> Great Genius Insights into Everything (43)


How to Control and Influence Others with Psychic Power

How to Control and Influence Others with Psychic Power

“The Mind-image of Your Psychic Power is a magic secret of your personal psychic power for putting others under your control from any distance instantly. And, the reason is simple. Every time you think about someone or about some activity involving both of you, you automatically project some psychic power to him. Your thinking, in other words, is then telepathized to him to a varying degree and he is, consequently, affected by it to a varying degree. If you are closely bound to each other mentally, the degree is overwhelming. If you are only distantly bound to each other, the degree may be overwhelming only at times. You can always make it overwhelming, though, with explosive psychic power projections.

The shrewd men and women of history performed miracles of psychic power “magic” through their knowledge of personal psychic power. They implanted the majestic visions of themselves along with their commanding ideas, so firmly in the eyes and minds of others with the unsuspected, undetected dominance of the mind-image of their psychic power, that these visions and ideas overflowed from the conscious and subconscious minds of the other persons and saturated their whole beings. The other persons, as a consequence, became like the helpless victims of witchcraft. The control you exert with the mind-image of your psychic power is a difficult one for anyone to free himself from because you can project it to him repeatedly, unexpectedly, unrelentingly and unsuspectedly. You don’t have to be in his presence to do it, since psychic power is transmitted by mysterious electromagnetic waves which are not seriously affected by space or media. His unprepared conscious and subconscious minds, as a consequence, offer little resistance to the mind-image of your psychic power which you project to him. The smitten lover cannot put his beloved out of his mind, no matter how far away he travels, and his beloved, therefore, needs to project only occasionally the mind-image of her psychic power in order to keep him enthralled with her. Neither could the controlled royal king tear himself free from the grip of his behind-the-throne controller when the latter was not present in person. In that instance, though, the controller was forced to project repeatedly or more intensely the mind-image of his psychic power to the sovereign in order to keep him under his control. His controller, nevertheless, achieved remarkable results. When the one you love cannot make up her or his mind about you, for instance, you then have to project repeatedly or more intensely tire mind-image of your psychic power to her or him.

The same is true when you are dealing with your backer or ally, your superior who can help you rise fast, or with a difficult subordinate or youngster. Such individuals are not linked uninterruptedly with you psychically, for they regularly associate with others who also have the opportunity to influence them strongly. To keep them under your control from any distance, you have to project to them repeatedly or more intensely the mind-image of your psychic power than to the one who loves you.”

- The Secrets of Personal Psychic Power (Frank Rudolph Young)

“How to enslave the man you like, instantly, with your psychic energized instinctive power:

Elliott is the man you like, He has courted you for some time, but has not yet proposed. Enslave him to you, so that he can’t help himself and will propose instantly or very soon. Do it with psychic energized instinctive power. The sure way to enslave Elliott, when he is with you, is by drawing him so compellingly to you that he cannot think clearly. The moment he is in your presence now, feel as if you have been transformed suddenly into a throbbing magnet and that you are drawing him helplessly to you. Fill yourself with this throbbing magnet feeling in your arms, in your legs, in your torso, and in your face. Saturate yourself with that one thought picture. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that one thought picture out of your eyes and waft it right into him, right through his eyes. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and more penetrating than any other competing impression he receives at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether he ought not to marry at all, or whether he should inspect the field longer first.

Repeatedly during the evening, draw Elliott to you again with that throbbing magnet one thought picture. If you are rushing him into proposing, draw him to you with it, too, when you sit beside him silently. Don’t project it to him when you talk to him, unless you are engaged in romantic conversation, or wish to give your conversation a romantic flavor. Don’t project it to him all evening either, or he will be wildly possessed and difficult to restrain. Just project it to him at intervals until he is driven to propose. Whether or not Elliott proposes to you that evening with your psychic energized instinctive power, you nevertheless enslave him to you instantly and rule him unsuspectedly, so that he will propose to you very soon.”

