> Great Genius Insights into Everything (36)


Allowing Nullifies Backward Swing of Pendulum

“As long as you have concern that another can interfere in your experience, or that another can swing his arms into your face, then you do not yet really understand how it is that you get what you get. You can begin, today, to think only of what you want; and then begin, today, to attract only what you want. Your question comes forth because yesterday, or somewhere in your past, you did not understand this, and you were inviting—through your thought—those who swing their arms into your face. And so, now, in this moment, you ask, ”What do I do about it?”

If there are those in your experience who are swinging their arms in an uncomfortable way, take your attention from them and they will go away, and in their place will come those who feel comfortable to you, who are in harmony with you. But what usually happens is, as they swing their arms, as they do the things you do not want them to do, you give your attention to that. You get angrier about it, you get more upset about it, and by the Law of Attraction, you attract more of the essence of that, until soon you have more than one in your experience. There are two, or three, or many… Take your attention from that which does not please you, put your attention upon that which does please you, and you will then change the momentum. Not instantly, but it will begin to change.

If, every morning for the next 30 days, you begin your day by saying: I intend to see; I want to see; I expect to see, no matter who I am working with, no matter who I am talking with, no matter where I am, no matter what I am doing…I intend to see that which I want to see, you will change the momentum of your life experience. And all things that now displease you will be gone from your experience and will be replaced by things that do please you. It is absolute. It is Law.”

- Abraham Hicks (The Law of Attraction)

“You want to understand the Laws of the Universe so well that you become at one with them. You want to understand how it is that things come to you so that you do not feel like a victim, or vulnerable to the whims of others swinging their arms.

It is hard for you to understand these things when you are in the middle of what seems to be two worlds: the world that you created before you understood these things that we have talked about here, and the world that you are in the process of creating now that you are understanding more clearly. And so, some of the things that are in your experience because of the prepaving or the prethinking of your past do not fit very well with what you now want. And so, we know there is a little bit of discomfort as you are in this transitional stage, but there will be less and less and less discomfort as you are clearer and clearer and clearer about what you want. Much of the clutter of past momentum is now moving from your experience.”

- Abraham Hicks (The Law of Attraction)

Allowing Nullifies Backward Swing of Pendulum

“When you are in the state of positive emotion and considering only what you are doing or thinking or speaking, you are Allowing yourself. When you are in the state of positive emotion regarding your view into another’s experience, you are Allowing another. It is that simple…. And so, you cannot have negative emotion about yourself and be in the state of Allowing yourself.

To be an Allower is to be one who feels positive emotion, which means that you must control what you are giving your attention to. It does not mean that you get everything in your world whipped into shape so that everything and everyone is just the way you want it to be. It means that you are able to see, and therefore solicit forth, from the Universe, from your world, and from your friends, that which is in harmony with you, while you let the other parts go unnoticed by you—therefore unattracted by you, and therefore not invited by you. That is Allowing, you see.

And we will tell you, friends, Allowing is the most glorious state of Being you will ever achieve on a long, ongoing basis. For once you are an Allower, you are spiraling upward and upward, for there is no negative emotion to balance you out and bring you down. There is no backward swing of the pendulum. You are forever and gloriously moving forward and upward!”

- Abraham Hicks (The Law of Attraction)

“Your universe is made of energy, and energy moves in waves and cycles. There will be times when your magnetism has a larger result and times when it has a smaller result. Some months you will receive more money than usual, and some months you will have more bills than normal. Some weeks your business may be booming, and other weeks you may have very few customers. Your challenge is to not go up and down emotionally with the natural ebb and flow of money in your life; use these natural cycles in a way that further build your prosperity.”

“If you acknowledged yourself every time you had even one day of more money coming in than going out, you would find the flow increasing in your life. If you have reached a level where you consistently have an excess of money coming in, congratulate yourself! You have reached a level of mastery of abundance. Take a moment to appreciate and acknowledge your accomplishment.”

