> Great Genius Insights into Everything (27)


The Secret Message of the Gospel Hidden Everywhere

The Secret Message of the Gospel Hidden Everywhere

The Secret Message of the Gospel has been hidden in the Zodiac, the Great Pyramid, the Sphinx, Chinese Characters, the Book of Genesis, and even God’s own name the Tetragrammaton itself!

God’s Name is the Gospel

Firstly, the name of God in the Bible is called “Yod Heh Vav Heh”.

Every letter in the Hebrew Alphabet has a corresponding Pictograph to it. “Yod” has the pictograph of an “Open Hand.” “Heh” is the Fifth Hebrew Alphabet and the number 5 represents “Grace” in Biblical Numerology. “Heh” has the pictograph of an “Open Window” which represents a portal of heaven into God’s Glory/Grace. “Vav” is the picture of a “Nail.” Put all these together – “Yod Heh Vav Heh” = Hand of Grace, Nailed in Grace. Who is that? JESUS!

When Jesus was crucified on the cross, the inscription over it was “JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS.” In Hebrew that would read “Yeshua Ha’Netzeret V’mlech Ha’Yehudim”. By taking the first letters of each of these four words we get Y-H-V-H, or Yod Heh Vav Heh (Yahweh). JESUS is Yahweh!

- Excepts take from Article on Mind Reality (Jesus Christ is Prime Creator of All-That-Is)
=> http://www.mindreality.com/jesus-christ-is-prime-creator-of-all-that-is

The Gospel in the Stars

“The 48 constellations that make up the true Zodiac all go together to tell the story of Jesus, the Redeemer. The story includes His birth and life prophesy (the first four major Signs; 16 constellations), His dealings with His elect people (the second four major Signs), and His coming in triumph over Satan (the last four major Signs).

The interior passages of the Great Pyramid also tell the story of the Redeemer and His People as they travel through the pages of history. Why, concerning God’s people, the Israelites, the dates of the world’s major revolutions, first World War, even the Great Depression are detailed there. If the Zodiac is the Bible in the stars, the Great Pyramid is in the Bible in stone.”

- Source: http://straighttalkaboutgod.com/zodiac/zodiac.html

The Great Pyramid

“We finally come out into the Grand Gallery, a high chamber; seven tiers and 28 feet up. The next step is a small one down as we see another low passage before us. This leads horizontally into the Queen’s Chamber. Since we passed a line at the beginning of this high passage, let’s see if the date of this line is significant. The Grand Gallery starts at 33 AD, and lo and behold, the Well Shaft is right there as adequate witness to the burden of Law being lifted by Christ.

Now, a triangle is formed by extending the floor line of the Queen’s chamber so it hits the first upward passage. It does this back down the passage a little way, but only as far as 2 BC when Jesus was born. And the passage to the QC is elevated 20 inches above the floor of the QC. When we run THAT line out to the upward passages it makes that little step down at the beginning of the Grand Gallery. It forms a little triangle which has dates of 46 to 60-some AD. They say that this is Paul’s ministry.

At the top of the Grand Gallery is the Great Step, 35 inches up. The passage levels out and changes to granite; so we must change to one inch per MONTH in our measurements; something Adam Rutherford failed to do. He lost credibility because he predicted the End of the World in 1979. After the Great Step there is a low place into a “map” room, followed by another low section which opens into the King’s Chamber. The first depressed place starts at 1914 and ends at 1918, when God’s Battle Axe (Jer 51) had to stop world tyranny yet again. The Israelites were MEANT to be the World’s Policemen. The Israelites have been responsible for putting down all the world’s great tyrants, Constantine over the oppression of the Roman Empire, the Allies over Hitler and Communism. In this “map” room we find a small boss that is in bas relief on a slab. The boss is raised exactly one P inch from the surface of the slab. It is shaped like a horseshoe and is 25 P inches around the outside. This is what clarifies the measuring system. The beginning of the next low place before the KC has the date of the Great Depression 1929; which effected the world, not just the US. The KC begins at 1936.”

- Source: http://straighttalkaboutgod.com/pyramid/pyramid.html

The Sphinx Points to the Starting Point of the Zodiac Gospel

The famous sphinx, the giant lion with a woman’s head, points exactly due east. It is so exact it cannot be an accident. The name ‘sphinx’ itself comes from the Greek ‘sphiggo,’ meaning ‘bind closely together. On tomb ceilings in Karnak the zodiac is depicted. This is also true at Dendera on the tomb ceilings there. In both places are pictures of the sphinx, placed at the end of the constellation Virgo and the beginning of Leo, with the head looking to Virgo and the tail in Leo.

In addition, at the time the Sphinx was carved, about the time of the First Intermediate Period, the axis tilt of the earth and the precession of the equinoxes meant that at that time of the spring equinox, as the sun was rising, the sphinx was pointed directly at the division between Virgo and Leo.