- The Secrets of Personal Psychic Power (Frank Rudolph Young)


“How Walter enslaved his wife, Jennie, whom he loved madly, instantly and permanently, with his psychic powered aura.:

Walter was returning home from a five-week business trip. He was never very certain about Jennie, his wife, when he was away. She was no “playgirl,” but she was unusually attractive. During his frequent absences on business trips he dreaded that another man might pursue her and snatch her away from him. Jennie had begged him to ask the company to change him to a position requiring the same knowledge, but which would keep him at home because she felt desperately lonesome without him. His whole life would be shattered, Walter felt, if he had to live without his Jennie. Everything about her threw him into raptures. When he was away he daydreamed of her and could hardly wait to be reunited with her. The very thought that all that could vanish if Jennie. . . .

Recently, his business travels carried him to India to sell his company’s industrial products. While there Walter investigated psychic science in extension of his courses with me, a subject that had intrigued him for years. On the way home he gave serious thought to applying it to enslave Jennie so completely to him that she would never dream of leaving him. He conceived a special use that concerned his psychic powered aura and practiced the development of it, so as to be ready for her.

Jennie was waiting for him at the airport with the car, as usual. As Walter made his way towards her, he added something new and staggeringly powerful to his personality. He filled himself, first of all, with rapturous craving to meet and caress her. He visualized himself, at the same time, turning crimson all over. He let this crimson color evaporate through his pores and surround him like a hot red mist. He projected this crimson mist to Jennie with Multiplied Nerve Power (feel divinely blissful), so that it enveloped her as he drew near. He had practiced it previously until he had actually perceived the hot red mist emanating through his skin and his clothes and surrounding him. Then he had projected it towards his image in the mirror until it had engulfed it.

Walter drew the hot red mist back to him now by tightening it, so that it dragged all of Jennie’s potentially roaming personality out of her and banished it from her. Then he projected his aural mist right back to her, but with his own personality in it, and commanded her to Love Him Alone—Love Him Alone, no matter how long he may have to be away from her! He projected it back to her so forcibly that it permeated every cell of her body and converted her into his own personality as it felt towards himself. The crimson aura was the aura of true love. Jennie at once became truly amorous for him alone, like a woman bewitched. She was so excited when Walter kissed her that he had to take the wheel himself. That night she proved to him that she had indeed become his slave. With his psychic powered aura Walter had enslaved his wife, whom he loved madly, instantly and permanently, and had converted her into a person helplessly under his control.”

- The Secrets of Personal Psychic Power (Frank Rudolph Young)

“How Juanita affixed permanent control over her difficult subordinate instantly, with her psychic powered aura:

Juanita was a factory supervisor. Her relations with her subordinates were good enough, allowing for the usual contentions which every superior experiences with one worker or another. One of them, though, Agnes, belonged to a different race than most of the others, and she was usually hostile, as if suspecting discrimination and non appreciation of her best efforts. Since Juanita was her immediate superior, she felt the brunt of Agnes’ displeasure. And yet, she liked Agnes and wanted her to stay. Besides, she did not want Agnes to convince herself that she was being discriminated against and complain against her to the foreman and hurt her own rise in the plant. Juanita was in a sad predicament and was at a loss as to what to do.

She had read some of my writings, though, about how psychic power was being used to control others. The more she thought of it, the more eager she became to try it on Agnes. She finally created and practiced what amounted to her psychic powered aura.

When Juanita appeared near enough to Agnes next day, she added something new and irresistibly alluring to her personality. She filled herself, first of all, with an all-loving feeling for Agnes. She felt, in other words, as if she would forgive Agnes for anything she did. She felt, too, that Agnes loved her in return and would do nothing to displease her. Juanita visualized herself, at the same time, turning an ultraviolet color all over. She let this ultraviolet color evaporate through her pores and surround her like an invigorating mist. She projected this ultraviolet colored mist to Agnes with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), so that it enveloped her. She had practiced it before her mirror until she had actually perceived the ultraviolet colored mist, or one as close to that color as possible, emanating through her skin and her dress and surrounding her. Then, she had projected it towards Agnes’ image in the mirror until it had engulfed it.

