> Great Genius Insights into Everything (35)


Absolute Freedom from Unwanted Experiences

Absolute Freedom from Unwanted Experiences

”It is the balance, or diversity, that gives you your greatest strength. And yet, people, as they look among each other, feel threatened by those who choose differently. The reason people feel threatened by those who choose differently is because they have not individually acknowledged their connection to their own Source.

When you understand that it’s all about offering my vibration: “I offer my vibration, and the Universe responds. It doesn’t matter what he does, or he does or she does. It doesn’t even matter what they think of what I do. A million of them could push against me, and it would not negatively affect me, at all, unless I push back.”

“When I finally get it that I offer a vibration, and the Universe responds, now I’m able to allow anyone to vibrate or behave or think or believe or desire anyway they want, because what they do, in no way could have negative impact upon me.” But if I don’t know that, if I believe that you might negatively create, and that some of what you do might seep over on me, if I believe that your illness or your philosophy or your religion might do harm to me, now I’m defensive. I’m putting up borders. I’m boycotting and barricading. I’m putting down laws and rules and requirements, and now, I’ve got enforcement people… Now, in my defensiveness, in my guardedness of what might be, I disconnect from Source, and as I disconnect from Source, bad things begin to happen to me. And then I become even more convinced that you and your different beliefs are a threat to me.

Oh, it is so clarifying and so satisfying to finally get it that they all are allowed to exist. They all get to be as they are, and all that they choose is appropriate, and I get to choose, and that is appropriate.”

- Abraham Hicks

“When you understand that unwanted things cannot assert themselves into your experience, but that everything is invited to you and by you through thought, you never again feel threatened by what others may be choosing to live, even if they are very close by—for they cannot be a part of your experience.

When you understand these powerful Universal Laws, you no longer feel a need for walls, barricades, armies, wars, or jails; for you understand that you are free to create your world as you want it to be, while others are creating their world as they choose it to be, and their choices don‘t threaten you. You cannot enjoy your absolute freedom without this knowledge.

In this physical world, there are those things that you are in absolute harmony with, and there are those things that you are in absolute disharmony with—and there is some of everything in between. But you have not come forth to destroy or contain that which you do not agree with, for that is a continually changing thing. Instead, you have come forth to identify, moment by moment, segment by segment, day by day, and year by year, what it is you want, and to use the power of your thought to focus upon it and to allow the power of the Law of Attraction to draw it unto you.”

- Abraham Hicks (The Law of Attraction)

“We Are Not Vulnerable to the Behaviors of Others. The reason most are not willing to allow what some others are doing is because, in their lack of understanding of the Law of Attraction, they incorrectly believe that the unwanted experience can seep or jump into their experience. As they live unwanted experiences, or see others doing so, they assume that since no one would deliberately choose these bad experiences, the threat must be real. They fear that if others are allowed to behave in that way, it will spread into their own experience. In their lack of understanding of the Law of Attraction, they feel defensive and vulnerable, so walls are constructed, and armies are assembled from this place of vulnerability, but to no avail. For pushing against these unwanted things only produces more of them.

We are not offering these words so that you may free your world from all of its contrast, for the very contrast you would like to eliminate is responsible for the expansion of All-That-Is. We offer these words because we understand that it is possible for you to live joyful lives amidst the enormous variety that exists. These words are being offered to assist you in finding the personal freedom that you will experience only when you understand and apply the Laws of the Universe.”

- Abraham Hicks (The Law of Attraction)

“There is not another who is, or offers, any threat to you. For you are the controller of your own experience. The Art of Allowing, which says, I am that which I am, and I am willing to allow all others to be that which they are, is the Law that will lead you to total freedom—freedom from any experience that you do not want, and freedom from any negative response to any experience that you do not approve of.

