> Great Genius Insights into Everything (31)


Follow Your Heart to Know What Is Right for You

Follow Your Heart to Know What Is Right for You

Joanna: “So how should we regard channeling to get the most of it?”

Alariel: “In three main ways.

Firstly, as just a “second opinion,” a different viewpoint to lay alongside your own perceptions.

Secondly, as an opportunity to expand your consciousness and explore new perspectives.

Thirdly, as a way of increasing the flow of information between soul and personality, making this link stronger and more effective.

Channeling can open up new horizons, new ways of looking at the world. It should be nourishing and empowering, and strengthen your capacity to obtain inner guidance. However, if anyone is using the channeling they receive from someone else as a complete replacement for their own inner guidance, they are misusing the process. Channeling was never intended for this purpose, and your own inner guidance should remain paramount.”

- Angel Alariel (Channeled in the book “Beyond Limitations – The Power of Conscious Co-Creation”)

“Esther had once asked me what I had learned from those experiences with the Ouija board. And I told her I learned that there was an intelligence out there that was wanting and willing to communicate with us, and that some appeared to be as dumb as the dumbest of us, and some as bright or brighter than the brightest of us, and that although I didn’t really understand it, I did accept the experience as valid because it had happened to me.”

- Jerry Hicks (YouTube Video: Seth Speaks – Abraham Hicks)

“It is when you are surrounded by lower consciousness that you will benefit more from remaining with your individual understandings, and when you are surrounded by higher consciousness that you receive greater benefit from surrender. It may, therefore, be wise to seek beings of high consciousness. I cannot overemphasize the importance of the company you keep.”

- Conversations with God, Book 3

Neale Donald Walsch: “I thought there was no such thing as wrong or right.”

God: “There isn’t. There is only what serves you, and what does not. The terms “right” and “wrong” are relative terms, and I use them that way when I use them at all.”

- Conversations with God, Book 1

God: “Look, the world has been disagreeing with Me since this whole thing started. Hardly anyone has been doing it My Way since it began.”

Neale Donald Walsch: “That’s true, I guess.”

God: “You can be sure it’s true. Had people been following My instructions—left with you through hundreds of teachers over thousands of years—the world would be a much different place. So if you wish to disagree with Me now, go right ahead. Besides, I could be wrong.”

Neale Donald Walsch: “What?

God: “I said, besides, I could be wrong. Oh, my goodness… you’re not taking this all as gospel, are you?”

Neale Donald Walsch: “You mean I’m not supposed to put any stock in this dialogue?”

God: “Oops, hold it. I think you’ve missed a big part of all this. Let’s go back to Square One: You’re making this all up.”

Neale Donald Walsch: “Oh, well, that’s a relief. For a while there I thought I was actually getting some real guidance.”

God: “The guidance you are getting is to follow your heart.”

Listen to your soul. Hear your self. Even when I present you with an option, an idea, a point of view, you are under no obligation to accept that as your own. If you disagree, then disagree. That is the whole point of this exercise. The idea wasn’t for you to substitute your dependency on everything and everyone else with a dependency on this book. The idea was to cause you to think. To think for your self. And that is who I Am right now. I am you, thinking. I am you, thinking out loud.

Neale Donald Walsch: “You mean this material is not coming from the Highest Source?”

God: “Of course it is! Yet here is the one thing you still cannot believe: you are the Highest Source. And here is the one thing you still apparently do not grasp: you are creating it all —all of your life—right here, right now. You… YOU… are creating it. Not Me. YOU.”

- Conversations with God, Book 2

“Stick to your beliefs, if that serves you. Hold tight. Do not waiver. For your ideas about “right” and “wrong” are your definitions of Who You Are. Yet do not require that others define themselves according to your terms. And do not stay so “stuck” in your present beliefs and customs that you halt the process of evolution itself.

Actually, you could not do that if you wanted to, for life goes on, with you or without you. Nothing stays the same, nor can anything remain unchanged. To be unchanged is to not move. And to not move is to die.