“The challenge of the ebb state is to believe in your future prosperity. Everything on earth is cyclical, all phases are temporary. For every ebb, there is a flow that will follow. If you have a short- or long-term drop is your income, remember that it will be temporary, and focus on what you are learning from this experience. It is a rare company that does not go through ups and downs in the flow of sales created by natural business cycles. As you reach higher and higher levels of mastery with manifesting, you will be able to draw to you what you need when you need it, and you will be less affected by these natural cycles.”

“The more you can appreciate the gifts you are receiving while the tide is out, the more rapidly the tide will come back in.”

- ORIN (Channeled in the book “Creating Money”)


Pre-Manifestation: Alpha and Beta Reflections

Pre-Manifestation: Alpha and Beta Reflections

Alpha reflection

Usually within 24-72 hours of putting out a new intention, I experience the alpha reflection. I receive validation that the intention has taken hold. Normally this takes the form of a very noticeable synchronicity. Sometimes the synchronicity is part of manifesting the results; other times it just seems to be an acknowledgement that the intention was received. Many Million Dollar Experiment participants report alpha reflections within the first couple days of joining, like finding some extra money on the ground.

Last week I put out the intention to double my monthly income. A couple days later, an article I wrote last year got an unexpected link from a major media outlet, which sent me tons of new traffic. In one day I received almost $300 indonations, not to mention a significant boost in ad revenue (more than double my daily average). This temporary boost was congruent with my original intention, and it’s a good example of an alpha reflection. The intention didn’t actually manifest yet — it’s simply the universe’s way of saying, “Thanks, got it!”

Interestingly, I’ve noticed that the more I trust and expect my intentions to manifest, the weaker the alpha reflections are (in terms of their magnitude). I think this is partly because I’ve grown so accustomed to working with intention-manifestation that I don’t need to be beaten over the head with validation anymore. I’m just able to trust it. I still see the alpha reflections, but they aren’t normally as jolting. I don’t recall putting out an intention this year and not seeing a clear alpha reflection within a week, so I’m pretty sure it’s always there when the intention is properly formed. Recently I’ve put out over a dozen new intentions, and I enjoyed seeing all the creative winks from the universe to acknowledge their receipt.

Calm before the storm

The alpha reflection dies down pretty quickly, and then there’s a lull that can last anywhere from several days to several weeks. This period used to frustrate me because I thought my intentions had totally fizzled, and I know it frustrates many Million Dollar Experiment participants too — lots of people give up during this time. Big mistake! This is just the calm before the storm. It’s also the period where it’s most crucial to continue holding the intention and to carefully avoid putting out conflicting intentions. If I start harboring thoughts like, “Why isn’t this working?” or “I wonder if this will work,” I kill the intention. I must know it will work. Sometimes I kill intentions on purpose during this time when I realize I don’t really want them or if I think of something better to intend. It took me years of practice to develop the mental discipline to control my thoughts well enough to stay focused on what I want and not allow myself the luxury of contemplating what I don’t want. I’m nowhere near perfect, but I’m finally halfway decent at this now, and it makes a significant difference.

Beta reflection

As I continue to hold the intention and faithfully expect its manifestation, I eventually experience the beta reflection. Typically this begins more than a week after the intention is first formed. Whereas the alpha reflection is just an acknowledgement that the intention has been received, the beta reflection is the substantial beginning of the real manifestation.

The beta reflection is much longer, stronger, and slower than the alpha reflection. Imagine a thunderstorm. If the alpha reflection is a lightning flash, the beta reflection is the rolling thunder that arrives much later. Both originated with the same event, but they reach you at different times.

The beta reflection generally arrives in three forms: ideas, opportunities, and resources.

First, I experience a noticeable surge in ideas related to my original intention. These ideas may come in the form of spontaneous inspiration, or they may arrive through other people. For example, I might get a new optimization idea that takes only 20 minutes to implement and instantly boosts my income. Sometimes a good idea is all I need to manifest what I want, so I can carry it to completion on my own. But if the intention is big enough, then ideas and direct action won’t be enough by themselves.

