> Great Genius Insights into Everything (42)


You Can Improve Your Vision to Beyond Normal Sight

You Can Improve Your Vision to Beyond Normal Sight

“Did you know that many commercial airlines and even the US Air Force have programs to train pilots to develop super-normal sight? Olympic athletes, including the US volleyball and field hockey teams frequently work to improve their sight to beyond normal. Some athletes who are known to have trained their eyes to see better, include tennis champion Virginia Wade, the Dallas Cowboys, the New York Yankees and Val Skinner the professional golfer. The Connecticut state police have regular vision improvement training. Do you think that if it wasn’t possible to improve your vision, that all these people (and the US Government) would bother with it… I don’t think so!! This stuff works! You will get your sight back.

Changes over weeks and months are difficult to notice until they reach certain thresholds. I don’t want you to get discouraged, because you think something isn’t changing on a daily basis. The body doesn’t work like that. Some days are better than others, and some days, you may feel to be going backwards. Don’t rely on your memory. It’s very easy to forget how bad your sight was, and not notice the improvement. You’d be surprised at how quickly you adjust to better eyesight and forget what poor vision was like. Some people improve without even realizing they have improved!

Sometimes you just look up and “Oh my god I can see!” This is usually accompanied by a deep sense of peace, comfort, relief and relaxation in your eyes. Involuntary clear flashes can last from a few seconds to minutes or even hours. This is your natural vision, and as you progress, it will happen more and more frequently and last for longer and longer, until eventually, it just becomes your natural state. During a clear flash you will notice that black is very black. Memorize it. Also, detail is phenomenal as central fixation is taking place. There is also a strong sense of 3D, as your eyes are now working perfectly as a team. Voluntary Control After having many involuntary clear flashes, some people learn that by relaxing in a particular way, and playing with some of the muscles in their eyes, they can “bring on” a clear flash. Again this is very useful when you need to see in a hurry and you don’t have your glasses handy!”

- Perfect Eyes (Dave Brinkley)

“Eccentric vision may also be triggered by threats to our emotions or perceived threats. Sometimes when we want to block out bad experiences or annoying, hurtful people, we “look away” from them to avoid facing them head on. It will take some time, but it is important to teach yourself to deal with unpleasant situations head on and in the most relaxed way possible. When you examine a situation with a head on approach, your concentration becomes stronger and you are able to reassess the situation and find that what you fear is not what is really happen.

Use your eyes wisely. Why waste time and energy dwelling on things that can’t always be changed? By focusing on the negative, boring, or frustrating things in life, you are harming your vision because your eyes don’t want to see that stuff. Instead, focus on the positive things that make you happy and bring joy to your life. This is what your eyes were made for, to look at the things that mean the most to you. Once your eyes find the joy in seeing things, they will begin to relax and take in the scenery. Once the eyes are relaxed and begin to feel safe from danger, the fovea central is will turn back on bringing your focus back to the center of the eye. Getting the center focus back will help to eliminate many of the other visual problems and ailments you might have had.”

- Perfect Eyes (Dave Brinkley)

“When you suffer from mental strain, it keeps you from listening in a relaxed way and you may not be able to handle the truth. This ‘hearing what you want’ can cause stress and strain on the system. Your eyes will not be able to see without straining. You may only see the things you want to see and ignore the rest, or “turn a blind eye”.

It takes more than just not straining to perfect your vision; you must relax and enjoy the sights around you. Allow your eyes to move around naturally, blinking now and then, to get them in the habit of working more naturally. Your eyes work best when they are moving around; your eyes will be at their best when they can freely and quickly move over things.

Just as your mind needs to shuffle quickly through thoughts, your eyes need to be able to shift quickly over objects in order to see well. Your eyes will burn and hurt the longer they are keep stagnate. Learning to edge, trace, scan, and shift quickly over and around objects, will help improve your vision almost immediately.”

