> Great Genius Insights into Everything (41)


Ego, Judgment and Duality Explained

Ego, Judgment and Duality Explained

The wrong idea of concepts such as Ego, Judgment and Duality is the reason why there is so much mess in the lightworker world.

Judgment – There is this idea that there are two terms called “judgment and “discernment”. Judgment is wrong and discernment is right. Well, judgment is actually an umbrella term that includes “discernment” as part of it. “Judgment” is just a word that has multiple meanings, and in many cases judgment is synonymous with discernment. Even with the idea of discernment, many people can “discern” wrongly, which also means to “judge wrongly. The word judgment has been used to mean discernment in many places such as the Bible. To try to disallow the word judgment to be used to mean discernment, and to try to separate the two words to mean different things is just plain impracticality and stupidity. Even when people take the word “judgment” to mean forming an opinion about something, the same argument can be made for the term “discernment”. Therefore, it is not about dropping judgment, but it is about improving judgment and suspending judgment when appropriate. And also, ever notice how many of those who are against judgment are actually very judgmental towards judgment? They contradict themselves with their illogical hypocrisy.

Duality – There is this idea that duality should be eliminated and as long as there is duality, one is not “enlightened”, “ascended”, “fully aware”, “know the truth”, and any other statement you have heard of. People think there is no duality in higher dimensions (such as 5D and above). That is so wrong. As long as there is perception, consciousness will perceive between “this” and “that”. When there is no duality, there is no perception. The truth is in 3D, people tend to be stuck in seeing things in only one polarity or the other. Duality is Polarity. Beings of higher awareness or in higher dimensions are able to “transcend duality” by see one polarity, and the other polarity, and seeing the connections between the two, and seeing whole that the two are made up of, and seeing all of it simultaneously. As one goes higher in awareness and dimension in terms of 4D, 5D, 6D and 7D, one is able to perceive and experience more and more the connection, combination, underlying unity and wholeness of things.

Ego – There is this idea that Ego is bad and should be eliminated. The truth is Ego is the boundary that makes up your individual consciousness. Without Ego, you would not exist as an individual. To be really egoless is to be a robot, vegetable or brain-dead. Ego is Personality. Ego is the whole reason why you exist individually. Your soul created your ego so that you can experience yourself individuality with personality, likes and preferences. The thing is people in 3D tend to get stuck in Ego perspective and think that that is all of themselves that exists, and are not aware of the larger or broader aspects of their being in higher dimensions. Your Ego is a focused extension of consciousness of your Soul, which is an extension or stepped-down funnel of a larger Over-Soul, which in turn is a stepped down funnel of Source. Take for example the Torso, the arm, the hand and the fingertips. Transcending Ego does not mean eliminating or removing Ego. You would not remove your fingers just because you know you are the torso would you? Transcending Ego simply means coming into awareness and operating with larger aspects of Self. Those who exist in higher states of spirituality or in higher dimensions still have Ego if they are to exist as individual consciousness. Theirs would be finer and finer states of Ego where they encompass their own unique personality and separate point of view, while perceiving the oneness between Egos, and perceiving the underlying unity and connection between all other Egos, all as circles within circles. Without the parts, the whole is not whole. In this world, the challenge is always to operate at multiple dimensions of Self simultaneously.

- Enoch Tan (Creator of Mind Reality)

“Ego is a necessary tool. It is about learning how to use it and not about eliminating it. When it serves you, use it. When it doesn’t, drop it. Sometimes you need Ego to build up who you are and differentiate yourself from the rest of this world. Sometimes you need to connect your Ego with Spirit and momentarily let your Ego out of the way so that you can channel the flow of Spirit continually without interruption or interference.”

- Except taken from Article on Mind Reality (Ego is Unique Expression of Infinite Being)
=> http://www.mindreality.com/ego-is-unique-expression-of-infinite-being

“The rainbow is a sign of no more judgment. God judged the earth once when he sent the flood. The rainbow is a sign that God will not flood the earth again. There is no more judgment from God because He has judged all our sins in the body of His Son Christ Jesus at the cross. The New Age has taken the idea of “no more judgment” and twisted it into their concept of “non-judgment” which is confusing as it implies there is no judgment at all. God is the Judge and He has Judged Righteously. At the Cross is where “Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. – Psalms 85:10”. You can’t turn to the New Age or other forms of Spirituality for the Truth. You have to turn to Jesus Christ for the Truth. All other paths lead to distortion, confusion and delusion. Only Jesus leads to complete wisdom and peace.”

- Enoch Tan (Creator of Mind Reality)

“Personally I think the personal growth teachers who promote that we should transcend our egos have been smoking way too much pot. Can you imagine what it would be like to live in a totally ego-less society? I’d put a bullet in my brain from sheer boredom.

I think we’re better off doing just the opposite. Let’s develop even stronger egos and broadcast our desires shamelessly. Show the world who you really are.

Some corporations would love to strip you of your personality quirks. People with drab personalities make great automatons. But what does that do to your life then?

