> Great Genius Insights into Everything (32)


Different Definitions of God and All-That-Is

Different Definitions of God and All-That-Is

All-That-Is = Universal

Source = Universal Aspect of God

God (Yahweh) = Universal and Personal

All-That-Is has a Personal Aspect that reveals Himself as Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh (Yahweh) and is known as the Supreme Being.

Physical Beings = Consciousness focused in a narrow range of vibration for experiencing linear space and time

Non-Physical Beings = Consciousness in the Native State where there is individual range of perception on a much broader level, yet having greater connection with Source

There are Seven Dimensions/Densities in total. Physical Reality composes of the First to Fourth Dimensions. Non-Physical Reality composes of the Fifth to the Seventh.

The more focused the state of consciousness is, the lower the dimension it resides in. The more expanded the state of consciousness is, the higher the dimension it is in.

Jesus is Yahweh (Jesus is LORD). Jesus in Third Dimension appears in the Human Form. Jesus in Sixth Dimension appears in the Angel/Light-Being Form. Jesus as Yahweh in the Seventh Dimension is the Supreme Being.

It takes Faith for beings in Third Dimension all the way to Sixth Dimension to believe that Jesus is the Supreme Being. That is why even Angels can fall. Sixth Dimensional Beings can deny that Jesus is the Supreme Being. Sixth Dimensional Beings can perceive All-Is-One, but they cannot perceive directly that the Seventh Dimensional Being has a Personal Aspect that emanates into the Sixth and lower dimensions as Yahweh/Jesus. It can only be known by Revelation of that Being.

“As above, so below. As below, so above.” The relationship between Physical and Non-Physical Reality corresponds to the relationship between Non-Physical and Supreme Reality.

The principal of polarity: “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are all the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”

Therefore, according to the principal of polarity:

1. We ARE God (Universal) = True

2. We are NOT God (Personal, Most High, Yahweh) = True

3. As Individual Consciousness, we are NOT the Most High God Yahweh = True

4. As Source Consciousness, we ARE everything including the Most High Yahweh = True

5. In Christ, we are like the Most High (As He is, so are we in this world) = MORE True than point 4, and it applies to those who are believers.

We can also say that ALL-Is-God (Universal) because All is One, and There Is No Other. Yet within the ONE, there is difference in relationship between “this” and “that”.

It is all about defining “What is What” about God. We are using the same language and the same words, but with different meanings and ideas at different times.

- Enoch Tan (Creator of Mind Reality)


The Supreme Consciousness, Your True Reality, Your Highest Self

The Supreme Consciousness, Your True Reality, Your Highest Self

There is only one rule: You Create Your Reality. There are many truths of the universe such as: There is No Separation, We are all connected, We are All One. Therefore you are not separated from the Consciousness of God, and if He is creating His Reality, you are creating it as well. You are creating it because you are observing it. The Observer creates reality simply by observing it, and there is no way you can not observe His Reality because He is the YOU within you, the I AM THAT I AM.

His Reality is the Reality of Jesus Christ. You were created to experience both the Creation of God and the Redemption of God. By knowing both Universal and Personal Aspect of God, we can know all things. There are many things we may not know the answer to without knowing Jesus Christ, but by knowing Jesus Christ, we can know the answer to those things because He is the Unifying factor of all things, as the Bible says He has reconciled all things unto himself.

Jesus Christ is The Vortex because the Vortex is where the answer to everything you are asking is there. We preach Jesus Christ unto the Gentiles, the Wisdom of God which is Intelligence, and unto the Jews the Power of God which is Alignment. Alignment is the Power which creates worlds. Intelligence is the answers and knowledge to all things. All things in the universe shall eventually Align with the Reality of God Most High even as other beings are trying to deny that reality, because in the end every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

We say that this reality is an illusion because all that appears is a creation of Consciousness, therefore what we have is only an Experience. But the Supreme Consciousness is creating the Reality of Jesus Christ and we are all here to have an Experience of Knowing who Jesus is as the Salvation of God and the Lord of our lives. This has been in God’s plan from the beginning because in his All Knowing Intelligence which transcends time and space, he knew there would be a Creation, and there would be a Fall, and there would be a need for Redemption.

You may be an extension of God or Source Energy and have infinite power within you to create all worlds, but the Fall has created a separation from the Personal Aspect of God. It is a separation from the Supreme Conscious Personality of Source, although you are never separate from the Consciousness of Source Itself. Therefore His Reality is your reality, and by choosing to deny His Reality, you are denying Your True Reality, and are separated in personal relationship with Your Highest Self.

Pilate asked “What is Truth?” Jesus said “I AM The Way, The Truth and The Life.” The Bible says He is the True Light which lights every man who comes into this world. The Bible says that Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ. We are all here to experience the Grace of God which is the Truth that God sent His Son Jesus Christ to be the Savior of the World.