- Perfect Eyes (Dave Brinkley)

“My son, who works at home, sits daily in front of a PC, 10 hours a day, but during the day light hours, he looks many times out a window beside his PC, and this window over looks a meadow, with wild animals grazing, and beyond this meadow are trees, rolling hills, then mountains, in the years he has lived this way, he has increased his eye sight to above the normal 20/20! Looking up close, then far away is best eye exercises!”
- Jeanne von Lindern (Facebook Comment) (9 Oct 2013)

“The muscles of your eyes change the shape of your eye, and the shape of your eye lens, so that whatever you are looking at, gets focused in the right place on the retina. If the muscles are not working properly, the image is focused in the wrong place and appears fuzzy! Yes, that lacks a little finesse, as far as explanations go, but it gives you the basic idea! Now, if it is your eye muscles that allow you to see clearly, then it follows that ‘out of shape’ eye muscles are going to cause poor vision.

Because of the lack of movement and usage, the blood doesn’t circulate as it needs to, and the muscles are deprived of nutrition. Basically, nothing in the living world remains the same, it is either growing or it is dying. This is where we get the expression – ‘use it or lose it’!! The eyes’ tiny muscles are no exception. If they are not exercised and used to their full capabilities, they will begin to atrophy. In other words, if you are not working on improving your vision, it is going to get worse! When your eye muscles get weaker, they aren’t able to pull the eye, and the lens of the eye, into the right shapes to focus your vision correctly. When your eye muscles are too weak to be able to focus the eyeball on a close object, you end up with Myopia [nearsightedness). When it’s a distant object you can’t focus on, you get Presbyopia (farsightedness).

When you begin to do your eye exercises, you’ll start to bring your eye muscles back into shape. Imagine that when you’re doing your 15 minute exercise session, you’re sending your eye muscles to the gym to ‘pump some iron’! Just like a body builder, who can build a stronger and leaner body than the average person, by spending enough time, regularly doing the RIGHT exercises, you can also develop your eye muscles way beyond the average person. You can create ‘super-vision’. Eye muscles can be strengthened to see telescopically. What others’ can see with binoculars, a person with ‘telescopic vision’ can see with the naked eye. You can also develop ‘microscopic vision’ where you can see very small things, close up, very clearly.”

- Perfect Eyes (Dave Brinkley)

“Tears are nature’s eye drops. They cleanse and purify the eyes and contain the bodies natural healing chemicals, many of which science probably hasn’t even discovered yet.”

- Perfect Eyes (Dave Brinkley)

Heal Your Eyesight with the Power of Palming

“Palming is definitely one of the most important exercises you can do to improve your vision. Actually, palming isn’t really an exercise, it’s more of a non-exercise! I’ll explain… Palming was re-discovered by William H. Bates, M.D. in the early 1900’s. Before this, the ancient Indian Yogis and Chinese Taoist practiced eye palming techniques for thousands of years. They “palmed” their eyes as a form of meditation or inner visualization and relaxation.

Very basically, Palming is simply the act of gently ‘cupping’ both palms over the eyes, blocking out as much light as possible.

Palming is one of the most important methods for relaxing eye muscles and eye nerves. When the eye muscles get stressed or strained, lazy, and bent out of shape, so does the eye. This also affects the lenses in your eye, and your vision. Any body builder, professional athlete, coach or physical therapist will tell you, that one of the most important aspects of muscle conditioning, is relaxation. When the muscles relax, they begin to function as they are supposed to, at peak performance.

But what does this mean to you? Simple… more relaxed eyes = better vision!

The Masters say that ‘too much outward gazing at all the ‘exciting’ and fast-moving things in the world, upsets the inner balance of our ‘spiritual third eye’. The physical eyes and brain become clouded, confused and agitated, like a muddy stream. Palming calms the mind, emotions, spirit and body. This allows the inner and outer eyes take on the qualities of a clear, tranquil and peaceful pool of water. When your mind and emotions are tranquil, your eyes can focus on the outer world with clarity and insight.’

In addition to this calming effect, many believe that during palming, healing energy passes through the palms of your hands into your eyes. If you’re a sensitive person, and you relax and concentrate a little, you’ll actually be able to feel this happening, and you can even magnify the effect by using your intent or imagination. You’ll find you can ‘pull’ energy from your hands with your eyes, or you can intentionally send healing energy from your hands into your eyes. Sometimes, this energy feels warm and soothing, sometimes it feels a little cool and prickly, sometimes it feels expansive and magnetic!