The beta reflection also brings new opportunities. Often these seem to come out of nowhere. Someone I don’t even know may bring me a juicy opportunity related to my intention, even though I haven’t told anyone about it yet.

Lastly, the beta reflection brings new resources, which may include information, people, money, etc. Whatever is required to manifest the intention eventually comes into my life. Often I’ll experience three or more random people recommending the same book to me on the same day, and that book will just happen to contain exactly the answers I need to manifest my intention.

It’s still important to continue holding the intention during the beta reflection, but it’s not as difficult as during the pre-beta lull because now you have some genuine momentum. It doesn’t require as much faith to see that the intention is starting to manifest — even the logical mind is able to see it coming together. The main thing is to keep your logical mind from screwing it up by trying to control the process too much.

Depending on the complexity of the intention, the beta reflection can last for months or years. In fact, I believe our overall results in life can be interpreted as the long-term summation of our beta reflections from a lifetime of intentions. Whatever you imagine with enough energy will eventually manifest. If your thoughts are clear and focused, you’ll manifest your desires relatively quickly and easily. If your thoughts are jumbled and chaotic, you’ll manifest a seemingly random and haphazard life for yourself.

- Steve Pavlina http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2006/06/how-intentions-manifest/

“The student must remember also, not to despise the “day of small things.” Invariably, before a demonstration, come “signs of land.” Before Columbus reached America, he saw birds and twigs which showed him land was near. So it is with a demonstration; but often the student mistakes it for the demonstration itself, and is disappointed. For example: A woman had “spoken the word” for a set of dishes. Not long afterwards a friend gave her a dish which was old and cracked. She came to me and said, “Well, I asked for a set of dishes, and all I got was a cracked plate.” I replied, “The plate was only signs of land. It shows your dishes are coming — look upon it as birds and seaweed,” and not long afterwards the dishes came.”

- The Game of Life (Florence Scovel Shinn)

“If you’ve got negative emotion and you’re not aware of it so you don’t do anything to find relief from it, then something that matches it will come. It will get bigger. So the negative emotion moves to a manifestation, or the negative emotion moves to a physical sensation which then moves to an uncomfortable physical sensation that then could even move to a disease. In other words, it always gets bigger unless you do something to change it. If we were standing in your physical shoes, isn’t this nice that I had such a light and fluffy, an unimportant reflection that is pointing out to me something that I didn’t even know was going on.

Actually it’s nice when something manifests and you can deal with it rather than having it bubbling around in your vibration, peculating beneath the surface. Wouldn’t you rather get it out in the open where you can deal with it? You don’t appreciate people who have underlying messages. You don’t like people who pretend one thing and say another. You like straight talkers. You like people that are expressing what their true heart is. And so the universe is giving you that back. You’re just getting what you always like. “I want a pure reflection of what’s going on” and you’re getting it, and we think it is a wonderful thing. And we don’t feel anything vulnerable about you.”

- Abraham Hicks (YouTube Video: Abraham Hicks segment about theft and why it happens (tribute to Leif #3))


The Power that Causes All to Yield to You

The Power that Causes All to Yield to You

“When you’re tuned in, you are undeniable; and I, and all other components of the Universe, have to yield to you. But when you’re not tuned in, when you’re begging, when you’re pleading, when you’re needing, when you’re asking from a place of not being lined up with it, then it doesn’t happen as easily.”
- Abraham Hicks (The Vortex)

“If you will simply imagine your life as you want it to be, all cooperative components will be summoned. And even more important, all components that are summoned will cooperate. It is Law.”
- Abraham Hicks (The Vortex)

“You don’t have to worry about what their vibration is if your vibration is one of connection. Because if your vibration is one of connection — you’re going to dominate the vibration. This is the way you learn your relationships.”
- Abraham Hicks