When we say it is good to be an Allower, many of you misunderstand what we mean by that, for you think that Allowing means that you will tolerate. You will be that which you are (which by your standards is that which is appropriate), and you will let everyone else be that which they want to be, even if you do not like it. You will feel negative about it; you will feel sorry for them; you may even feel fearful for yourself, but, nevertheless, you will let them be—but in a tolerant fashion.

When you are tolerating, you are not Allowing. They are two different things. One who tolerates is feeling negative emotion. One who is an Allower does not feel negative emotion. And that is a very great difference, for it is the absence of negative emotion that is freedom, you see. You cannot experience freedom when you have negative emotion.

Tolerance may seem to be an advantage for others because you are not hindering them from what they want to do. But tolerance is not an advantage to you, because while you are being tolerant, you are still feeling negative emotion, and therefore, you are still negatively attracting. Once you become an Allower, you will no longer attract into your experience those unwanted things, and you will experience absolute freedom and joy.”

- Abraham Hicks (The Law of Attraction)

“Be the only player in becoming a match to what you want—and then watch how fast the Universe delivers to you exactly what you want. Then you’re able to let the world be whatever it individually chooses to be, because it can’t hinder you or keep you from what you want. It never could, but sometimes it feels like it could.”

- Abraham Hicks (The Vortex)

“If you want to know our succinct statement about life, the universe and everything, we can sum it up by saying ‘Those who decide to play together do so.’

There are lots of games being played!!! It is possible to look upon the contrast, from a certain viewpoint, with certain desires, and wish that it would turn out a certain way. There are agendas in non–physical as well as in physical! All is appropriate.

We suggest to you that instead of worrying about what others believe, to imagine your life exactly as you would wish it to be; keep your thoughts focused there and you shall receive exactly as requested. Allow others to play whatever glorious games they wish! If you do not resist the actions of others, you will not resonate to anything unwanted, and so you will not experience it. Relax and have fun!!!”

- Conversations with My Higher Self (A book channeling the same entity known as “Abraham Hicks”)

“We’re not saying to you that everything in the universe is rosy. Everything is out there, everything imaginable is out there, and you through the balance of your thoughts attract into your experience.”

- Abraham Hicks (YouTube Video: Abraham Hicks Caution: Allowing Non Physical)

“When you see people afraid of bombs dropping on them, you ask for a world that is more peaceful. When you see children suffering, you ask for a better life for them. When you see intolerant people speaking only of one right way to live, you ask for a more diverse and understanding world. You have created something so magnificent in your vibrational reality, and all of your attention to all of that stuff that holds you apart from what you’ve created, keeps you from being the whole being that you are. Trying to control the uncontrollable keeps you outside of your vortex. Until you become a vibrational match to the better world that you are asking for, the better world cannot show itself to you. But in the moment that you become a vibrational match to the better world that you are asking for, it will show up here and here and here and here, you will rendezvous with those on the same wavelength. When you try to talk with anyone on a different wavelength, it’s just “blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.” How unsatisfying, you express your truth, they express theirs. Nobody hears anybody. It’s just more combat. You might as well drop bombs on them, because we don’t understand them and they don’t understand us. But when you get into the vortex, now cooperative components assemble.

Wouldn’t you love to have political leaders in the vortex, where other political leaders could rendezvous with them, where the solutions are? But you can’t take your political leaders and drag them into the vortex. When you see them not in the vortex, you can want them to be in the vortex, then you can script them into the vortex, so that you can imagine them into the vortex, then you can watch for evidence of them being in the vortex. In other words, you can inspire people into the vortex by seeing them there. But you got to be in the vortex to do that. You create a better world only from inside the vortex. You’ve created a better world for those who are not resisting it, and for future generations with everything that you have put into your vortex, into your cooperative vortex. But when you look at the reality and hold yourself apart from it, then you’re not going to see it in your life experience, not because it is not here to be seen, but because you are holding yourself on a different vibrational channel.”