All of life is motion. Even rocks are filled with motion. Everything moves. Everything. There is nothing that is not in motion. Therefore, by the very fact of motion, nothing is the same from one moment to the next. Nothing.

Remaining the same, or seeking to, moves against the laws of life. This is foolish, because in this struggle, life will always win.

So change! Yes, change! Change your ideas of “right” and “wrong.” Change your notions of this and that. Change your structures, your constructions, your models, your theories.

Allow your deepest truths to be altered. Alter them yourself, for goodness’ sake. I mean that quite literally. Alter them yourself, for goodness’ sake. Because your new idea of Who You Are is where the growth is. Your new idea of What Is So is where evolution accelerates. Your new idea of the Who, What, Where, When, How, and Why of it is where the mystery gets solved, the plot unravels, the story ends. Then you can begin a new story, and a grander one.”

- Conversations with God, Book 3

“It’s not a question of “right” or “wrong.” Right and wrong do not exist. It’s a question of what serves you. Of what re-creates you in the next grandest image of Who You Really Are.”

- Conversations with God, Book 3

“If you are pleased with how you have created yourself, if it serves you, you will continue doing so in that way. If you are not, you will stop. This is called evolution.

If you are trying to get to Seattle, it will not serve you to head toward San Jose. It is not “morally wrong” to go to San Jose—it simply doesn’t serve you.

The question of what you are trying to do, then, becomes a question of prime importance. Not just in your life in general, but in every moment of your life specifically. Because it is in the moments of life that a life itself is created.”

- Conversations with God, Book 3

Neale Donald Walsch: “Is there a way out of this maze—and the cycle of misery it has created for the human race? Will we ever “get it right”?”

God: “There is a “way out,” and you will “get it right.” You merely have to increase your observational skills. You have to better see what serves you. This is called “evolution.” Actually, you cannot “not get it right.” You cannot fail. It is merely a question of when, not of whether.”

Neale Donald Walsch: “But aren’t we running out of time on this planet?”

God: “Oh, if that’s your parameter—if you want to “get it right” on this planet, that is, while this particular planet still supports you—then, within that context, you’d better hurry.

Neale Donald Walsch: “How can we go faster? Help us!”

God: “I am helping you. What do you suppose this dialogue is about?”

- Conversations with God, Book 3

It” is funny sometimes to us, this process humans call ‘channeling.’ Some make it out to be a big deal, but we assure you that it is completely natural. Here it is taken for granted because it is simply what we do all the time. Humans do it all the time as well. All things in the universe share a natural connectedness.”

- Conversations with My Higher Self (A book channeling the same entity known as “Abraham Hicks”)

“We are not God, as you think of God. In other words, we are not the ones who proclaim the rules for all in the universe! When you ask questions, sometimes we think you are writing down the answers as though what we say is the final statement about everything. We have a much broader awareness from our non-physical position, but we are telling you these things from our understanding of them, although we feel we are pretty good at knowing what it’s all about!”

- Conversations with My Higher Self (A book channeling the same entity known as “Abraham Hicks”)

The Only Real and Lasting Truth is Your Own

“Never take what another says to you as “Truth”. Your purpose here, is to find your own Truth. Sometimes, others can help you to do so by offering guidance, but for their Truth to become your Truth, it must pass through the test of your discernment. Sit quietly in meditation, and ask the Infinite Creator to guide your path. Meditate upon that which I have shared, and listen to your inner feelings. They are the language of your Soul.”

- The Hidden Hand (Channeling Lucifer – Sixth Density Soul Group)

“Work upon yourself. Go inside, in a state of meditative contemplation. Still your mind, that your Soul may have room in which to make It’s ‘still-small voice’ heard. Ask your Infinite Creator to help you, and listen to your inner voice. Be patient, it takes time to develop this inner communication, after a lifetime of neglect. When you persevere and keep working on yourself, gradually it will come to you, and when it does, you must learn to TRUST in your Inner Guidance, NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS MAY SAY. That is the ultimate test. To Trust what you know deep inside as your Truth, even when the whole world tells you that you are “wrong”. It is hard work, to Trust yourself when all those around you doubt you and call you crazy, but it is the job you came here to do.

