Warriors have many secrets. In fact they live double lives. They have an ‘exoteric’ life which they present to the outside world and an ‘esoteric’ life which is their real, inner world. Put simply, you spend your days fulfilling yourself in the way which best suits your current desires. You never worry, you never feel guilty.”

- Inner Circle Philosophy (Stuart Goldsmith)

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