- Abraham Hicks (YouTube Video: Abraham Hicks – Trying To Control the Uncontrollable)

“You may manifest anything you would like from the potential, and the Law of Attraction will bring to you beings, energies, and conditions to match your thoughts, beliefs and feelings. The state of affairs on planet earth is always an exact match to the collective consciousness of the beings upon it.

Only those thoughts, beliefs, energies and beings that have been invited can come to you. That is how the universe has been designed. The universe has been designed to allow all experiences, all thought, all feeling. This is a universe of free–will and attraction.

There are beings of all types and energies on, in and around your planet. There is no jail and warden scenario, because all of you have free will and can ask and receive anything you want. If you find yourself in prison, you have voluntarily committed yourself!

The universe IS positive! Your negative ideas are just resistance to the natural, inherent, benign state of the universe!”

- Conversations with My Higher Self (A book channeling the same entity known as “Abraham Hicks”)

“If you’ve got negative emotion and you’re not aware of it so you don’t do anything to find relief from it, then something that matches it will come. It will get bigger. So the negative emotion moves to a manifestation, or the negative emotion moves to a physical sensation which then moves to an uncomfortable physical sensation that then could even move to a disease. In other words, it always gets bigger unless you do something to change it. If we were standing in your physical shoes, isn’t this nice that I had such a light and fluffy, an unimportant reflection that is pointing out to me something that I didn’t even know was going on. Actually it’s nice when something manifests and you can deal with it rather than having it bubbling around in your vibration, peculating beneath the surface. Wouldn’t you rather get it out in the open where you can deal with it? You don’t appreciate people who have underlying messages. You don’t like people who pretend one thing and say another. You like straight talkers. You like people that are expressing what their true heart is. And so the universe is giving you that back. You’re just getting what you always like. “I want a pure reflection of what’s going on” and you’re getting it, and we think it is a wonderful thing. And we don’t feel anything vulnerable about you.”

- Abraham Hicks (YouTube Video: Abraham Hicks segment about theft and why it happens (tribute to Leif #3))

“Esther has been enjoying her association with Donald Trump through the television airways. She became interested in him when this new “Apprentice” television show began airing. As she began hearing the words that were coming out of his mouth, she hear things like “Oh it is a juggernaut, oh it is the most magnificent thing that has ever been built.” And most people who are hearing him would call him a braggart, would call him arrogant. But Esther is noticing the single-mindedness of his dialogue. She is beginning to notice that he does not allow himself at least to speak other than the way he would like it to unfold.

As you begin getting a sense of what success principles are, and that it’s only about aligning with your idea of what you want, period that’s all. The universal forces are not questioning your authenticity, they’re not questioning your value, or your reasoning ability, or the appropriateness or inappropriateness of what you say you want, it’s strictly a lining up with it or not. And when you’ve lined up with anything wanted or not wanted, it’s going to come to you.”

- Abraham Hicks (YouTube Video: Abraham: The Ultrasuccessful’s Most Unusual Traits?)

“The universe is perfect and abundant, and others will receive exactly what is best for them. You cannot take away from others. Your opportunities are meant for you, and those that aren’t for you will be given to others. Trust that what is meant to be yours will be yours; the universe is always working to bring your higher good to you.”

- Orin (Channeled in the book “Creating Money”)

The Wonderful Thing about this Universe

“You see, the only way you can guarantee what you want for yourself is to keep your vibration purely on what it is you want. When you finally understand that you will be free. What appears in your life experience is solely and only a function of your thoughts and beliefs. Otherwise, others could create in your experience and that simply cannot happen. Others creating in your experience is a violation of universal law. The universe is set up so that each and every one may receive what is wanted no matter what the others are doing.

Life is a win–win situation. People receive what they are focused upon. Your thoughts and beliefs precisely establish the content of your vibration, to which all things in the universe respond. Those who choose to focus in a disconnected way will live lives of disconnection. Those who are focused in a positive way will live lives in a positive condition, connected to the flow of universal energy. The parameters of your existence may change if others change; but it will still be a positive existence IF you keep your focus on what you want! It is simply up to you what you choose; the universe has the capacity to respond. You may live exactly as you choose to live. That’s the wonderful thing about this universe –– the desires of everyone may be satisfied.