Tips and Techniques to improve your Palming Effectiveness: Rub your hands together. Before you start your palming, rub your hands together for 10-20 seconds very vigorously. This is a technique used by energy healer bring healing energy into the hands, which you can then pass into the eyes. If you don’t believe in ‘healing energy, then just see it as getting some heat into the hands, which feels nice on the eyes and helps them relax more. You can make this even more effective, by using your intention and imagination to send healing energy to your hands when you rub them together.

Get into the habit of palming many times during the day, whenever you have a few spare moments.

Unlike some of the eye exercises you aren’t going to overdo it. You can palm for hours each day if you really want, it won’t harm your eyes, it will only help them.”

- Perfect Eyes (Dave Brinkley)

“Besides palming your eyes to heal your vision, you can also palm the visual cortex region in the back of your head. This is what is called “Eyes in the back of your head”. It is the region in the back of the brain near the base of your skull. You can palm or press your fingertips against it and feeling your “inner energy” flowing from your hands and fingertips into the back of your head. Breathe in and breathe out as you do it, and feel your vision clearing and your eyes brightening up with life and energy.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

“Calm the mind, emotions, spirit and body. This allows the inner and outer eyes to take on the qualities of a clear, tranquil and peaceful pool of water. What your mind and emotions are tranquil, your eyes can focus on the outer world with clarity and insight.

Cultivate the power to remember and visualize perfect black. It enables you to see the letters much black on a page thus making them sharper and easier to read. Your subconscious memory of perfect blackness carried in your mind when your eyes are open, will give you a high degree of mental and visual clarity and strength. Thus your vision can be improved immediately, if your memory and mental image of perfect blackness is visualized and retained. The ‘darker’ the black you can ‘see’, the quicker your eyesight improvement!”

- Perfect Eyes (Dave Brinkley)

“The eyes use one third as much oxygen as the heart. Breathe calmly through the nose and imagine the eyes are inhaling and exhaling the air. Imagine health, vitality and healing and relaxation flow into your eyes with every breath.

Perfect vision is your natural vision. Think to yourself “I can see clearly now!”

- Perfect Eyes (Dave Brinkley)


The Presence of Angels and their Effect


The word ‘angel’ is derived from the ancient Greek ‘angelos’, meaning ‘messenger’. Angels act as a bridge, serving as a channel between the spiritual realm and the material, physical world.

People perceive angels in many different ways; the most profound encounters are as physical manifestations. Fascination with angels grows daily. Ordinary, everyday people all over the world opening talk about how angels have helped them, and stories of angelic intervention are becoming more frequent.

As people become consciously aware of angels, the veil between our world and theirs becomes thinner. Angels wish for and seek contact and communication with you on a daily basis. You don’t need to be clairvoyant or psychic to experience angelic contact – just open and receptive.

Angels are among us now more than ever with increasing numbers of people reporting encounters, healing remedies, lifesaving measures an timely messages. The angels know that it is time for us to heal ourselves, our lives and our world. The angels are helping us heal the challenges and ills that keep us from living at our highest potential.

Angels are a bridge into the heavenly realms. Angels convey a world beyond our normal sight which is around us and within us all.

Angelic contact varies greatly from person to person and in many different forms. Some people see angels in human-like form complete with wings, whilst others are able to see angels with their mind’s eye. Some people see coloured swirling lights, and others encounter angels through their dreams or during meditation. Other people are able to feel angelic wings encircling and enfolding them and others encounter angels by being surrounded by a beautiful energy signature.

Angels can be perceived by any and all of the human senses. Some ways in which you may become aware of the presence of angels include:

* The atmosphere and energy of a room or area suddenly changes. You may feel surrounded by a warm glow or sensation. You may feel a rush of energy down your spine, then spread throughout your body. You may feel or sense the air around you tingling or ‘sparking’.

* The room or area suddenly fills with a beautiful fragrance or sweet perfume.

* You may experience a particular sweet taste.

* An ethereal sound or angelic music may be heard, often associated with healing.