“A bunch of weak people, even in numbers, aren’t strong. Get a whole bunch of confused people together and see how much clarity comes out of it. In other words, you just can’t add one more confused person to the pot, and expect to get any more clarity… One—standing outside of the confused group—who is clear, is more powerful than a million who are confused.”
- Abraham Hicks

“One who is in alignment with Source is more powerful than millions who are not. And so, the person most aligned with his Inner Being, his Vortex of Creation, and the power that creates worlds will emerge as the leader. People naturally gravitate to clear-minded, stable, happy people.”
- Abraham Hicks (The Vortex)

“One person broadcasting a powerful signal of well–being is more powerful than a million disconnected ones. Believe it or not, one person shining his or her light may influence the million and do so much more quickly than you can imagine. We know this because we perceive the full vibrational spectrum, whereas you only see that which is brought to you by your human senses.”
- Conversations with My Higher Self (A book channeling the same entity known as “Abraham Hicks”)

“You may begin to feel physical sensations of thrills or Goosebumps rippling through your body to indicate the Vibrational alignment that you have achieved. And when that Vibrational shift occurs, it is like walking from a small, dark room out into the beautiful light of day where confusion is replaced with clarity, and uncertainty is replaced with knowing.

Once that Vibrational shift occurs within you, all manner of evidence will confirm it:
• Good-feeling ideas will flow abundantly to you.
• Things that you have been wondering about will come into greater clarity.
• Things that you have been meaning to do will present themselves to you in an obvious and easy-to-accomplish manner.
• Problems that have seemed stubborn will seem to resolve themselves without your personal involvement.
• And money and opportunities will begin to show up in your experience in surprising and unexpected ways.

We want you to understand that the true path to the abundance and financial freedom that you seek is not a journey of action but instead an emotional journey. Your true power comes from the leverage of your alignment, not from your action. And while it is certain that there will be plenty of action involved, it will be good-feeling action that is inspired from your place of alignment from inside your Vortex.

Your true power is experienced only from inside the Vortex.”

- Abraham Hicks (Getting Into The Vortex)

“Your Vortex will teach you, as you are consistently inside, that your best effort is in letting go of resistance and simply allowing yourself inside. For inside your Vortex, your thoughts flow with ease and clarity and precision, your physical body feels stable, your stamina is high, and your timing is perfect as you interact with others. You will be surprised, at first, at what little effort was actually required to tune yourself to the Energy that creates worlds, and that your true power is in non-struggle.

In the absence of resistant thought, your Vibration returns to its natural state of power and clarity and love. In the absence of resistant thought, your true nature of resilience and replenishment and vitality returns. In the absence of resistant thought, your true nature of eagerness and joy and fun returns. It is not through struggle and effort and trying that resistance is released, but instead through distraction and releasing and relaxing.”

- Abraham Hicks (Getting Into The Vortex)

“Come into alignment with those solutions and creations that are in your Vortex, and from inside your Vortex, you will feel appreciation for everyone who contributed to its becoming. Deciding in advance to appreciate them—even before you are in your Vortex and even before the solutions have shown themselves to you—will shorten the process and bring you faster to the solutions you seek. And, even more important, your life will feel good to you every step along the way.”

- Abraham Hicks (Getting Into the Vortex)

“When you make peace with those who differ in desire and belief and behavior from your ideas of what is appropriate, you do not perpetuate what you consider to be wrong. Instead, you align with the solution side of the equation that has been waiting for you in your Vortex of Creation.

If your behavior is influenced by your desire to keep another person happy, you will lose your Connection to your Source. And it is not possible for you to be happy unless you are in alignment with your Source. Without that alignment, you have nothing to offer another.

Rather than attempting the impossible task of trying to behave in ways that please others, show them the ease of finding your consistent alignment… You will always find happiness inside your Vortex. And the happiness that they are seeking is inside their Vortex.”

- Abraham Hicks (Getting Into The Vortex)

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