The only real and lasting Truth, is a ‘self-realized’ one. Messengers can come and go, and show you Truth until they’re blue in the face, but it will not be Your Truth, until you have realized for yourself, deep within the Core of your Being, that it ‘feels’ True for you.

You should never accept something as true, just because someone tell you it is so. But when your inner voice guides you that a Truth is True, and you feel that old warm feeling of excitement welling up from somewhere deep within, that says “Yes! I knew it!” Hold on to that feeling, (feelings are the language of your Soul) and Guard it carefully, as you can be sure that your newfound beliefs will be challenged in many ways. It is designed this way, to test you. Your Inner Truth must be able to withstand the test of time, and will be given a thorough examination. Hold fast to it, so long as it is what you Know to be True deep within. Allow nothing or no-one ‘outside’ of you to pull you from your path, no matter how fiercely they contend with you. They are just doing their job, even if they may well not even be ‘aware’ that this is what they are in fact doing. They are performing an important service to you, and you should be grateful to them for that.”

- The Hidden Hand (Channeling Lucifer – Sixth Density Soul Group)

“Religion would have you take its word for it. That is why all religions ultimately fail. Spirituality, on the other hand, will always succeed. Religion asks you to learn from the experience of others. Spirituality urges you to seek your own. Religion cannot stand Spirituality. It cannot abide it. For Spirituality may bring you to a different conclusion than a particular religion—and this no known religion can tolerate. Religion encourages you to explore the thoughts of others and accept them as your own. Spirituality invites you to toss away the thoughts of others and come up with your own.

“Feeling good” is your way of telling yourself that your last thought was truth, that your last word was wisdom, that your last action was love. To notice how far you have progressed, to measure how highly you have evolved, simply look to see what makes you “feel good.”

“When you come from “we are all One,” it is virtually impossible to find that hurting another “feels good.” So-called “irresponsible behavior” vanishes. It is within these parameters that evolving beings seek to experience life. It is within these parameters that I say grant yourself permission to have all that life has to offer—and you will discover it has more to offer than you’ve ever imagined.”

- Conversations with God, Book 2

Q: “How does one measure spiritual understanding of these concepts you write about?”
A: “Take what resonates, discard the rest.”

- Illuminator 13

Q: “Why would it be in our interest to accept information from you?
A: “Like I stated in an earlier reply, there are people who can tell you the truth but you are less likely to accept it as such if you do not see it for yourself. You have to have a “Aha!” moment so to speak. Now I will say this, do not accept my information on the premise that I am correct. Ponder what has been said here, take what you resonates and discard the rest. The same method could be used in other “Sacred Texts” and manuscripts although, depending on how “developed” you are, you may get things confused and accept the wrong parts.”

- Illuminator 13

How to Develop Your Level of Spiritual Discernment

“If you have found a particular spiritual teaching and have studied that teaching, it is because your soul wanted you to have that experience. In other words, even if the teaching might contain some errors, there was a reason your soul wanted you to find and study that teaching.

There are two main reasons why this might be the case. One is that your soul wanted you to find certain true ideas in that teaching. As I explain elsewhere, some teachings contain a mixture of true and false ideas.

Another possibility is that your soul wanted you to study a teaching in order to develop the ability to distinguish between true and false ideas. If you study a teaching that contains only true ideas, you will not have the same opportunity to develop this discernment as if you study a teaching that is a mixture of both.

You can literally come to a point of sensitivity where you can feel the vibration of an idea. You can read a true idea in one paragraph and feel how the vibration of those words stir something in your heart and open your heart. You can then read the next paragraph, which contains a false idea, and feel how your heart is contracted and gives you a sinking feeling.

