> Great Genius Insights into Everything (29)


Receive Money or Fair Exchange for Spiritual Service

Receive Money or Fair Exchange for Spiritual Service

“It is important to receive what you think your services are worth, in money or whatever medium is of value to you. If you do not value your time and energy, you cut off your flow of abundance. Your energy determines whether or not money flows freely, harmoniously, and easily for you. There are many ways you can open the flow. You automatically create a smooth flow of money and abundance when you do things that honor you and others, and when you receive what you feel you are worth in return for your time and services.”

“Many people are disappointed with the pay or exchange they receive for their services because they are not clear themselves on what their services are worth. They hope that other people will see their value and give them more. Many people hope they will get a raise or expect their clients to offer them more than they ask for, even though they never speak about their feelings. When you value your services, others will value them too.”

“If you cut your fee and do not feel good about it, you are cutting off the flow of money in two ways. First, there may be an undercurrent of resentment or bad feeling which, even if it is small, will stop money from coming back to you. Second, you are telling your subconscious that your work is not worth that much, and it will stop bringing you opportunities. Learn to be more loving to yourself by receiving your worth.”

“When you receive fair value for what you do, you feel good about yourself; you radiate enthusiasm. A business person who radiates enthusiasm, prosperity, and success is more effective in serving people than one who is feeling poor, depleted, and unsuccessful.”

“Making what you feel you are worth will increase your sense of aliveness and joy, and will be a gift to those around you.”

- Creating Money: Attracting Abundance (Orin and DaBen)

“The energy that comes back to you when you make a meaningful contribution to the world around you is a reward even greater than money, for it allows you to grow spiritually, open your heart, gain compassion, and live a valuable and rewarding life. In this case, honoring your worth would mean making sure that your time is spent where it will create the most good. Your measurement of value is in the good that you create and the difference you are able to make in society or people’s lives.”

- Creating Money: Attracting Abundance (Orin and DaBen)

“Some of you who are involved in spiritual counseling or healing wonder if it is spiritual to charge money for your services since your talent is a gift of spirit. Every talent that anyone has is a gift of spirit – a beautiful singing voice, a talent for mathematics, or an ability to write. People pay you for the time, labor, and energy that is required of you to make your talents available to them.”

“If you don’t need money, you will still want to ask for something in return for your services, for others cannot complete the flow of energy if they don’t give something back to you.”

“Offer your work only to those who value it. If you work for an employer who doesn’t value your work, it undermines your self-confidence. It is important that those you offer your work to – clients, customers, businesses, or individuals – are able to use your services in some way to create higher good in their lives. Offering your services or your work to those who don’t value it can increase your doubts about your worth, cutting off the flow of your energy and thus your abundance.”

“Perhaps you have offered a service that was unappreciated and you felt depreciated for a while afterward. That experience may have also been a turning point in your valuing of your work and yourself. Give your work only to those who will value it and use it.”

- Creating Money: Attracting Abundance (Orin and DaBen)

“Money was created so both parties could clearly agree upon an equal exchange. You may find it easier and clearer to receive money for your services rather than exchanging services directly.”

“If you really can’t use someone’s services, it is better to say no than to accept someone’s gift with resentment or a feeling that the exchange is unequal.”

“If you do find afterward that the exchange doesn’t feel quite fair, send the other person your thanks and love anyway, and know that by putting out your best you have kept your energy circulating. It will come back to you multiplied from another source if not from the person you gave it to.”

“Remember that the more money circulates, the wealthier everyone is, just as the more times inventory turns over, the more prosperous a store becomes. Prosperity comes when giving and receiving are flowing freely.”

- Creating Money: Attracting Abundance (Orin and DaBen)


The Science of Business Compensation Systems

The Science of Business Compensation Systems

“There’s a whole science involved in business compensation systems. But you can probably work out a very effective one for yourself if you keep the three basic principles in mind:

1. Deal with each individual on an individual basis. Make sure his compensation is dependent only upon his own value to you.

2. Contract only for what you want. Determine what results you want from someone and pay for those results only. If he delivers, you needn’t worry about how he uses his time — that’s not your concern.

3. Don’t attempt to perpetuate a relationship by contract. If any contracts are necessary, make them for the shortest practical period of time, with ways of terminating with relatively short notice. Try to avoid any situation in which you or anyone else is obligated to perform services beyond the time in which it’s in his self-interest to do so. You won’t get good value when the individual no longer wants to be involved.”

- How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World (Harry Browne)

“If you don’t have enough money to begin, you can pay interest on borrowed money; you don’t have to take in a partner. Arrangements whereby an investor is made a partner are risky; if the business is a success, you’ll be sharing your profits long after you need the initial capital. While that’s a decision you might willingly make, you may regret it five years later. And taking in a partner always opens the door to joint decisions and disagreements.”

- How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World (Harry Browne)

“Even if you don’t operate a business, you’re in a better position if you act as a supplier of a service rather than as an employee. You can contract with companies to perform specific services for them at specific prices. In addition to the tax benefits, you can choose your own working hours, usually make more money, and have more free time. If you avoid the assumptions that most employers and employees take for granted, you can earn the money you want without sacrificing your freedom to get it.”