I’d rather live in a world of strong personalities and characters. That doesn’t have to lead to violent confrontation. I think it would reduce violence since then it would be so much easier to find and connect with other strong-willed, like-minded people. We’d have so many slutty opportunities to indulge in our passions together that we wouldn’t need to waste time on conflicts.

Once we let go of the delusion that we’re such pure, ego-transcendent angels, then we can finally release the guilt and disappointment of not measuring up to that phony standard. And we can enjoy tremendous freedom to be fully and shamelessly ourselves.”

- Steve Pavlina Personal Development Insights #63

“Comparison is duality” is rubbish brainwashing nonsense from the new age and evil spirits. Along with “no judgment” and “no ego” Those foolish new age groups have thrown logic and wisdom out of the window. They are guided by evil spirits, blinding people with vague knowledge and deceptive displays of power. That is not to say God is not involved. But when one connects to the purest source, the wisdom gained surpasses all.

If you do not work with duality, you have no ability to differentiate black from white. If you have “no judgment” you are bland, naive and foolish personality. If you have “no ego” you are a vegetable. Evil spirits in fifth dimension have been deceiving spiritual people and their senses. They pretend to be light and truth but are error.

The highest spirits in the spiritual world are the judges of time, space and existence. Their ability to perceive duality and oneness simultaneously are far superior and far sharper than all. They make supreme judgments and execute the fullest justice in all areas of activity. Their spiritual aspects of ego and spirit are developed respectively to the fullest extent.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

“I find it funny that people who believe in “non-judgment” can’t help but judge and call the author’s view “wrong”, and even though they don’t believe in “ego” and promote “non-duality” they attempt to disagree with the author in a “loving” way which actually seems as though they feel their beliefs are under attack and must defend them, which ironically is an ego thing. So we can either resist the natural order of things, thinking that somehow we are above it, just to be constantly daunted and disillusioned because it isn’t working out the way we think it is supposed to; or we can embrace the natural order of things, like it or not, and learn to make constructive use of it which is far more productive than living in denial.”
- Jaclyn Norris (2 July 2013 Facebook Comment)

“Exactly why most new age “light and love” types are blinded and hypocritical. They are some of the most judgmental people, judging anything that isn’t “light and love” and acting like they are above it which is ego defense. They haven’t gotten rid of their egos, they’re just hiding under the guise of “no ego” but if they truly had no ego they would never try to force their perceptions on anyone. Even “ego” and “no ego” is a duality in itself, so if you claim to have “no ego” and are judging people who you think have egos, you are creating a separation thus going against your “non duality” stance. I think the concepts of ego dissolving, oneness, and non judgment have their place in awareness – but they aren’t the end all, they are more just temporary states and if they were meant to be permanent then we wouldn’t even be here. The fact that most people with these beliefs can’t even live up to them proves that. I’m glad more people are seeing the errors, and challenging what they claim to be “absolute truth”.
- Daniel Rivero (2 July 2013 Facebook Comment)

“The New Age is wrong about Ego, Judgment and Oneness. Satan has deceived many. God’s way is higher. God’s way is Truth. Christ is reigning on His Throne, Christ is Judge of the Earth, and there is no Oneness without knowing Christ as Lord of All.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

“Many people in the New Age have an incomplete concept of the “Shadow Side”. They have the idea that things you dislike about another person are things about yourself that you dislike and are reflected by the other person. This is a half truth but many treat it as more true than it is supposed to be. Sometimes this idea is true, but many a times, it is not. A person may dislike uncleanliness about another person simply because they themselves are clean. Those people who have no reaction to uncleanliness is because they themselves are unclean. Pigs have no issues with other pigs being unclean when they are all wallowing in the mud together. So realize that many in the New Age have warped perspective of many spiritual matters because they are in spiritual darkness and uncleanliness.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

Jesus said: “I came not to send peace, but a sword [Word of God]. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household. He that loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me: and he that loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.” The Bible says “The Word of God pierces into the dividing asunder between soul and spirit”. Jesus and the Word are here to create Duality towards all that is not the Truth. There is only True Unity Consciousness in Christ and the Gospel.

- Enoch Tan (Creator of Mind Reality)


The Purifying and Closing of A Magical Ritual

The Purifying and Closing of A Magical Ritual

“The magician should perform some version of an opening purification rite to begin and operation and some closing rite to conclude it. Such operations frame the greater working, setting apart, and thus sanctifying, the time and space in which it is carried out.

The whole idea of “purification” is just another way of saying “concentration of essence.” When a person or area is “purified” it is dedicated to a single, pure, and simply purpose – that of the working. This involves two things, which are the exclusion of things detrimental to the concentrated purpose and the concentration of essence on the purpose of the operation. This is how purification is best considered.”

- Hermetic Magic

“To close any operation after the completion of the working phase, a customary ritual should be developed by every magician. It is important to signal the end of the working so that the magical effects which you have set in motion can begin to work independently of your own concentrated will. In order to have this happen you must give all forces gathered for the working leave to depart and you must break the encircling surrounding the place of operation. These ends are most easily reached by uttering a verbal formula. Then simply step outside the area purified and sanctified for the working and put the events of the operation out of your mind.”