We want to say to you that you cannot lose, you are always and will always receive a precise vibrational match to your desires no matter whether you are a physically focused consciousness in a body, or whether you are completely in ‘non–physical.’ Whatever you choose as your place of vibration (thought, belief, and feeling) you will have a matching experience. That is just the way it is! If you choose abundance and prosperity you can experience it, in whatever form you envision.

As we have said over and over, you are the molder of your own experiences! You are in charge, you are the writer and director of your own life. Our message is 100% empowering because that is the way the universe is set up. You are focused consciousness, an aspect or extension of universal consciousness, which created and designed the universe. We want you to know that the set–up for all life experience is a win–win. There is no lose; unless, of course, you want to experience that way.

Lighten up! Life is not supposed to be ‘serious,’ at least that was not what you intended before you came here. As you lighten up and relax into your connection you will find (as you have found) that life becomes simpler and more joyful and more exciting!”

- Conversations with My Higher Self (A book channeling the same entity known as “Abraham Hicks”)

“We understand that on earth there is fear of change, fear of those who perceive differently or have radical ideas that differ from the accepted norm. So those who dare to think and act differently are often censored. But this censorship can have no effect upon you if you just go about living life the way you would like, and paying no attention to those who do not like what you are thinking or doing.”

- Conversations with My Higher Self (A book channeling the same entity known as “Abraham Hicks”)

Q: What would happen if you decided to crash one of those groups and break up their game? Would you get pushed around?

A: “It does not work that way. In order to perceive and experience there must be vibrational commitment. It would not be possible for me to ‘barge in,’ as you say, because connected to such a vibration is resistance which would prevent complete access to such beings. That is how the concept of ‘like attracts like’ protects every being in the universe from unwanted intrusion.

I do not think of such things because I only participate in activities that interest me. There is so much to do that I cannot possibly get to it all and I don’t want to waste my time barging in on beings that don’t want me in their game, or I them.”

- Arsenio from Conversations with My Higher Self (A book channeling the same entity known as “Abraham Hicks”)

“When I was in Africa preaching in a crusade there were many people desperately in need of deliverance. I ministered on the glory of God and during the open air outdoor meeting a demon-possessed woman approached the stage hissing like a cat. My knee-jerk reaction was to cast it out so as not to disrupt the meeting. But then again, I did not want the focus of the meeting to shift to the devil and this woman when the people were so close to the glory and worshiping the Lord with all their hearts.

The Lord told me I had two options. I could bind the spirit and she would calm down, but the crowd’s focus would be on her. My other option was to keep the people worshiping and as the glory increased the Lord Himself would deliver not only her but the entire crowd. I chose the latter. The woman got closer and closer to the stage but I just ignored her and kept the people singing.

Suddenly I was singing a new song. The song went something like this, “In heaven’s glory there are no demons or darkness, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” As I began to sing, I could see angels descending upon the people from a portal in Heaven. As I pointed in the direction where the angels were, hundreds of people on that side of the crusade suddenly fell to the floor, screaming, vomiting, and coughing as deliverances took place while I was singing. Then I pointed to another direction where I saw the angels and hundreds more on that side of the stage fell with the same deliverance manifestations. Those involved in witchcraft, freemasonry, generational curses, and the like were being gloriously set free. This went on for about two hours. I never had to huff and puff and scream, or go through all the deliverance techniques some use during one-on-one deliverances. Mass deliverances were taking place while we were worshiping and singing.

When I sang, “there are no demons in the glory in Heaven,” the demons had to leave. Demons know they cannot enter Heaven and realized that with the glory coming down, the same rules applied. Imagine hundreds of people instantly delivered as the glory invaded. I didn’t have to ask the demon’s name and all his relative’s names before they went. All that was needed—bring the glory down and let God do it His way.