* You are overcome with feelings of love, appreciation, gratitude and joy.

* Twinkling silver or colour lights may appear around you momentarily. This ma be in the form of sparkles or tiny flashes of bright light, shafts of brilliant dazzling light and/or spheres of colour around you.

* You may feel the sensation of angels wings gently brushing against you or enfolding you. You may even sense or feel angelic hands touching you on your shoulders or clasping your hand.

* A gentle breeze from nowhere me pick up and play with your hair.

* You may become more aware of an increase in ‘coincidences’ that occur in your life and your problems may seem to find their own solutions – sometimes in the most unexpected ways.

There are many other ways in which angels give us signs that they are present in our lives. Some of these include:

* Clouds

Angels sometimes appear in cloud formations, particularly over sacred sites or when you have asked for angelic assistance. Clouds will also sometimes appear as feathers.

* Feathers

White feathers can appear in the most unlikely of places. These are little angel signs. When one presents for you, take it as a signal from the angels that they are with you.

* Flowers

Flowers offer us the essence of spirit and bring us joy on many levels.

* Words

Words are very powerful. Often after you have asked for angelic assistance you may hear the word ‘angel’ mentioned on the TV or radio, or someone will say the word in an unlikely context. You may then also hear your ‘solution’ or words of guidance then aswell.

* Crystals

‘Angelic crystals’ are Celestine, Seraphinite and Danburite and Clear Quartz. Angels are said to be able to suddenly appear in these crystals after you have started reaching out to the angelic realm.

We all have access to angels. These powerful spiritual helpers are beings of light who have never been in a physical body, differing from spirit guides who have experienced human life on the earth plane.

When you open your heart to the angels your life can be filled with wonder, love and miraculous joy. We know that we are achieving true angelic communication when we can acknowledge that we no longer feel ‘alone’. Protection, guidance, support and nurturing are there in abundance for us and is actively flowing in our direction influencing and improving all areas of our lives.

Working with angels most often challenges our outworn patterns and belief systems, shaking us out of our comfort zones. It takes courage to open the doors to healing. At times, the most beneficial life changes can be challenging.

An infinite number of angels are available to assist us at any given time. We also have one or more ‘guardian angels’ who are with us from birth and throughout our lives. These angels offer us their wisdom, help and advice, but never interfere with our freewill.

Angels are obedient to Cosmic or Universal Law. According to the spiritual Law of Free Will, angels are unable to intervene or help us unless we specifically ask. The only exception to this rule of free-will is if we are in mortal danger of dying before our time. That is the only time angels are able to intervene un-asked.

The angels are here to help us heal from issues and challenges that are seemingly mundane, to those that seem important and urgent, or spiritually profound. There are no limits to the angel’s healing powers. They can help us heal our relationships, career concerns, finances, housing or accommodation issues and any other challenge we may face in our lives.

One of the angel’s healing tasks is to help us lift our vibrational frequency.

There is a perfect solution for every problem. The answers lie in the Higher dimensions – and often our human-self cannot access them. In order to find the solution, we have to hand the situation over to the angels, then listen to and act on the prompting of our intuition. The angels ask that we turn to them and ask for help with the smallest and largest of our problems. There is always a solution and the angels love to provide it for us in many and varied ways, whichever is most appropriate.

When we call upon angelic aid, we must do so from a place within ourselves of love, trust, humility and clarity. As long as your requests are positive and does not interfere with your own life’s plan, the angels are able to answer your call and give you appropriate, loving help and guidance.

For the angels to heal your situation, you must completely release it and let it go. This allows the angels to deal with it and heal it. We need to trust that the infinite wisdom of the Universe will come up with the best solution possible.

After releasing the problem or situation to the angels, you may be prompted to take some human steps to help resolve the situation. The instructions will come to you intuitively, either in a dream, as a voice or a ‘knowingness’. These directions are the answers to your prayers and you are to take ‘right action’, whatever that may entail, to resolve your challenging situations.

No situation is too big or too small for the angels to resolve it for you. There is no task that angels cannot help us with. Angels are completely dedicated to helping humanity spirituality as well as in practical ways.

Keeping in contact with angels helps to attune the mind and heart to your higher-self.