So please do not fall into the human pattern of making snap judgments about what to study and not to study. As always, follow your intuition, follow your heart. If you get a prompting to study a specific teaching, then by all means do so. And that applies even if someone has told you that the teaching is not entirely pure. However, as you study the teaching keep in mind the dynamics described above. For that matter, keep in mind that both purposes might be involved with studying a specific teaching. You might have to both pick up a true idea and sharpen your ability to discern.”

- Ask the Real Jesus (Channeled by Kim Michaels)

“No matter which spiritual teaching you follow, even a teaching that comes from the Ascended Host and has the highest possible degree of purity, you always need to read between the lines and go beyond the outer teaching. No outer teaching can give you all of the insights you need in order to attain Christ consciousness. A Christed being is able to get understanding and truth from inside itself, and therefore it does not rely exclusively on an outer teaching.

If you keep this in mind, you can make spiritual progress by studying almost any teaching. Yet it should be obvious that a teaching coming from the highest possible source and a teaching that is as pure as possible will make it easier for you to make progress. If the teaching has a high degree of impurity, you will have to be more alert and spend more attention on seeing through the impure ideas to find the truth behind them. If you are not willing to make this effort or if you have not developed a sufficient level of Christ discernment, following an impure teaching can indeed lead you into a dead end.”

- Ask the Real Jesus (Channeled by Kim Michaels)

“Christianity is the life within you speaking to every situation in your life. It is only when the Spirit of God moves within you that you can tell what is really right and pleasing to God. You should only do what the life within you allows you to do. Hence, the issue is not a matter of right and wrong; rather, it is a matter of whether the life within you approves or disapproves.

Before God, we should learn to surpass the standard of right and wrong. Please understand, I do not wish to suggest that the standard of right and wrong is not good. It serves its purpose, and that is good. But for the Christian, that principle of living is not good enough, because true Christian living rises above the principle of right and wrong. If we live by the life of God, we still see that what He requires of us is higher than the demands of the law.

Spiritual things are discerned only in the heavenly realm, and earthly things become clear only with heavenly insight. Therefore, heaven is the only worthwhile viewing point.”

- Secrets to Spiritual Power (from the writings of Watchman Nee compiled by Sentinel Kulp)

“Your attitude in such matters must become that of the strict pragmatist. If it works, it is right. If it does not work it is wrong and there are no other considerations. Furthermore, the decision as to whether or not it does work is to be yours alone. You decide the criterion for judgment.”

- Charles Cosimano


Vibrational Marketing to Attract Abundance and Success

Vibrational Marketing to Attract Abundance and Success

“All cooperative components have been drawn. Which means if you have something you are marketing, and you’ve been wanting people to find it, wanting people to buy it, and wanting people to have benefit of it and wanting you to feel benefit of it, and you’ve been doing it for a long time, your point of attraction is very strong. And so the question is are you a cooperative component? Because your customers already are! And that’s the thing that most don’t understand in marketing. They apply the majority of their marketing tactics and techniques from their perspective of what’s not working, which holds them apart from what is working. The marketing campaign you are launching is not to attract the millions to your product, they have already been attracted. The marketing campaign is to attract you. They way you do it is talking about the beauty of it, talking about how good it feels, lining up with it, pretending it’s already done.

The laws of the universe are responding to the vibrational core. So these are the prerequisites for you doing really well with the offering of something: You must adore it yourself and you must believe completely in the value of it and the benefit to others. And when you are there, those who are looking for the benefit it offers will flock to it, and you will be right there to welcome them.”