The only problem was that the demon-possessed lady approaching me on the stage did not budge. I simply asked that the angels working the crowds would come to the stage to accompany this woman. As soon as I spoke, the woman began pointing to the angels on her right then on her left as she screamed in fear. She fell on her back and her legs began kicking violently as if someone was pinning her down. The kicking stopped and she was set free, normal, and in her right mind.

As the music played and people worshiped, we heard in the background hundreds of people screaming as mass deliverances were taking place. At the end of this many souls ran up to the front to be saved. Even people a mile away heard the screams and came to watch—they too ran up to be saved. That night there was almost no preaching except the salvation call at the end; yet many gave their hearts to the Lord seeing the deliverances and the glory of God. This is deliverance glory. The glory is an accelerator and speeds up the process.”

- Glory Invasion (David Herzog)


Healing One’s Self is the Ultimate Act of Self-Love

Healing One’s Self is the Ultimate Act of Self-Love

“The energy field that surrounds you is the central part of your soul (to use a very basic word). And while some of this energy exists on the physical plane, the greater portion of this energy exists on a nonphysical level. The healing of the body is as much a nonphysical endeavor as it is a physical one. Let’s examine the healing of the body from a nonphysical perspective. It is here you can thwart and correct many physical discomforts and illnesses that you have or may get. Furthermore, understanding the link between the nonphysical ‘you’ and the physical ‘you’ will help you to maintain a much healthier condition!

You see! Illness begins on the nonphysical level. It starts as an energy blockage or an increase in negative energy in one or more areas of the nonphysical body. Blocked or negatively charged energy cannot sustain the physical body. Energy from the etheric level passes into the physical body where the body uses it as fuel to function normally. When your energy field is blocked or charged with negativity, the physical organism does not receive what it needs. Eventually some part of the body breaks down and/or some kind of illness sets in.”

- Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)

“A good way to prevent or minimize illness is to incorporate energy routines in your daily activity to keep your nonphysical body flowing with positive energy. Yoga, Tai Chi, physical exercise, energy stretches and meditation are all good examples of ways to keep your nonphysical body clear of negative energy and charged with positive energy.

Now, once an illness manifests physically, a total healing is necessary so that you don’t have a relapse or have another illness manifest later. Many times traditional medical treatment is ineffective or temporary because the nonphysical counterpart is not taken into account. Even in cases where the condition was removed by a medical procedure, a reoccurrence is common because the root cause (the energy imbalance) was not corrected.”

- Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)

“A total healing approaches healing from both sides of reality creation: physical and nonphysical. The physical side of healing, as you know, involves traditional or alternative medical treatment. I would recommend that you continue with these traditional routines, as you implement the healing techniques presented here. You can’t just ditch your current belief system in the traditional side of healing, nor is it prudent for you to expect 100 percent effectiveness from energy healings alone. In time with these healing routines, you will have tremendous success and you may then want to ease some of your dependency on traditional or alternative medicine.

Nonphysically, healing is the restoration of out of balance energy and the removal of built up negative energy. An energy imbalance can be caused by energy blockages or even by excessive amounts of energy accumulating in one place. Healing these imbalances involves working directly on the affected area or working indirectly from some remote energy point that is linked to the same area as the illness. Simple rebalancing of the energy in a given area can often bring immediate relief. Continued rebalancing of this energy over a period of days can bring impressive results, usually half the healing time than if you did nothing or worked the healing strictly from the medical side.”

- Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)

Positive Thoughts

“The first and certainly the most powerful method of self-healing, is consciousness directed properly toward that condition. Positive thoughts of health and healing, and thoughts of an optimistic future can change even the direst conditions very quickly. However, the trick with positive thoughts is a completely uninhibited …belief system. A belief system containing uncertainty will certainly diminish the effectiveness of this approach. Nonetheless this approach is a good way to start even before you begin any energywork in the body. So let’s begin every healing by firing off thoughts of good health and what you will do with that good health. Keep feeding yourself these thoughts every few hours or several times a day until the condition is completely gone. Think of these positive healing thoughts like taking medicine. You have to keep taking that medicine regularly until the condition is gone.