Juanita drew the invigorating mist back to her by tightening her hold on it, so that it dragged all of Agnes’ resisting, hostile personality right out of her and banished it from her. Then she projected her aural mist right back to Agnes with her own personality in it, and commanded her to Like Me Very Much – Like Me Very Much! Juanita projected it back into Agnes so forcibly that it permeated every cell of her body and converted her into Juanita’s own personality as it felt towards Juanita herself. The ultraviolet colored aura was the aura of mysticism. Although Juanita was not an accomplished mystic, she did not achieve that exact color for her aura. But she achieved it as closely as possible by totally dedicating herself to the benefit of Agnes at the very time that she projected that aura. Agnes became strangely but mystically affected in her thinking about Juanita and stared back at her like a repentant sinner.

When Juanita spoke to her compassionately soon thereafter, Agnes stammered at her as if begging her forgiveness. She tried hard to please Juanita after that. By the end of the day she was even looking at Juanita when she reappeared before her, as if delighted to see her again. With her psychic powered aura Juanita had affixed permanent control over her difficult subordinate instantly and had converted her to do her psychic bidding whenever she wanted to.”

- The Secrets of Personal Psychic Power (Frank Rudolph Young)

“The Psychic Powered Aura is a magic secret of your personal psychic power for converting a person almost instantly into a living “zombie,” helplessly under your control. Your aura is that more or less invisible mist-like emanation from you which surrounds your whole body. It changes shape and color with your health and emotions. Another person might not be aware that he perceives it, but it is clearly visible to his psychic power center. His psychic power center, in turn, transmits the effects which your aura has on him to his conscious and subconscious minds. Your aura, as a consequence, does affect him whether he is consciously aware of it or not. If the aura which his psychic power center perceives around you is a stimulating one, his conscious and subconscious minds will be stimulated by you. If the aura which his psychic power center perceives around you is a depressing one, his conscious and subconscious minds will be depressed by you. Your aura, therefore, daily affects others, and since it changes so readily and constantly, it affects different people differently. The different thoughts you think, in fact, change your aura continually.

The secret power of your psychic powered aura lies in your acquiring the ability to produce the very kind of aura which you need to influence each different person in a specific manner at the right time. Then, you can control a person at any time, just as you wish. Your aura then becomes an irresistible secret power for everyday use!”

- The Secrets of Personal Psychic Power (Frank Rudolph Young)

The easy way to convert others invisibly into living “zombies,” helplessly under your control:

“For best results, your psychic powered aura should instantly create the impression of you which your subject person expects to receive from you in accordance with your sex, personality, and relationship with him. His conscious and subconscious minds then accept it readily and enable you to control him far more overwhelmingly and with far less effort. With your psychic powered aura you can infiltrate your own personality invisibly into the mind and body of someone else, and drag his own power of personality out of him. Then, with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), you can easily convert the remaining shell previously containing his personality into a “zombie” type of creature, helplessly under your control. With your psychic powered aura, for example, you can infiltrate your own personality into the mind and body of the woman (or man, depending on your sex) who does not love you thoroughly enough, drag her own personality out of her, and banish it from her. Then, with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), you can convert the remaining shell of that person’s personality into your living “zombie-like” creation, helplessly under your control by psychic powering your own personality into it, so that it thinks about you (loves you, in other words), just as totally as you love yourself. You can do likewise with her for any other purpose, and do it without making a physical move or uttering a word. That is why this particular psychic secret power is so “magical.” Everyone and anyone is absolutely baffled by its stupendous (actually, supernatural) grip it has on him, and is left in a quandary as to what could have possessed him so suddenly regarding his attitude to you. He waxes so enthusiastically about you, thereafter, that he acts as if hypnotized by you, or like a slavish being helplessly under your control. That is the secret power wielded by otherwise ordinary men or women with little physical or mental appeal, who control others so completely and with so little effort.”