- Abraham Hicks (YouTube Video: Abraham – The law of attraction and marketing)

“You’re talking about wanting to understand this market and wanting to create something that is good for a whole lot of people, and not only do you want to do that with all of them now, you want to do something that is going to secure you off into the future. And so you’re asking a lot of yourself, and in the process you’re losing your focus, so you’re energy is split all over the place. And when your energy is split, then you don’t feel your power, and then you attract to you those who don’t feel their power, then you attract to you those ineffective people. The more clear you are about what you want, and the more in alignment you are so the better you are feeling, then the more you attract people that are already up to speed.

Make a decision and then make it the right decision. Pick one and it doesn’t matter which one you pick, and then make it feel good. Pick something and then line up with what you’ve pick, and then trust law of attraction to bring everything that is necessary for the comfortable unfolding of that.

Your work is to figure out how to make yourself comfortable with that thought. Make yourself comfortable with the idea, so much so that you can’t live without it. In other words, make yourself so comfortable with the idea that anything else is just out of the question. And when you reach that point of clarity, the universe will deliver the means to accommodate you. But when you get an idea for something, and then you don’t become one with your own idea, but then you attempt to orchestrate it by getting others to do whatever they need to do in order to bring it about, there are not efficient enough people in the world to buck your current.

It’s all about energy, everything’s about energy, nothing is about action, only act in inspiration to that kind of energy. Get yourself tuned in, tapped in, turned on. Get yourself to the point where you MUST have it, and the universe MUST give it to you. You can be, do or have anything that you are wanting. It is not about action, it is about alignment of energy. You get to choose. Your source will agree with you as you choose. You are leading edge genius creators and the source is backing you up all the way.”

- Abraham Hicks (YouTube Video: ABRAHAM HICKS Selling Products)

“The law of attraction will bring to you those who are in alignment with your product. If you are in alignment with it, there it stands as a testament to your vibrational alignment, and when you stand there with it radiating real time vibrational alignment with it, your attraction power is multiplied by thousands maybe by hundreds of thousands. But if you stand there with the product doing all the pulling power while you are resisting its pulling power with your negative expectation, then there is a push and pull, and that’s why you find indecision among the people. They are drawn but can’t quite. When you line up with what you’ve got, there will be a current that you will be presenting that will call people who are on the brink of alignment right into alignment, and they see it and feel it, they will weep with their desire to have it near them always.

When they begin driving that truck, everyone waved at them on the freeway, thumbs up at the gas station, they attracted a crowd everywhere they went, because their appreciation for the truck was imbued in their vibration, and they were broadcasting a vibrational signal that attracted attention to the truck. That was in 1987. The truck still looks as pretty as ever and when they drive it, no one sees it, because they don’t feel the way they felt about the truck.

It is the way you feel that is your point of attraction. You have to get in sync, you have to be real time. You have to get in vibrational sync with who you are in order to radiate the signal that is dynamic enough that others will feel it. When you’re tuned in, when you’re tapped in, when you are in sync with the vibration of your Vortex, you’re radiating a signal that is broadcasted so much further and so much wider. Talk about an advertisement, talk about a concierge in the sky, talk about an agent, talk about someone out there advocating on your behalf, it’s not just your inner being, it’s All-That-Is, it’s all that exists in all of this Source nonphysical energy advocating that which you are. So when you get into the Vortex and you are a vibrational match to that, watch what happens. That’s why the people who are hot are hot. It has little to do with anything other than what all of that is causing you to do in terms of your vibrational broadcast.”

- Abraham Hicks (YouTube Video: Abraham Hicks – Vibrational Marketing At Its Best)

“You could go to every painting and put it in piles. This is the in the vortex pile, and this is the not in the vortex pile. And what you begin to notice is the in the vortex pile is sold, and the not in the vortex pile isn’t. Everything’s that way.

So you were not emphasizing the problem of the absence of them. So you know what to do, it’s just a matter of making a little more effort to be a little more optimistic.“

- Abraham Hicks (YouTube Video: Success Isn’t About Trying, It’s About Ease)

“One storekeeper increased his business dramatically by sending love and envisioning success for everyone who came into his store. People were magnetically drawn to his shop.”