Imagination is an effective gadget for transmitting positive thoughts of health. Imagine yourself being healthy! See yourself doing something physically that you want to do but can’t because of the illness. Then keep any kind of negative thought, doubt, or foreboding out of your mind. If these thoughts do creep in, follow them up with a healthy dose of some positive thoughts. This action will, at the very least, neutralize those negative thoughts. Stay away from negative words when thinking or talking about your condition. Instead of saying, “I am sick,” say “I am unwell”. The second phrase uses the positive word “well,” which brings about the condition of wellness; whereas the word “sick” brings about the condition of sickness. Also it is a good idea to do some kind of physical affirmation toward the kind of healing you want to bring about. Get out, take a walk, do something physical. These physical actions remind your body-consciousness that it needs to fix itself because you need to be out and about and not in bed. It is no secret that athletes heal very quickly because they are motivated to get back into the game. You may have to motivate yourself back into the game of life with some illnesses, especially if that illness has been long-term in nature.”

- Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)

The Polarity Healing

“The easiest energy-healing method is a polarity healing. The polarity healing is good for passing similar healing energy from one area of your body into another. Let’s use the knee and say that your left knee is bothering you. Take your right hand and place it on your right knee, and then place your left hand over your left knee. This action sets up a flow of energy. Next imagine and feel the good energy from your good knee flowing up your arm, through your heart, down your other arm, and into the other knee. Keep feeling the energy for several minutes or until you feel you have moved enough energy into the bad knee. What you are doing is taking good knee energy and sending it to the other knee, replacing that bad knee enemy. The polarity healing is very good because the energy is already predisposed toward that particular part of the body and, as such, will be used easily by the afflicted area.”

- Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)

The Pinpoint Healing

“With polarity healing you can use any part of your body that has a well working counterpart: eyes, hands, bones, muscle, etc. However, sometimes you may have to heal a part of your body that does not have a well working counterpart. For these times you can try the pinpoint healing method. With a pinpoint healing you mentally move energy to the area you need to heal. For example, if you have a sore throat, you can send a pinpoint stream of energy to that area to increase the energy flow there. To use this method, focus intently on the area that is bothering you. Narrow the focus of your attention to as small an area of the afflicted spot as possible. Try to find the exact, infinitesimally minute, place where the cause may lie. When you have this place clearly in your mind, move your energy around as if it was laser beam slide gently pushing or feeling the energy flow from your heart chakra. This gentle push will send heart energy out into that area of the body. Continue this process for several minutes.

It is quite normal to feel an increase in pain in the affected area when doing a pinpoint healing. In fact, when you do feel the pain increase slightly you know you have pinpointed the exact spot that needs the healing energy. This increase in pain will be very short lived and when the pain ceases you have sent enough healing energy into that area to completely dissipate the bad energy that is there. With a pinpoint healing, the good energy goes in and accelerates the condition in a matter of seconds, thrusting out the bad energy so healing can occur.

From an energy perspective, pain is the release of harmful energy from an area of the body. When backed up negative energy reaches a point where it can’t back up anymore it causes physical pain in that area. The pain acts as a transmitter that releases the energy into the atmosphere. Pain is part of the body’s healing process in this respect, though you may think otherwise. Also keep in mind (with the pinpoint healing) this pain may decrease if you lose the focus on the area you are targeting. You may need to do several sweeps of your mental laser beam over the affected area until all the painful spots are gone.”

- Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)

The Energy Rake

“Remove that negative energy with a sweep of your hand! Yes! This method is truly wonderful and easy to use. I recommend, however, you use this method along with one of the other techniques for real effectiveness.