You can ask to be surrounded by as many angels as you like, and it is advisable to ask the angels to surround your loved ones – children, partner, family, friends and associates. You are also able to ask the angels to direct their energies and blessings towards others all over the earthplane.

You do not need a specific ritual, ceremony or invocation … you simply need to ask with sincerity and with the highest intentions in mind and heart.

The guidance you receive from angels will help you abundantly, no matter what you believe about how the Universe works or not. Whether you see angelic guidance as an opportunity to change a bad habit or negative attitude, or whether you see it as ‘repayment’ of a ‘karmic debt’ – you are going to be helped by it.

When you consciously engage angels in with heartfelt intentions, asking for their help and support, amazing things are guaranteed to happen. You will be helped in unexpected ways by unforeseen and unexpected sources.

Nothing happens without a reason. We are always given what we need. We are never given more than we can handle.

Just accept the gifts when they start to come … just say yes and accept them for what they are. It’s a matter of trusting and following guidance that you may hear most clearly as an inner voice or experience simply as a nonverbal, psychic and/or intuitive urging.

Right actions are the real agents of positive change and by always relying on our angel’s guidance to pursue whatever the next ‘right action’ maybe – and helps us to gain a deeper appreciation of the larger ‘karmic’ purpose of the paths we want and are encouraged to take.

All we ever need do is trust that guidance will come – then trust in it when it comes. We simply need to listen to the answers we receive, then take the actions that those answers imply.

Angels are wonderful healers as their essence is of pure love. Angel view s through the ‘true-self’ world, which only knows perfection.

Angels afford us a means of spiritual communication that we can access in no other way. They are messengers. Their single focus is to help us grow and thrive materially and spiritually.

To transmit their messages to us, angels will use any means or form to maximize the effectiveness of their message. They may take the form of humans, they may communicate to us through a song lyric or tune, they can send us a familiar scent, whisper suggestions or show us an image. They want to convey precisely what they know you will take notice of and understand best … in whatever form that may take. Your angel will make sure you ‘get the message’.

The angels support us and are empathic to people who feel that they are on the wrong career path. The angels know of our natural and innate talents and abilities, and wish for us to work in professions that helps others and incorporates our natural interests.

We each have a ‘life purpose’, which is like an assignment we need to fulfill during our lifetime. The ‘life purpose’ enmeshes with our natural talents and interests, and we have enough time, intelligence, creativity, money and other resources to fulfill this task completely.

Our angels tell us that there are infinite ways for a dream or vision to be made reality. When we let go of our fear-based limited expectations that our dreams have the best chance of manifesting. The angels ask us to release the human doubts that say ‘it can’t happen’ and/or ‘cannot be possible because it is illogical and/or impossible’. The angels are able to rise above human logic to an elevation where all things are possible. The angels ask us to release all fear and doubts so that they can bring about our desires, no matter how unlikely or illogical they may seem.

‘Vision’ is far wider and deeper than just a simple ‘visualizations’ exercise. We are able to connect to a clearer picture, of what you want in life, and of who you are.

‘Wisdom’ isn’t a passive state of looking ‘wisely’ upon human affairs from a distance – wisdom suggests a plan of ‘right action’ and practical insight.

‘Strength’ is the spiritual stamina to continue on your path. It is not exertive power over circumstances. Strength is the infinite energy that runs through all things and is always accessible and available to us. All you have to do is ask for guidance, trust in the response, be courageous in taking the ‘right actions’, and enjoy your journey.

The angels live for the joy of service and wish that we would ask for their assistance more often. Working with angels offers us the opportunity to develop inner-wisdom whilst strengthening self-understanding. By connecting with your inner-light you will easily be able to overcome obstacles in your day to day life. We can reinforce our angelic connection by asking the angels to assist us in achieving our goals. They help by motivating us towards our dreams and desires.

Angels have many and varied tasks to perform. ‘Messenger angels’ have the ability to show up just at the right moment to help, assist and/or save a situation.

Some angels are ‘inspirational’, teaching us through cosmic virtues such as goodness, kindness, honesty, humility, purity, joy, beauty and blessings.