- The Secrets of Personal Psychic Power (Frank Rudolph Young)


See what unquestionable “miracles” you may perform from any distance with this secret of personal psychic power! See how completely it can put anyone under your control, so you can do practically anything you want for him, including saving his life. See how you can even command him with it to do with his body tissues what medical science considers virtually impossible. See, in fact, why this secret is the power which creates seeming miracles. And yet, you can achieve these miracle workings with easy steps described as follows:

Step 1. Use your psychic power alone. Lie flat on your back, preferably at bedtime, and visualize a one thought picture of exactly the perilous condition which is practically driving the person of your attention out of his mind.

Step 2. Hurl that one thought picture to him like a soft cannon ball, and land it softly inside the psychic power center inside his forehead, in order to establish psychic contact with his perilous condition, either real or imaginary.

Step 3. Clench your fists immediately and, with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), implant that soft cannon ball into his conscious or subconscious minds for two seconds or so, so that it becomes an integral part of him.

Step 4. Next, visualize the perilous condition of that person as being overcome, and losing its effects on him. Hurl that one thought picture to him, also like a soft cannon ball, and land it inside his psychic power center in his forehead. Clench your fists again and implant it into his conscious and subconscious minds with Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), for one and one half seconds, so that it becomes an integral part of him.

Step 5. Finally, climax your projections by visualizing the perilous condition of the person under your control as vanishing completely and leaving him absolutely free of its influence. Hurl that one thought moving picture to him so forcibly out of you that it feels as if it is pulling your whole body off the bed with it.

Step 6. Project that one thought moving picture to him whenever you awake that night.

With the mind-image of your personal psychic power you will put others under your control from any distance, instantly. Their most terrifying prospects of bad health or even death will vanish from their minds and bodies and leave them completely at your command, so that you can guide them into the healthy, productive, optimistic, and sensible channels in which they ought to be sailing through life. Master this secret of personal psychic power as certain shrewd men and women have done all through the Ages and performed widely acclaimed miracles with it.

- The Secrets of Personal Psychic Power (Frank Rudolph Young)

“Use the power of pretending, pretend that you are the most gorgeous person ever and that your pheromones were really high. In a few days to a few minutes, some chemical changes are going to take place in the body and in the metaphysical world and through the power of the law of attraction, your seduction increases.”

- Spelly (spellhawk.blogspot.com)

“Instant eye love technique: In this in method, is the usage of chi from hara and putting it in the iris of the eye by thinking it goes there, and programming it by thinking of the qualities of the feel of love. Then, with the thought or statement to the held chi area of, ‘make them fall in love with me fast and they are addicted to me, they feel lust and attraction for me, they focus on me and they idealize me and are attached to me. Thus, they are in love with me. So, when I say the word ‘release’ and it’s with intention, the chi effect of love on you will finish and you will return to normal.”

- Spelly (spellhawk.blogspot.com)


How to Present Ideas Acceptable to the Masses

How to Present Ideas Acceptable to the Masses

The easy way to reap the biggest profits invisibly from your controlling others with your psychic powered ideas:

“Practically all day long, if you are in the swim of life, your ideas influence others in varying degrees. At home, they influence your family from the moment you arise. Outside, they influence those you meet, both at work and at leisure. You cannot live happily or satisfactorily unless you can influence others with your ideas, because you are then little more than an ignored robot. Many problems beset you, though, when you try to apply your ideas in everyday life. Your most acceptable ideas, you will discover, are those which are but slightly ahead of the times. When they are too unique and far in advance of the times, they are doomed to failure as certainly as if they were far behind the times. Not only will they fail to bring you loyal backers or allies, but they will also fail to bring you enough public support.