Just take your hand and rake or scoop the area where the illness resides, like you were catching sonic kind of mist in your hand. Then let this energy drift into the air by releasing it from your hand and gently pushing it away from your body. As you let it go, ask the earth to rebalance and return this energy to the earth. Keep doing this scooping for several seconds to a minute or two or until you feel you have scooped enough energy out. Repeat the Energy Rake as much as you like but at least several times a day is most effective.

If you get really proficient at this technique you will actually feel yourself pull the bad energy out of the affected area. You can get rid of the pain in that area also. I’ve used this method for just about anything: sore bones, teeth, muscles, and even a blocked chakra. The beautiful part of the Energy Rake is that you can do this routine in public without attracting too much attention. This can be very handy if you are in that all important board meeting and that sore pinky acts up. Just rake away the bad energy and pain.”

- Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)

The Heart-Core Healing

“Another method of moving good energy into your body is the heart-core healing. Use this method when the whole body has to be healed, as in a flu or virus that affects many parts of the body at once. Start by taking deep easy breaths. After a few breaths and after you have a good rhythm, focus on an imaginary spot that sits 20 feet above your head. Take several deep breaths to feel this spot. Now focus on the imaginary spot that is 20 feet below your feet. Again take several breaths to feel this spot. Now connect these two spots in your imagination with a stream of energy going from top to bottom, through your body and especially going through your heart chakra. Hold this visualization for a moment.

Next, on an in breath, feel the buildup of energy in your heart chakra. On the out breath, pass that energy out of your heart chakra in a kind of energy mist that encircles the entire body. Naturally, the heart-core healing method does not put as much energy in any one particular place, but it will circulate an increase in energy around you. Again, maintain this breathing action with the energy focus for several minutes. Try to do one to three of these a day till you are healed.

A variation of the Heart Care Healing can be used to heal just about anything, especially mechanical devices, like a car or computer. It is not a cure-all with these things, but it can help to patch or hold things together till you can get them fixed correctly. To implement this technique, implement the Heart Core Healing as before but instead of sending a mist of energy around you, touch whatever you want to heal with your hand, and send this energy charge out into the device you want to heal. Feel the energy go out your heart chakra and down your arm into the device. Some typical uses for this kind of healing would be car trouble, computer crashes, or any device that seems to be operating sporadically.”

- Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)


“The Chi-Breath routine is good to remove built up negativity from your body. In fact I would suggest you use this method not only when you are ill, but regularly to maintain your health.

On the in-breath feel the air go into your nose, into your lungs, and at the same time, through the pores of your skin covering your entire body. Then on the out-breath, feel the breath exiting your lungs, mouth, and pores of your skin. One the in-breath good positive energy enters, and on the out-breath negative energy is removed. Do this for several minutes. You may feel a bit light-headed after doing this exercise. That lightheadedness is due to the positive energy you have taken in and the negative energy you have removed. The Chi-Breath teaches the body to literally breathe through the entire body as the organism was meant to breathe. In time you will even feel the air move in and out of your pores. I do recommend you make this part of your daily routine.”

- Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)


“When all else fails or you need some really fast healing, you may want to call in the big energies, nothing can help a self-healing along like the OLAP.

The OLAP (pronounced oh-el-aa-pay) are energy beings that you can invoke to come and repair or help heal your body. Invocation is an advanced Reality Creator topic, however this call is very safe and a good way to get introduced to this type of reality creating.

Sit in a quiet place or lie down and begin to say silently the name oh-el-aa-pay. Say it over and over again. While you are repeating the name think about what you want to heal. If you want, you can use one of the other healing methods already described here while you do the invocation. This action will call (invoke) the OLAP healers to the etheric plane where they will begin to help you heal that part of your body. Keep the invocation healing going for as long as you feel necessary. Usually 10 to 30 minutes is sufficient, but sometimes it can go longer or shorter. Keep repeating the invocation word as you see the need during the healing.