- Orin (Channeled in the book “Creating Money”)


The Vibration of God is Strongest in Worship

The Vibration of God is Strongest in Worship

“God is Music. The Experienced Universe is a Song of Creation. In the Atmosphere of Worship, the Presence of God is so real. Concepts like “The Glory, The Greatness, The Majesty, The Wonders, and The Goodness” come alive in the moment of worship. A story of the past may just be something that can’t be experienced as real now. The linear perspective of what came before and what came after may not be enough for a mind that comprehends simultaneous time. But one can focus awareness on a particular area NOW and experience it NOW by feeling the Vibration of it NOW.

In the Atmosphere of Worship, the Vibration of God is felt NOW, and the Presence of God is experienced NOW. It is a very PRESENT REALITY. That Vibration is experienced as FEELING and that Feeling is Knowing, and it is a Knowing of REALITY.

The Vibration of God is the strongest in Worship. That is because that’s where His Presence is most tangible, The Glory is Most Glorious, and The Light is the Brightest.

The Vibration of God is the most subtle in the entire universe, and is therefore the most invisible. It is not apparent everywhere you see. But in the Atmosphere of Worship, the Vibration of God gets amplified and the opposite happens. It becomes the strongest and the most real Vibration of all. It is stronger than any other Vibrations of Light you can compare. The Vibration of God is so subtle that it is invisible in the Universal, but it becomes so PERSONAL when amplified in Worship. It is a divine paradox.

God is both Fully Universal and Fully PERSONAL at the same time. All it takes is to focus attention in the Right Way to activate the Right vibration to know the Personal.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

“There is a Presence that can be tangibly felt and experienced. It is the Presence that sweeps all over, washing us, saturating us with His Love, filling us with His Light.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

The Key to Experience the Fullness of God

“Praise opens the door to His Presence. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving in your heart. Enter His courts with praise. He lives in the presence of our praises. If you do not praise Him, you can’t see Him. Other beings who do not praise Him can’t see Him. They may look for Him but they cannot find Him. Therefore to them His Person is nonexistent. He exists outside of their range of perception. What you appreciate, appreciates. This is the Law of Attraction. Draw near to Him with your praises and He will draw near to you. His name is Jesus, and He is the Lord of lords, the Everlasting Father and the Fullness of God. Those that only praise God without the Name that is above every name would not experience His Fullness. There is a Song coming from the other side. Will you open your ears to it and sing with it? He is the Song of songs. He stands at the door and knocks. The door is your heart. Open the door and He will come in, and He will sup with you, and you with Him. He is Soul Food.“

“The Presence of God in the House of Worship is not just FULL, it is OVERFLOWING. Yahweh = God. Yeshua (Yahweh + Shua) = Yahweh Saves = OVERFLOWING.”

“In the Presence of God all things are beautiful. Light is Sound, Music is Color. God is a Song, and the sweetest sound in the Universe is His Name: Jesus.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

“To worship is to “kiss the Lord”. It is a time of intimacy with God. It is a sacred act that needs a sacred space and a sacred state.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

Worshiping the Lord God brings the Highest Wisdom

Worship is a vibration. Even without saying a word, even without doing a thing, if you are internally appreciating God, you are worshiping Him. When you are reading His Word and you feel a sense of praise towards God, you are worshiping God. People generally talk about external acts as worship, but what’s happening internally is the essence of what’s going on. Whenever you FEEL good about God, you are worshiping God.

How to have wisdom that transcends the stars of heaven (other light beings that do not worship God)? You do that by worshiping God. The worship of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. Worshiping God gives you access to the wisdom of the Most High. Lucifer corrupted his wisdom by reason of his own brightness. That is why he no longer worships God, although he was created to be God’s original worship leader and equipped with all the musical instruments in Eden.

