> Great Genius Insights into Everything (37)


How Your Unconscious Mind Manifest Reality

How Your Unconscious Mind Manifest Reality

“Let’s say you have to choose what you are going to do tonight. During your previous sleep period your unconscious mind loads three possible paths into your probability pool. You may choose: staying home, going out with your friend, or going for a walk in the park. The probable version of you staying home has you becoming bored. The probable version of you going out with your friend has you enjoying yourself, and the probable version of you walking in the park leads to a new relationship. You can only manifest one of these. Your unconscious mind looks to your conscious mind for direction. It finds that, even though you would enjoy the fun and excitement of going out, you would rather take a walk in the park because you are seeking a long-term relationship. Your unconscious mind does a little further digging and finds that going out with your friend or staying home does not solve your relationship-seeking goal. So, your unconscious mind determines that going to the park would be the better choice. Then, at the right moment, you get an irresistible urge to take a walk in the park (which you follow) and this probable action gets pulled out of the pool and manifests.

Now I‘ve made this example simple to demonstrate what occurs. However, in many instances hundreds of factors get taken into account before a final version of an event is materialized – for example, factors like your feelings, your physical condition, your long-term and short-term goals, the circumstances that each probable action is liable to put you in, whom you may meet, whom you may not meet, etc.

Despite all these factors, freewill always applies! That’s why your unconscious mind looks to your conscious mind for a final determination. The only problem with this selection process is that sometimes your conscious mind doesn’t always reflect what you want or what is best for you. This crossing of wires is the reason you sometimes manage to materialize a probable action you do not wish. Your unconscious mind is not at fault for materializing the wrong course of action; for the most part, your unconscious mind is just following orders. The error probably came when your unconscious mind looked into your conscious mind and the wrong data was present.

Using the example of going out or staying home, what if your unconscious mind looked into your conscious mind and saw uncertainty of getting involved in a new relationship? That uncertainty within your mind could alter which probable event you will materialize. You could manifest one of the other two probable versions (the one where you went out with your friend or just stayed home). Those two probable versions have you missing that relationship connection. You can see already that manifesting either of those events does not move you into the probable future of a hot romance. In fact, choosing either of those other events could send you further away from what you desire, as there is a whole other set of other probable actions resting on those probabilities.”

- Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)

“The Creation Mechanism is the nonphysical device that takes your thoughts, changes them into a magnetic-like energy, and then pulls together events in real time. This process is straightforward. You create the thought. It goes into the Creation Mechanism and then manifests in some way. The glitch to this process is that what comes out may or may not be exactly like what you wanted because of the unknown processes that go on as the thought is being transformed into a magnetic wave. This magnetic wave’s blueprint is alterable through the Ever Present Moment. By changing this inner blueprint you can have more direct control over what elements get hooked on to the thought pattern you are trying to manifest. You will be able to more accurately tailor your reality creating by pre-selecting what can manifest and what cannot. You will actually be altering events on the level that they form—not before or after! That’s direct reality control!

Let’s say you want to manifest a blue ball. You form the thought clearly in your mind and send this thought wave out. Into the Creation Mechanism it goes, and about a week later you manifest not a blue ball but a red ball. What happened? You sent the picture out clearly. Well somehow when the thought got into the inner workings of the Creation Mechanism, it mixed with data from your Ever Present Moment and the manifestation got altered a bit. To take more of the hit and miss out of the creation process, you could enter your Ever Present Moment, as the thought form of the blue ball is being assembled. You can do this is in a dream, meditation, or an out of body travel (more on these later). Then you can observe the process here and stop the red ball from being manifested and ensure that the blue ball is manifested. Or, at the very least, you could find out why the red ball might be a better ball to manifest.

The point being, you can directly interface with the creation process and debug it or come to understand it better. Perhaps the red ball manifested because it is easier to see red when you are playing at night. Or perhaps the red ball manifested because you have some inner fear of blue. My example does demonstrate to you that other factors go into the manifestation process and there is no reason why you cannot be part of those other factors.”

- Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)


Astrology Forces are in Background of Freewill

Astrology Forces are in Background of Freewill

“Most who are really good at the astrological charting and expressing, they are intuiting it anyway. They are using the processes as a guide to ask the questions, but they are intuiting the answers that are coming forth. If you feel invincible as a result of it, then it is serving you well. But never ever will we allow some book dictate who we are and what we should do in a day. You are Source Energy in physical bodies and your alignment with who you are will make you impervious to anything that goes wrong and a vibrational match to all things that goes right. The laws of the universe are not lining up with a chart. The laws of the universe are lining up with what you put in vibrational escrow, and to the degree you line up with it, it will all line up, leave the chart out of it.”

“Not one that you could just turn to the right page and get the right answer. The book is just a guideline of focus. The answers must come individually. That’s why the astrologer is important to the equation, and must be in the vortex when they astrologize.”