The word OLAP is ancient Enochian (Angelic), it means: “Return that to which is perfection.” In effect you are asking the guardians of the healing energies to enter into your body and return it to its perfected state. You can see amazing results with this Method. However don’t skimp on using the other healing methods as well, just because this one seems the most powerful.”

- Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)

“Keep in mind that sometimes the body maintains its state of health by a purging system. It is normal for the body to become slightly unhealthy at times. This unhealthiness is part of the way the body rids itself of accumulated toxins, when no other personal healing maintenance technique is used. Illness is a catalyst that mobilizes the body’s defenses. In time, and as you get better at healing and removing these toxic energies from your system, the need for you to vacillate between health and minor illness will diminish and you will experience longer and longer periods of being completely well.”

- Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)

“Keep in mind that your basic belief system of healing is not going to change overnight. The deeper areas of your subconscious mind are shielded from short-term effects. You will have to be persistent and patient to help your new healing-belief system take hold.”

- Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)

“Self-healing is the ultimate act of self-love. When you heal yourself, you love your body, mind, and spirit in a way that is pure and divine in nature. If you can learn to love yourself to this degree then you can easily take that love and apply it to everyone else. What a wonderful world you will have when you can do this.”

- Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)

- All illness begins on nonphysical level. It is only after the nonphysical level sustains long-term damage does the illness show up physically.

- Once an illness manifests physically, a complete healing involving the physical and nonphysical side is necessary for the condition to be gone and not return.

- Correcting energy flow on the nonphysical level will speed up a physical healing and prevent a relapse.

- Positive thoughts and your imagination can be powerful allies in your wellness process.

- Use the energy healing methods that you feel most comfortable with. It is not necessary to use them all.

- Give yourself time to heal. A long-term illness will take longer to heal than one you have only had for a short time.

- Your healing belief system usually changes slowly, so don’t completely give up on your old healing belief system. Try to use both the old and the new until you feel confident with the new system. Then you can slowly replace your old healing methods with your new ones.

- As with any illness always consult your physician if it persists or is serious. While these techniques can be used on serious illnesses, they are best used in conjunction with your present healing infrastructure.

- Reality Creator 2 (Tom DeLiso)


How to Attract the Relationship You Desire

How to Attract the Relationship You Desire

“It is certain that you can find the relationships that you desire, but first there is something very important that you must do: you must become a Vibrational match to the qualities that you seek, because what comes to you always matches you.

Often people believe finding a mate who loves them will be the answer to everything missing in their life experience. They want to find that one person who will, in essence, complete them. And almost without exception, they want that person, right here, right now!

But because we understand the Law of Attraction as we do, we encourage them to ease up a bit on the “right here, right now” part, for this very important reason: If you insist on choosing a mate right now, that mate will be a Vibrational match to how you feel right now. The person who comes right now will be a match to the person you are right now. When you are feeling misunderstood or lonely, or unloved, you cannot find a mate who will offer anything different to you.”

- Abraham Hicks (Getting Into the Vortex)

“If you have predominantly been noticing the absence of a wonderful relationship, the presence of a wonderful relationship cannot occur. Not right now.

If you are seeking a joyful relationship, you must become joyful first. Asking for a relationship to make you joyful is a backwards approach. If you are seeking a satisfying relationship, you must become satisfied first. If you are seeking a relationship full of fun and great timing and excitement, you must become full of fun and great timing and excitement, first.

How you feel equals who you are. And who-you-are equals everything that comes to you. The powerful Law of Attraction insists on that.”

- Abraham Hicks (Getting Into the Vortex)

“We attract lovers from our level of energy. Take your time to raise your vibration and attract from a higher vibration. If you want to live happily ever after learn to manage your emotions and make joy the most important experience. It’s ever so much more satisfying to get into a blissful place and attract a blissful person and live blissfully hereafter than to be in a negative place and attract a negative partner and then try to get happy from that negative place.”

- Abraham Hicks

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