The Supreme Way to Attain 3 things: Grounding, Faith and Wisdom. 1. Ground yourself on the Solid Rock of All Ages – Jesus Christ. All other ground is less stable. No other foundation is as sturdy as Christ Jesus Himself. 2. Look to Jesus as the Author and Perfecter of your Faith. Faith to create reality comes easier when you focus on Him, the Source of Faith. 3. The Worship of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. Solomon became the Wisest because he worshiped the Lord. Joseph, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego became Wiser than all other Magicians because they worshiped the Lord. Jesus has always been Source above all sources.

How to get into a state of HIGH vibration? How to get into the Vortex? Worship God, Praise Him! When you worship, every cell in your Being comes ALIVE, everything in your soul ALIGNS together in HARMONY, and your vibrational center is positioned to attract good into your life. Is worship is the need of an egoistic God? NO! Worship is for YOU to benefit. God delights in you to worship Him for YOUR sake. He wants You BLESSED, He want You WELL. This is the way to connect with Him personally. This is the way the Universe is originally designed. The morning stars sing for JOY, and All the Heavenly Hosts VIBRATE in tune with the PRAISES of the Most High.

Worship songs are love songs towards God. Just like there are love songs towards those whom you love, worship is love expressed to the greatest portion of your Self. You do relate to a loved one as another person don’t you? Likewise it is the same relationship between you and the Most High as a Person. Worship songs express love, thanks, honor, glory and exaltation. Although some beings have been divorced from that relationship with that greatest portion of Self, the Church is being reconciled with the LORD through Christ Jesus as the Bridegroom.

“The two books right in the center of the Bible are Psalms and Proverbs. The Heart of God and the Mind of God. Worship and Wisdom. Psalms comes before Proverbs. The fear (worship) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom comes from Alignment with your Source.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

Worship brings Wisdom and the Power for Prosperity

“I wonder why is it that during moments of intense concentrated worship, my spirit senses and perceives many things of God and Heaven’s reality. But it seems fleeting and I seem to forget about those things at other times. There is a need to ground those energies so that the information in them remains a more constant experience in this reality.

During peak moments in worship, Heaven seems to open and all of Heaven’s bounty, the riches of His Glory can be tapped into and the flow can be directed into any desired areas of our lives. The frequencies of worship are not of this reality but that of Heaven, which is why we do not feel any of our earthly needs in that space. But it is not enough to just ascend into Heaven’s atmosphere during worship. We should also bring Heaven down into Earth as much as we can to make a Heaven on Earth as our reality. It is important to retain awareness of both realities and merge them during worship.

I also feel as though those who are living a life full of praise and worship seem to have a lot more magical power than many magicians out there who use all kinds of rituals that involve much effort and energy. Being plugged into your Source is the most important thing of all. Jesus is the Source.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

“If you bring the high praise unto Me, there will be a continual opening in the Heavens, spiraling upward, as you touch higher realms where even greater miracles are awaiting to manifest on the earth.”

– The Lord Jesus channeling a Rhema word through Renny Mclean (Eternity Invading Time)

“The Lord said to me, “If you want to feed a nation and if you want to feed a triple portion, you must dance.” The Lord said He would send us to feed nations, and He has been faithful to that promise; but it has come through an anointing to dance. Praising in the dance is powerful! In a positive sense, when our dance and our praise please the King, we can have whatever we want. Praise creates an atmosphere in which miracles happen.

“Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours” – Deuteronomy 11:24

I have found that if you dance on nations in the realm of the Spirit, God will also give you the opportunity to dance on them physically. Is it powerful? It’s powerful. You can stand in your hometown and possess nations. Dancing is one of the most effective ways to do it.

There is power in the dance. There’s an anointing for the nations. You’ll find that you have an anointing to feed nations as you begin to dance more before the Lord. Don’t let a day go by that you don’t dance. Praise the Lord in the dance. Let that anointing go from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. Praise the Lord in the dance!”

- GLORY: Experiencing the Atmosphere of Heaven (Ruth Heflin)

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