If it is possible to measure the best “degree of advancedness” over the current times for an idea of yours, then it should soar no more than 10 per cent ahead of such times. When it soars beyond the current times more than 10 per cent, conventionalize it immediately to divest it of some of its too advanced uniqueness. File away the original idea, though, until the times advance enough to be only 10 per cent behind it. To state it simply, let people consider you “original,” but not “revolutionary.” It explains why so many men of genius get nowhere fast, while others with far less gifts of talent are universally acclaimed. The genius has to be dead and buried for decades before the world catches up to the extraordinary high “degree of advancedness” which his ideas (and resulting creations) had over it.

Your best ideas will reward you little if you cannot put them into execution and get them to reflect actual form. In order to get them to work for you, you have to interest enough people in them. The otherwise ordinary mortals who ruled kings and queens from behind the throne, had to fashion ideas which were not so far in advance of the tenets of the monarch that he would hesitate to act on them without delay, for delay can always lead to a change of mind. Even in romance and social life, acceptable originality, as it appears to others, is thrilling and exciting. The moment you step outside the bounds of the acceptable, the “long shot,” you are viewed with understandable suspicion and will become a most frustrated person.”

- The Secrets of Personal Psychic Power (Frank Rudolph Young)


How to Use Psychic Power for Physical Defense

How to Use Psychic Power for Physical Defense

“How to petrify a towering bully instantly in a fight without striking a blow:

A towering bully assails you and forces you to defend yourself. He outclasses you physically; so, your only alternative is to petrify him and, thereby, avoid an exchange of blows. Do it with your psychic powered physical presence.

Your heart races like mad and your brow perspires profusely. Your first impulse is to shut your eyes tight and lash out wildly at him. But, don’t do that! Your blows might miss their marks or land ineffectively on his arms and shoulders and exhaust you quickly. Square off against him instead. Strike a fighting pose and stare him squarely in the eye. Hardly breathe for a moment, as you hurl him the command thought, “In for the licking of your life, Bud! Better not fight! Better not fight!” Feel, meanwhile, as if your whole body is coiled like a snake’s, ready to lash out straight and deadly at its enemy. Let not the least doubt of total success on your part flash into your mind. Should such a doubt come to mind, banish it at once and, literally, seethe from head to foot, with savage fury, so that your whole body is converted into a cauldron. Feel this volcanic flame bursting through your face, torso, arms and legs, and driving you forward to the bully with a conviction of magical invincibility that chills him to the bone. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power, and nail it right into the bully, through his eyes. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and stronger than any other competing impression he receives at the time . . . competing impressions like, his superb confidence of beating you because he is so much bigger and presumably much more stronger, and his jubilant assumption that you are completely helpless before him because you have no one to help you. At once you will loom to him as being far more menacing than you are.

Remain outside his reach, meanwhile, but still edge slightly more towards him, your fists confusingly low on your thighs. Keep staring straight into his eyes. He will feel as if you are drilling holes through his head.

“You’re through! Give in!” think out to him again. Edge towards him slightly again, with your eyes still drilling holes through his head, and your lungs breathing just enough. If your heart races, slow it down with a few deep, but imperceptible breaths. Don’t fly off the handle! The ruffian’s heart, in contrast, will turn to ice from the suspense and race like mad. His energy will scatter and his arms, legs, forehead and stomach will flutter.

You have the bully on the run, for he does not dare to swing a blow at you while your eyes are drilling holes through his head. He is totally paralyzed with confusion and fright, and besides that, he could not level a blow at you if he tried. He will call off the fight soon after that. With your psychic powered physical presence you will have petrified a towering bully instantly in a fight and drawn him to you to surrender.”