- How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World (Harry Browne)

“I’ve found that the most fruitful long-term projects have evolved out of short term projects. The short-term projects have definite pay-offs at various points along the way; I never have to wonder for very long if I’m doing the right thing. If they then lead naturally into larger long-term pay-offs, so much the better. But I never have to undergo a long period of stoic self-denial based upon the hope of a brighter future many years away.”

- How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World (Harry Browne)


How to Use Your Feeling to Choose Right Opportunity

How to Use Your Feeling to Choose Right Opportunity

“We said to this man “Have you ever had a transition in this stock market where you profited greatly and easily and quickly?” And he said “Yes, I’ve had a handful of such events for myself and for others whom I’ve advised.” And we said “Do you remember how it felt going into it and as it unfolded?” And he said “Oh yes!” He could actually remember the sort of current that was sweeping him, a sort of knowing that he described, a knowing that this was the right thing to do, and a knowing that was so strong it was compelling. In other words he would have nearly bet his life, well he almost did bet his financial life on it. And as it unfolded, it gave him the dividends, the rewards, the success that he anticipated. So then we said to him “Remember that feeling” and as you are going down your list of things to consider, ask yourself “Does this feel like that?” And if it does, go for it. And if it doesn’t, wait patiently, knowing that, that feeling will come in time if you hold yourself in that place. – September 28, 2008

Set the tone, and then pay attention to whether this action or this thought that you are about to participate in is or is not a vibrational match to the desire that you’ve intended. And more than anything, it is important that you identify what your desire is and spend some time, days or even weeks or even months identifying what that feeling tone of success is. That’s where your real work is.

Any of you, if you would take the time to find the feeling place of enormous success, the success then would come very easily to you. You all think that the success comes hard, because most of you have not taken that first step of finding that feeling place of what it would feel like. So we would say to one who has not had success in the stock market yet, you still have had successes. You still have had those moments in time when you knew that something was. In other words when your intuition says “This I must do no matter what anybody else thinks about it.” So you can go to any of those feeling tones. You can take success from anything and overlay it any other subject and still find the same feeling. In other words, that feeling that comes forth intuitively from your gut that is your nonphysical energy concurring with this decision in this moment does not feel different relative to a relationship as it does to a financial venture as it does to taking an exit at an appropriate time on the freeway. In other words, the feeling of “This is the thing that I must do now” feels the same no matter what the subject is.

Somehow you make your financial things bigger. They feel like greater risks to you because so much of your life is intertwined with it.

If you will play the 17 second game where the universe will show you how responsive it is to your thought, it’s not very long before you’ll have an idea about some stock and it will be on this license plate, on this billboard and this magazine. It will come out of this one’s mouth and after about twenty two hits on it, you’ll say oh.

The formula would be this: Spend some time identifying what your desire is. And then spend some time fantasizing your desire being satisfied, and get very familiar with what that feels like. And then peruse the internet and feel for matches. And if you feel no match, do nothing. If you feel a match, follow it and see what happens. Until with a little bit of effort, you can show yourself “I’m on to something.” We are teaching one formula for all things. Identify the desire, find the feeling tone of it, sniff everything out to see if it matches, and go nowhere where there is not a match.”

- Abraham Hicks (YouTube Video: Abraham Hicks – Stock Market, Internet and the Mass Consciousness)

“The action part of it for the most part most people are offering action instead of offering stable vibration. So most people are offering action in order to compensate for the energy that went awry earlier, because they were not aware of it in the earlier subtle stages. So if you’re not aware of what you are doing vibrationally in the early subtle stages, and you begun attracting something that there’s a momentum coming, when the grid fills in, there is a momentum, and it doesn’t matter what grid it is that is filling in, there is always a momentum. So a lot of people try to use their action to compensate for the momentum because they were not paying attention to what they were doing earlier, sort of like the cast on your arm is sort of like that. That was action that you applied after the fact, because you weren’t paying attention to what you were doing vibrationally before. If you tune in, tap in turn on to the energy, and then do whatever you feel inspired to do, not motivated, motivated is trying to fix it when it’s going wrong, inspired is when the vortex is calling you toward it. That’s that feeling of inspiration, and it’s that feeling that you know the rightness of it, you just can’t hardly stop yourself from doing it, it feels so right to you, whereas the motivation is “I need to do that”, that’s that obligated thing.”

- Abraham Hicks (YouTube Video: Abraham Hicks 2012 ~ Grid work tip: No action, is action too!)

“One important observation has been made in the past 12 months which has become quite important. It is this: If the mood, feeling, vibes or general interaction with the specific gaming environment does not feel right we do not waste our time playing! Our personal “feeling” about the gaming establishment and the people in it is extremely important. Likewise with the slot machines themselves. If a machine has a “warm friendly feel” about it, we give it a few spins. If it appears to be “aloof” or “detached” we give it a miss. I realize this phraseology is a little strange but the words used above actually convey the meaning quite well. Any experienced slot machine player will probably echo these comments.”

- The Ultimate Synchronicity Luck Program (The Super Mind Evolution System)

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