- Hermetic Magic

“One of the functions of the closing ritual is to put an “official” end to the working. This concentrates the magical will in a definite space and time. The main operative benefit of this is that the dynamis of the magician can be freed from the limitations placed on it by mental constraints such as anxiety over the success of the rite, or desire for the result. Once the working is done it is already successful.”

- Hermetic Magic

“You will need a place set aside for your rituals where you can feel safe, at peace with your emotions, secure from interruption and distraction. You must be able to concentrate completely on one purpose during the time of the ritual. If the person in the next apartment is blasting the stereo, and this gets on your nerves, it is a poor ritual place. You must conduct your rituals at a time when this distraction does not exist, or find another place.

As far as possible, everything in the ritual place that is not in harmony with the ritual purpose, whatever it may be at that time, should be minimized or excluded. Everything that supports the ritual purpose should be prominently present, with the proviso that clutter is always a distraction.”

- Hermetic Magic

- SETH (The Nature of Personal Reality)


Weather Manipulation with the Power of Your Mind

Weather Manipulation with the Power of Your Mind

“As mind over matter influences the weather, all you have to do is imagine what you want of the weather. Or think of the clouds and think to the rain clouds to stop raining, forming an energy pool. It might feel as though what’s going to happen becomes as a stagnation field by the energy pool or makes it a sterile energy area, and this halts the rain as you think it stopped. So to have the storm start, is to feel that energy pool drain away into the earth with some of it going into a container that you have for it, like a crystal or box. As in, think and imagine the clouds going in a direction and you nudge the clouds. This causes the weather to cease as it goes somewhere else. Again, the idea is to end the storm quicker by draining it of energies and directing it away by nudging it with your mind from your area.

If your use of weather magic uses emotion and in your use, emotion is thought projected at the clouds and throughout the sky then it will cause rainfall. If you project in itself emotion at the rain clouds then you can stop the rain. The more the emotion, the more the effect to the point of a tornado. And so to feel the emotion, then the urge of it by remembering things is to cause more. Then to think the emotion is sent to the sky, and you sent your emotion to the area where clouds can form, if none, or clouds can be broken up if there, unless you intend to cause a rainstorm. Balance is needed to manipulate the weather.”

- Spelly (spellhawk.blogspot.com)

“All weather disasters are actually created by the collective consciousness of the people there without them realizing it. There are no pure accidents in nature. People are not aware the power of their thoughts and emotions.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

Make Clouds Disappear with Your Mind

“You’ll need a nice day filled with big, fluffy clouds that are moving at a gentle pace. Lie down in the sun, chill out. Take some rays. While you’re contemplating the meaning of life, check out the edges of some of those clouds. You’re looking for a small wisp of cloud, a tiny one that’s broken away from a main cloud. Focus your eyes and your thoughts upon that wisp of vapor. Stare at it and will it to go away. Demand, with confidence, that it disappear, and it will. Just watch. As a beginner you have to practice on tiny cloudlets. Eventually, with practice, you will be surprised at how effective this can be on bigger ones. And there you are. You’re not changing yourself, you’re changing the reality around you. Weird or what? Sometimes we forget that we are not just in this world, we are part of it.

We not only have a right to be here but if you believe any or all religious writings, then it was created for us. We have control. God, whoever and whatever you perceive Him to be, has given us the channel changer.

Unfortunately this experiment will not impress hard-nosed skeptics who will insist that the clouds were disappearing anyway, but we’ll move on.”

- Success Engineering (Philip Gosling)

Who’ll Stop the Rain

“I relived an experience from my childhood in February 1998 one morning when I was in a wonderfully relaxed and joyous state, and was able to stop and start the rain, just like I did as a child.

When I was about five years old, I remember looking out my parents’ bedroom window into the backyard and noticing that as I thought “Stop, rain” the rain would instantly cease. When I thought “Start again”, it would instantly be raining. I could intend it to rain on just the left side of the yard or just the right side! I was so delighted and excited that I called my mom to come see this… but when she arrived, none of it worked anymore. From that moment on, I could never do this again… until an incredible Thursday morning in February 1998.

What I noticed in February 1998 was that at first the rain was delayed from when I thought start or stop… as if it was starting or stopping up in the clouds. This was amazing, because I hadn’t had any such experience since I was five, yet it was also very puzzling, because I clearly remembered that there was no delay when I was a little girl. I wondered what could have changed so that there would be such a delay, and then I laughed out loud to realize that as a five year old girl, I did not yet comprehend the way rain is supposed to come down all the way from clouds… so of course it just stopped instantly!!!

As soon as I remembered that I don’t have to wait for the rain to fall all the way down from the clouds, I intended for the rain to stop and start instantly. All it seemed to require was the incredibly relaxed, energized state of consciousness I was in, and my complete sense of confidence that this is doable, and that no delay in time is required for the rain to fall. Then… no problem! Just don’t call someone over and say, “Watch this!” when they don’t believe in it!

I cried when I realized that my childhood magic was coming back to me… I asked for thick, fat, wet raindrops to wash my tears of joy away and was happy to have the rain wash my face clean. What a feeling!”

- Reality Shifts (Cynthia Sue Larson)

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