- The Secrets of Personal Psychic Power (Frank Rudolph Young)

“I am exactly 5 feet tall — because of that when I was younger “bigger” folks would try to push me around — they would get the surprise of their lives because THIS works! You have to COMMAND it! Thankfully my fighting days ended twenty years ago but I know that if it were to come to it ever again I can STILL use this power. You have to KNOW it in your heart AND mind.”
- FranCine Morales-Ellis (Facebook Comment) (27 Sep 2013)

“Had this guy in a pub spoiling for a fight with a young lad I know, mentally I kept saying go away and asking for someone to help send him away, wasn’t working the nastier I felt towards him the worse his behaviour seemed to be getting, so tried a new tactic, I sent him love, n guess what he buggered off, try it sometime.”
- Andrea Beaumont (Facebook Comment) (27 Sep 2013)

“This is totally what I would do if I ended up in this situation, staring into their eyes, feeling mad with latent power, they’ll see the madness in your eyes, it freaks them out, even smile a little enhancing the madness, giving the impression of ambiguity of whether you’re a friend or foe. You’re ready to die, but they aren’t. It’s worked with those who begin to intimidate me, then they won’t threaten you further, and might even become friendly with you.

But ideally the situation should not arise and violence should be avoided. If you feel true love for them in your heart, regardless of who they are, they will feel it subconsciously or not, and it will hopefully prevent the situation from even happening in the first place, but of course it’s not always THAT simple.”

- Alex Verghese (Facebook Comment) (27 Sep 2013)

“How Jack instantly frightened off a large and fierce dog which threatened him and his girl friend:

Jack was strolling with his fiancée, Nola, through a budding hillside one cool summer evening. They were admiring the newlybuilt subtropical homes, delightfully framed by fruit-filled citrus and avocado trees. The two were planning sweetly together to purchase one of those homes themselves after they married and saved a little, and raise their children in it. It was like going to heaven to climb the rather steep, quaintly twisted little gravel roads between the homes. Only the warning barking of the dogs in each occupied home disturbed the peace.

Suddenly, an enormous white and black dog bolted out of a doorway and raced across the lawn at them, snarling ferociously. Nola clung to Jack. Jack envisioned them being ripped apart by the beast.

Jack had gone through a similar experience as a boy, fortunately, and knew how to meet it. He kept cool, thrust Nola behind him and faced the animal, his left foot a step ahead of his right. Keeping his eyes glued on that of the attacking dog, Jack dipped to the ground swiftly, as if to seize hold of a stone. Then he drew his arm back, as if to aim the weapon. He saturated himself, meanwhile, with a one thought picture of a real stone in his hand. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), Jack projected that one thought picture out of his eyes with shattering psychic power, and visualized it being nailed right into the onrushing animal.

With a high-pitched yelp, the big dog braked its rush with its front paws, wheeled itself around with a terrified yapping and fled back into the doorway. Jack’s one thought picture had leaped across the canine’s Nerve Gaps to its psychic power center in its forebrain, faster and stronger than any other competing impression it had received at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether Jack was just pretending to pick up something off the ground that was not there, or whether Jack was indeed as fearless as he pretended to be. With his psychic powered body movements Jack had frightened off a large and fierce creature which had threatened him and his girl-friend and saved them both from a horrifying predicament involving personal danger.”

- The Secrets of Personal Psychic Power (Frank Rudolph Young)

I believe this! I don’t know how many times I have been chased by loose dogs when I am running-but you just have to show no fear and they definitely sense that!
- Alma Elisa Sauceda (Facebook Comment) (29 Sep 2013)

I heard from my friend that a girl gave compassion to a bear by patting it when she was attacked by it and the bear went away.
- Kenny Tse (Facebook Comment) (29 Sep 2013)

“How to rout and outlast a strong rival in any sport, with your psychic energized instinctive power:

You are engaged in a hard-fought athletic contest. Pete is your most dangerous rival, and he is neck to neck with you. The pace has been grueling and you feel as if ready to collapse. But Pete remains your equal at every step or move, and the contest is not yet over. Your only sure chance of victory is to rout and outlast him. Do it with psychic energized instinctive power. Practice how to create it before your mirror, and then project it to Pete.