- Abraham Hicks

“Astrology deals with those factors that are pre–incarnation. In other words, those decisions which you made before you focused into the physical. Astrology charts can be a way to help your physical aspect understand the decisions you made from native state. But we do not emphasize astrology as a way to direct your life. You have free will and the law of attraction will be the great manager in the sky for you in this attraction–based universe. All you have to do is decide what you want, and focus upon it!

The decisions of consciousness determine how it is focused and how the template of the physical body will be modified to suit that focusing (all bodies, even within the same species, are different). Of course each astronomical body will have been in a certain position relative to the earth at the time of birth, but it is not the position or influence of those bodies that is the important factor in the incarnation! Any good astrologer knows this.

Some astrologers make too much of their extrapolations from the position of celestial bodies at the time of birth and then saying: ‘The movement of the astronomical bodies will determine the behavior of the conscious being inhabiting the body, according to these rules.’

We are not saying that astrology is invalid. We say, in fact, that astrologers are quite correct for the most part in their charts and predictions of the energetic signatures from stellar bodies as they move about relative to the earth. What we are saying is that the influence of these bodies is in the background, in comparison to a being’s free will conscious decision making.

We cannot emphasize enough that this is a free–will universe! Consciousness is directing the show. There is no outside influence that can have any effect upon you, unless you begin to believe that it does.

That is the power of all predictive disciplines or arts – as long as the practitioner can get you to believe that so and so will happen, your thoughts will begin to coalesce around it and you will begin inviting it into your experience.”

- Conversations with My Higher Self (A book channeling the same entity know as “Abraham Hicks”)


Time Slows Down and Other Miracles

Time Slows Down and Other Miracles

“In the summer of 1991, I was walking in a Swiss train station with my husband, who carried our one-year-old baby on his shoulders. She was holding onto his neck and hair for support, while he carried two suitcases in his arms. I walked along behind my husband a few paces back, also carrying a suitcase, and noticing that our daughter had released her grip on my husband’s hair and was now happily waving her arms free so they rose and fell with each step he took as she bounced along. Very suddenly and without warning, our daughter bounced up and free of her dad’s shoulders and began falling, back, head-first towards the hard marble floor of the train station. I realized with a sudden shock that there was no way he could stop her from falling, and I was about nine feet behind him… seemingly much too far to catch her as she fell. I felt a rush of emotions flooding me with energy and I realized that I desired with all my heart and soul to somehow catch her.

In the very next moment, I felt myself continuing to walk forward at my normal speed, while everything and everyone around me moved more and more slowly. It seemed that everyone walking nearby began moving in slow motion, and even the normal sounds of footsteps clicking on marble slowed and softened to almost total silence as time seemed to stretch forever leaving everything except me in a state approaching suspended animation.

I was overjoyed to be able to easily catch up to my husband just as our daughter fell freely into my arms! As I caught her, time seemed to resume its normal flow once again, and everyone moving around me began moving at normal speed.”

- Reality Shifts (Cynthia Sue Larson)

Carlene H. Appleby: First time I’ve been over here on this page, saw a couple of friends names on the side thingy and come and read ”this.” My former pastor and his wife went thru an 18 wheeler this way. Avoiding being killed, no doubt. They experienced similar knowings and feelings. We now understand that God ”literally stops time” for miracles like this; there is no other explanation as far as I am concerned. Praise HIM for what has happened in the lives in this thread.
- Facebook Comment, 23 Oct 2013

Wanda Wman: Something like this happened to me while carrying my infant son during the winter…I walked out of a store and didn’t realize that I had stepped right onto a patch of ice…I went flying forward and upwards as I was falling, my son went flying out of my arms, all I could see was his head falling to the concrete walkway….The same thing happened, it was like everything stopped, everything around me and time…The next thing I know I am stretched out on the ground like a football player just catching a long pass from the quarterback….My arms were out stretched in front of me with my baby safely caught in them…I don’t even know what happened in between me falling and me seeing him flying out of my arms…then what seemed like everything froze and the next thing I know all is safe…except for some minor scrapes and scratches on my end…..my son was perfectly fine!!
- Facebook Comment, 23 Oct 2013

Sarena Marie Graham-Portune: I was thrown from a horse it was as if in slow motion I was able to turn my body and say “Mother Earth catch me ” I landed on my bottom totally unhurt and the ground felt like rubber
- Facebook Comment, 23 Oct 2013

Joann Reynolds: Has happened to me when I was changing a tire on the side of a road and was hit by a truck. I didn’t have one scratch on me. My car, however, was totaled!
- Facebook Comment, 23 Oct 2013

Sonia Barned: A bicycle, without brakes, hurtled downhill towards the car I was a passenger in. Slow motion the entire scene… Windshield shattered… Everyone fine ., and me wondering whose voice it was that told me to close my eyes….
- Facebook Comment, 23 Oct 2013

Trudee Ball: Yep passenger in a mini, brakes failed at an intersection, mini truck coming from the right. Everything went into slow motion it seemed and then bang we hit the back wheel of the truck, if we hit in the middle would have been goners. Extremely thankful someone was watching over us
- Facebook Comment, 23 Oct 2013