Other angels act as ‘joy bringers’ or ‘blessing bringers’, gladdening our hearts and guiding us towards positive experiences.

Love and Light


- Joanne Walmsley (SACRED SCRIBES)

Article Source: http://www.peaceloveandoneness.com/2013/10/07/angels/


Body Connections and Women

Body Connections and Women

“I suspect there’s an element of social conditioning that I need to unload here — the conditioning that tells me that I should relate to men and women equally when it comes to connection invitations, i.e. that when it comes to invitations to connect in the dimensions of mind, heart, and/or spirit, I must be gender neutral. However, I can’t do that if I’m to create a reasonable sense of balance here.

In fact, I need to do just the opposite. I need to over-represent the body aspect in my connections with women since that aspect will definitely be under-represented in my connections with men. This means that even if I get a nice offer from a woman to explore a mind-heart-spirit connection together, I’m going to need to decline those invitations much of the time. But if that same invitation comes from a man, I can be a lot more liberally in accepting. That’s because if I accept more mind-heart-spirit connections from women, I won’t have as much time to explore connections that include the body aspect. It’s a matter of opportunity cost.

This of course presumes that balanced connections are important, and for me that’s true.

I feel that this is a mistake I’ve made in the past. I would accept mind-heart-spirit connections with equal interest whether they came from men or women. It seems unfair, sexist, or otherwise dishonest to have one standard for men and another standard for women with respect to these types of connections. But now I realize that I can’t apply the same preferences to men and women alike. I’m not neuter, and I’m not bisexual. I can’t explore the body aspect with men in the ways I can with women. So I absolutely must skew my connection preferences with women to over-emphasize the body aspect.

Rationally it should be fairly obvious why this is so. But of course limiting beliefs have a way of sneaking below the rational radar and making themselves seem sensible and correct. The idea that I’m supposed to treat connection opportunities in a largely gender-neutral matter is a load of falsehood that I’m finally unloading. The simple truth is that in order to create an overall balance between the four aspects of connection in my life, I need to favor physical connections with women to such a degree that I decline a lot more invites from women if the door to a physical connection is closed.

I do see the importance of putting more emphasis on physical connections with women and letting go of more connections with women that don’t include at least some degree of physical connection.

Does this mean that if a woman doesn’t want to connect physically at all, or if she has to rule that out for some reason (such as already being in an exclusive relationship), that I’d be less inclined to be her friend? Yes, that’s exactly what it means. If I don’t do that, then I’m sentencing myself to a guaranteed imbalance across the four dimensions of connection. It means the body aspect will always be lagging behind the other three aspects.

If I invite and explore too many connections with women that don’t have the body aspect present, it means I’m delaying or avoiding the possibility of experiencing a strong 3D connection that involves the body aspect, and I’m also ruling out the potential for an amazing 4D connection.

If it seems like I’m still leaning into this realization and not fully there yet, that would be a fair assessment. On the one hand, I appreciate having great female friends even if there’s no body connection to speak of (not even cuddling). On the other hand, my interest in inviting and accepting more connections of that nature is definitely waning. I already have plenty of mind-heart-spirit connections with men and women alike, but I can only explore the other three types of 3D connections with women. So be it.

The truth is that my connections with women have already been leaning in this direction for quite some time. Even though it took me some time to figure this out consciously, my subconscious seems to have done the math earlier, causing me to begin filtering for more body-aspect connections with women even before I was aware that it made sense to do that.”

- Steve Pavlina

“As close as my connections with men can go, they’ll never go as deep as my connections with women can. There’s something beautiful about the polarity differences between men and women in that regard. The addition of the body aspect opens the door to even deeper connections in the areas of mind, heart, and spirit.

4D Connections body-mind-heart-spirit – The ultimate connection is four-dimensional. This connection is truly holistic — good physical chemistry, great communication, emotional depth, and growth potential. Our bodies give and receive pleasure. Our minds co-create and share ideas. Our hearts radiate love. And our spirits take an empowering journey together. For me this connection can only happen with a woman.”

- Steve Pavlina

Source: http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2013/09/enjoying-rich-and-abundant-relationships/

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