Fill yourself with a feeling of absolute invincibility. Saturate yourself with that one thought picture, so that it fills your body from head to foot, rushes more air to your lungs, new power to your muscles, and unconquerable confidence to your brain. With Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful), project that one thought picture out of your eyes with shattering psychic power. Visualize it being nailed right into Pete, through his eyes. It will leap across his own Nerve Gaps to the psychic power center in his forehead, faster and more penetrating than any other competing impression he receives at the time . . . competing impressions like, whether you are ready to collapse at the next step like himself, or whether he should fight it out with you and let you collapse first, and he win.

Pete will “get” your psychic message and, despite his better judgment, sense that you are filled with renewed energy and are invincible. That realization will rout him and his remaining energy will wane rapidly. You will start gaining on him. Overwhelmed with defeatism, Pete will let you march on to victory. With your psychic energized instinctive power you will rout and outlast your rival in a tough athletic contest instantly and rule him unsuspectedly.”

- The Secrets of Personal Psychic Power (Frank Rudolph Young)

“How the horrified Mela instantly lifted her much bigger, heavier, unconscious husband bodily and leaped across a 10-foot chasm to save him from certain death from an avalanche, with her psychic powered astral body:

Mela was just an average woman. She and her husband Cyril had immigrated to a foreign country to work on a construction project. Mela and Cyril were from Montserrat, one of the Leeward Islands, not far from Trinidad, West Indies, and they were poor and uneducated. Cyril, her husband, was working one day on the crest of a hill which was being cut in half to make way for the works plant below. Mela happened by that day and stopped briefly to observe her husband working.

Suddenly, the edge of the sliced hill gave way, and Cyril went tumbling headlong towards the graveyard of a chasm below. Mela shrieked, but in that tumultuous roar, hers was a cry in the wilderness. The moment Cyril landed flat on a mound of dislodged clay below, another piece of the edge of the hill broke off from where he fell, directly above him. In a few seconds Cyril would be buried in the avalanche, from where he could never be rescued. Instinctively remembering her psychic power instruction as her mother taught her, Mela at once visualized herself as being converted suddenly into a giant of a man with staggeringly long and powerful legs. She immediately visualized this giant, building up within her, from head to foot. She drove its development within her with Super Multiplied Nerve Gap power (feel divinely blissful). In other words, have absolute faith in God, or, in the psychic supernatural. The skin on the front of her body heated up from the energy generated by the physicoastral energy so fiercely that she felt as if being scorched.

By now the loosened rocks and clay above were crashing down towards Cyril, who lay undetected by anyone but Mela. The huge giant she had projected of herself darted across the chasm, springing from boulder to boulder like lightning. As if in a trance, Mela felt herself, through her astral body, pick up her 190 pound spouse as if he weighed ten pounds, and set him across her shoulders. Then she made one desperate leap across the ten-foot chasm. Right behind them the avalanche thundered, filling the air with a cloud of yellow dust and flying particles.

With her psychic powered astral body, Mela had produced a giant, astrally powered force that transformed her to have amazing strength in a flash to do the “impossible,” building a body within her with such supernatural power and agility that it had lifted her much bigger, heavier, unconscious husband bodily and leaped across a ten-foot chasm to save him from certain death from an avalanche.”

- The Secrets of Personal Psychic Power (Frank Rudolph Young)

“How hopelessly doomed Boyne saved his life on kind from an attacking 20-foot crocodile with his psychic powered astral body:

Boyne, a 23-year-old West Indian youth, was swimming one lazy sunny day in a natural pool at the foot of a waterfall. The spot was infested with crocodiles, but the natives swam in the natural pool nevertheless, for it was far more delightful than bathing in their laundry tubs.