Brenda Crews: Angels are surrounding us at all times. Same happened to me, but it was my Mother, she tripped on a rock, and turned and she went head first into my chest. I turned just on time to catch her” I know, what I know!!
- Facebook Comment, 23 Oct 2013

Sanjay Mansukhani: I have had a similar experience. I once suddenly stepped down from the footpath while turning right. My right leg stepped on a man hole cover which wobbled and I was suddenly thrown off balance in the forward direction and was about to fall over on a speeding car. A force suddenly slowed me down and I could see myself going ahead frame by frame in very slow motion till I was just an inch or so from the speeding car and then there was a rebound and again I came back in slow motion frame by frame. My feet found their balance and I could see the car had passed away and my world was back to normal and safe. Even now I can clearly see that slow motion video in front of my eyes. My deepest thanks to God and complete gratitude to him.
- Facebook Comment, 23 Oct 2013

Tracy Jameson: This really does happen when my child who was a toddler at the time was about to tumble down stairs I was in the next room and time stood still as I got there and caught him. Amazing
- Facebook Comment, 23 Oct 2013

Victoria Marlow: We have tile floors in are house. Everything that drops on that floor breaks. I started practicing saying don’t break, don’t break, don’t break if I can think that before the item hits the floor 90% of the time the item well not break. That goes for glass, dishes, myself and even hard plastic. I don’t know how it works I just knows it does.
- Facebook Comment, 23 Oct 2013

Diane Names: This happen me in a car crash with my brother and mother in law the car rolled a few times and hit a post from the minute the car started Rollin every thing was slow I saw all the glass smash in and tiny bits fly everywhere the sound was slow also we were all lucky to be alive
- Facebook Comment, 3 Dec 2013

Charlie Ertel: Everyday I look back to the day I broke my femur when I was hurdling towards a tree while sledding… time slowed down and I was able to “swim” in the air to avoid my head smashing into the tree. I’m thankful everyday because of it.
- Facebook Comment, 3 Dec 2013

Kum Hana: I have similar experience too. I fall off building when I was young girl. I thought it was like flying in slow motion as though I could control my fall. I hit bottom fast but, while I was falling it was in slow motion like flying. I never thought much of it, thinking that it was normal to feel that way. Until now. I think it was pretty high. It was a building they were building for church. Maybe 2 story high. I landed on my feet. I didn’t shift or move. I just felt like I was flying in slow motion time just seems like moved slow when I was falling down I felt like I could control myself. when I hit ground it was fast like bam! I was surprised I hit ground. My ankle did hurt a lot but my mom took me to acupuncture doctor and I was walking when I came out.
- Facebook Comment, 3 Dec 2013

Teresa Ofthefamily Hunter: When I was a kid, I was a passenger in the back seat of a car, I didn’t have a seat belt on, I heard a voice say put your head on the seat in front (like a brace position) a few seconds later we hit a drunk driver that had run a red light. When we hit, my body was pushed forwards into the back of the front seat and then down to the floor of the car. If I hadn’t just moved, I would have been thrown through the windscreen and killed. I have heard that voice several times in my life now, and I always listen to it.
- Facebook Comment, 3 Dec 2013

Henry Laureano: I was driving home to a friend’s house after buying some raw honey from a local bee keeper this past summer. On the way I noticed on the other side of the road the huge facade of a new garden center/green house. As we approached I took my eyes off the facade and back onto the road, I saw the car in front of us had stopped to make a left turn without a directional signal. I immediately hit the brakes and in what appeared to be slow motion waited and hoped for the car to stop before having a collision; and it did a few feet from her rear bumper. Then I looked in my side view mirror and watched as 2 cars and a small pickup with a forth car at the rear screeched towards me in what appeared too short a distance to keep from becoming a five car pileup. It all happened in slow motion and each car stopped just a few feet from the one in front of it. I could see panic and dread in face of the driver of the pickup as she tried to keep from hitting the car ahead. Her back wheels swerved a bit to her right and she came to a stop, again with only a few feet to spare. I felt like a bubble of protection engulfed us all. It’s as though time slowed enough to give time for each car to come to a rest. Thinking back on what happened it is as though time slows down and the connection with the One becomes so focused that the reality of events in time could be rearranged. When it was all over the driver of the stopped car looked in her back view mirror and threw up her arms and shrugged her shoulders. Anyone who has had these experiences knows if they are honest with themselves, that at that moment they were totally helpless to affect change with who they know themselves to be.
- Facebook Comment, 3 Dec 2013

Larry Dale Adams: When I was 7 or 8 I fell out of a tree, in slow motion I saw a large root protruding out of the ground as I was heading for it. I heard a female voice in my head tell me to put my arm over my chest, I landed and my parents took me to the hospital, our family dr told me I was lucky to just have a broken arm, if I had not crossed my arm over my chest he said it would have crushed my chest, hart and punctured my lungs.
- Facebook Comment, 21 June 2015

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