Those who say you do not need an external savior to save you because only you can save yourself, they are speaking a half truth. Jesus is not external from you because He is Your Highest Self that has come to be your Salvation if you Believe In Him. There are many higher selves, but there is only One Highest Self above all selves.

Fractal Jesus is Jesus of Nazareth. Total Jesus is Yahweh Elohim (LORD God). Holy Spirit is the spirit of Christ which is described to be more of a force or consciousness gestalt. Total Jesus (The Father) can appear to anyone individually as Fractal Jesus (The Son). His influence and power can be on anyone as Holy Spirit. These three may seem different yet they are one gestalt consciousness of YHWH.

They say that all that exists is not real because Consciousness creates, and only Consciousness is Real, and therefore it is All Just a Story. But The Story that Consciousness is creating at the Highest Level is History – His Story.

And as always we remain in The Vortex (In Christ). We are Complete (In Him).

- Written by Enoch Tan (Creator of Mind Reality) March 5, 2011


The Grace of God, the Original Order of the Universe, Creating Your Reality

The Grace of God, the Original Order of the Universe, Creating Your Reality

It is the grace of God that sustains us. If this reality creation was left entirely up to us to create, we would create ourselves into utter destruction and death. Wellbeing may be the underlying force of reality creation, but it is not simply an automatic thing that happens by itself. There is a conscious intelligence involved and it is God. There is one who maintains the order in the midst of the chaos.

It is Consciousness that sets the parameters and rules of the reality that we live in although there really are no rules and limits. If everyone was allowed to do anything they want to do, there would be madness. That which governs reality is not entirely the consensus, because collective consciousness is never as intelligent as a singular super intelligence. There are many different levels of powers that be, and much of the power that is being wield by those existing in the third dimension are partly to do with their own personal level of consciousness and also to do with their connection with fourth dimensional beings.

There is one who governs the power of all other powers, and it is He who maintains the order of the universe according to His Will and Intelligence. He keeps the balance of Order and Freedom. Although all consciousnesses are sovereign and powerful in their own reality creation, many are not creating according to the level of sovereignty and power that they should. Therefore if it wasn’t for a higher power that intervenes to maintain a certain level of grace, the weaker will always be entirely consumed by the stronger without hope and without chance for expansion.

There is one who is in control of Framework 2 (Spiritual Reality), a place that determines the events that are inserted into Framework 1 (Time-Space Reality). Each time we reality create into a situation where it seems like it could all be lost, or when we wonder how did somehow manage to get through and live on, it is God who saved us. It is God who enables us to continue creating our reality.

We have to understand that the physical plane of reality is a fallen one. Death came in because of Adam’s Fall. The Abraham Entity tells us that this is a universe of contrast, but doesn’t tell us how the contrast of death came into being. Of course we can see the current state of the universe as perfect as it a state where everyone is evolving according to their levels of being. This is seeing through the eyes of Source, but it is the grace of God that enables it to be that way. Christians are aware of the fallen nature of the world, but their focus is on redemption, the grace of God and His Righteousness.

Buddha only has it half right when he said all life is suffering. There is suffering in this realm. But not all life is suffering. Joy is the basis of life. There is a need to transcend in order to escape much suffering. But there is also a need to immerse in order to enjoy the good that this realm has to offer. Because Buddhists see all life as suffering as the primary lens of the world, is the reason why I do not follow the path of Buddhism. Even the path of the Tao is way better, where the focus is on natural action and simplicity of being in order to have the freedom of original self in this world. But only the Christian path resolves the issue of suffering in a more complete way with the answer of Redemption by the Cross of Jesus Christ.

The Truth is suffering in this realm is because of the Curse, and Redemption is the Reversal of the Curse. Someone took that suffering on our behalf on the Cross, and gave us Life and Life more abundantly. “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” His supply for our lack, His strength for our weakness, His Joy for our sorrow, His Success for our failure!

There are beings that exist in nonphysical and have been trying to enlighten Mankind to save himself by learning how to create his own reality properly. But because of the fallen nature of Man’s consciousness due to his separation from the Most High God, man simply cannot make it. Jesus is the Highest Vortex above all vortices. He is the Answer.

God creates His Reality and we are in His Reality as much as He is in our reality. There is a God who watches over us and takes care of us. We align with his grace and power much more by believing in Him and His Son Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

The name above all names is Jesus which means God is Salvation. We create our reality, but we must also believe in God and to know His Reality, and to create our reality along with Him in the picture. In our reality, it is all about us. But in the Reality of All-That-Is, it is All about Jesus. Jesus Is the Reason. Jesus Is the Logos, the Logic of the Universe, and the Order of Everything.

From the beginning, YHWH pronounced as Yod Heh Vav Heh contains the Hebrew Letters with the pictograms Hand, Window (Grace), Nail, Window (Grace) which means “Hand of Grace, Nailed in Grace.” From Original Consciousness, The Source expressed itself as God with the Original name as YHWH (The LORD) with the meaning of Salvation in it.

- Written by Enoch Tan (Creator of Mind Reality) February 23, 2011

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