After stepping out of the water, cleansed of perspiration and refreshed, he was startled by what resembled a huge tree trunk floating in, not far behind him. Suddenly it rose higher out of the churning river, like the nightmare of a dragon. It was a colossal 20-foot crocodile. It climbed the stony bank now, elevating itself on its four crooked limbs like a gargantuan lizard, until its body was higher off the ground than Boyne’s knees. With its side-placed eyes pinned forward on Boyne, it snapped its armlength jaws about three feet apart, revealing its long, spike teeth. Swishing its seven-foot trunk-like coned tail which stirred up the water behind it like a propeller, it bounded forward after Boyne.

Chilled to the bone, despite the insufferable heat, Boyne broke into flight. When he looked back, though, he beheld the horrifying monster gaining ground on him fast, for he himself ran with two feet, while the monster ran with four. Petrified through and through, Boyne started running in a curve, as he had been told, to compel the speeding terror to retard its pace in order to keep turning to remain on his trail. Boyne’s heart battered his chest so tempestuously that he thought it would leap out of his throat. All the time, too, he heard the mammoth tearing through the bushes behind him and felt its hot, blood-thirsty breath drawing closer and closer to his naked body.

On the verge of exhaustion, Boyne halted abruptly against a tree trunk and turned and faced the advancing monstrosity. He had no chance of resisting it with his hands. He would just be seized by the ghastly jaws, dragged across the bushes into the water, hauled below and mangled to death. Frantic, Boyne himself practically turned into a savage animal. Panting and gasping for breath, he stared just past the eyes of the heinous creature and psychically visualized himself being converted into a colossal fiend to defend himself. He visualized this colossal fiend oozing out of him, from head to foot. He drove it forcibly out of him with Super Multiplied Nerve Gap power. The skin of Boyne’s body heated up from the energy generated by the physico-astral separation, so fiercely that he felt as if being scorched by this supernatural kind of transformation.

All at once—and Boyne could hardly believe his eyes—this gigantic astral body of his own creation leaped up and down like an ogre, waving its arms high in the air like an ape and roaring with a deafening thunder. The crocodile drew itself to an immediate halt and looked up, its jaws half closed. Boyne’s astral body then sprang at it and rained blows upon its snout and kicked it in the eyes. The man-eater beat a hasty retreat, frantically snapping at the windmill arms and legs of its unexpected assailant. But its jaws closed only on the empty air, while the arms and legs of the phantasm continued to batter it without letup. The crocodile drew back farther and farther, until it turned in rout and plunged back to the bottom of the pool. And just as suddenly, Boyne’s towering rescuer seemed to vanish from sight. At once, though, Boyne felt sharp pains on his fists and feet and saw bleeding from many places.

Boyne staggered back to his house. Of one thing he was positive, he, himself, had psychically created and projected that enormous “demon” which had soared to four or five times his own size and rescued him so mysteriously. He himself had materialized it and he himself was amazingly transformed. With his psychic powered astral body, and no other weapon, hopelessly doomed Boyne had saved his own life from an attacking 20-foot crocodile by defeating it entirely through the power of his limitless astral body powers.”

- The Secrets of Personal Psychic Power (Frank Rudolph Young)

“It is well-known that the mystic yogis stare at their own navels in order to achieve absolute concentration to develop their power to perform their “miracles.” It enables them to blot out all awareness of the outside world and attain “one-pointedness.” This is known as the practice of omphaloskepsis, and widely used by mystics. The Psychic Power Blotch, however, is used for the identical purpose by the “medicine men” of the Leeward Islands of the West Indies, and it is equally effective and far less of a strain on the muscles of the back and neck as in navel viewing. These medicine men chop a pineapple in half, insert the thin end of a twig in the center of the core, set the cut half of the fruit about half a stone’s-throw away from them, and then sit and concentrate on the speck-like end of the twig in the middle of the pineapple.”

- The Secrets of Personal Psychic Power (Frank Rudolph Young)

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