This was evidently important. The tomb ceilings tell us to start at Virgo.

- Source: http://www.setterfield.org/stargospel.html

The Gospel Hidden in Chinese Characters

The Chinese invented the ancient Chinese characters nearly 4500 years ago. They invented the characters independent of the ancient Sumerian and Egyptian writings. The earliest forms of the characters, ‘wen’ , were pictures of objects and symbols. The ancient Chinese combined the ‘wen’ to make up compound characters in order to express complex ideas. Analysis of these two forms of the ancient Chinese characters that are associated with the sheep suggests that the Chinese recognised the spiritual representation of the sheep as the source of truthfulness, kindness, beauty, righteousness and eternity.These attributes are the same as those of God’s sacrificial Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Here are seven Chinese Characters that show that the ancient Chinese knew the Gospel message found in the book of Genesis. In the book God’s Promise to the Chinese by Ethel R. Nelson and Richard E. Broadberry, hundreds more are revealed.

Find out:

Do the mysterious, ancient Chinese characters have a biblical meaning little understood before?

What was the meaning of the 4,000-year-old Border Sacrifice that the Chinese emperors observed annually?

- Source: https://thefamily.com/tag/chinese-new-the-gospel-message/

The Original ‘Unknown’ God of China

Who is ShangDi? This name literally means ‘the Heavenly Ruler.’ By reviewing recitations used at the Border Sacrifice, recorded in the Statutes of the Ming Dynasty (AD 1368), one may begin to understand the ancient Chinese reverence for ShangDi. Participating in this rite, the emperor first meditated at the Temple of Heaven (the Imperial Vault), while costumed singers, accompanied by musicians, intoned:

‘To Thee, O mysteriously-working Maker, I look up in thought. … With the great ceremonies I reverently honor Thee. Thy servant, I am but a reed or willow; my heart is but that of an ant; yet have I received Thy favouring decree, appointing me to the government of the empire. I deeply cherish a sense of my ignorance and blindness, and am afraid, lest I prove unworthy of Thy great favours. Therefore will I observe all the rules and statutes, striving, insignificant as I am, to discharge my loyal duty. Far distant here, I look up to Thy heavenly palace. Come in Thy precious chariot to the altar. Thy servant, I bow my head to the earth reverently, expecting Thine abundant grace. … O that Thou wouldest vouchsafe to accept our offerings, and regard us, while thus we worship Thee, whose goodness is inexhaustible!’

Thus we find the emperor worshipping ShangDi. Can we possible trace the original intention of this magnificent ceremony of antiquity? As the emperor took part in this annual service dedicated to ShangDi, the following words were recited, clearly showing that he considered ShangDi the Creator of the world:

‘Of old in the beginning, there was the great chaos, without form and dark. The five elements [planets] had not begun to revolve, nor the sun and moon to shine. You, O Spiritual Sovereign, first divided the grosser parts from the purer. You made heaven. You made earth. You made man. All things with their reproducing power got their being’

ShangDi, the Creator-God of the Chinese, surely appears to be one and the same as the Creator-God of the Hebrews. In fact, one of the Hebrew names for God is El Shaddai, which is phonetically similar to ShangDi.

- Source: http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/cm/v20/n3/china

The Hidden Gospel in Genesis

The Composite List

Now let’s put it all together:

Hebrew English
Adam Man
Seth Appointed
Enosh Mortal
Kenan Sorrow;
Mahalalel The Blessed God
Jared Shall come down
Enoch Teaching
Methuselah His death shall bring
Lamech The Despairing
Noah Rest, or comfort.

That’s rather remarkable:

Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow; (but) the Blessed God shall come down teaching (that) His death shall bring (the) despairing rest.

Here’s the Gospel hidden within a genealogy in Genesis!

READ the FULL Article here:
=> http://www.greatgenius.com/hidden-gospel-in-genesis

Religion is man-made. True Christianity is not a religion. It is a Relationship with The Creator. The Bible in the original language is a supernaturally ordered work with many deeper meanings.

1 Corinthians 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: 8 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. 9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.


The Inner Senses – What They Are and How to Use Them

The Inner Senses – What They Are and How to Use Them


“Think of the Inner Senses as paths leading to an inner reality. The first sense involves perception of a direct nature-instant cognition through what I can only describe as inner vibrational touch. Imagine a man standing on a typical street of houses and grass and trees. This sense would permit him to feel the basic sensations felt by each of the trees about him. His consciousness would expand to contain the experience of what it is to be a tree-any or all of the trees. He would feel the experience of being anything he chose within his field of notice: people, insects, blades of grass. He would not lose consciousness of who he was, but would perceive these sensations somewhat in the same way that you now feel heat and cold.”

- SETH (The Seth Material)


“Psychological Time is a natural pathway that was meant to give an easy route of access from the inner world to the outer, and back again, though you do not use it as such. Psychological Time originally enabled man to live in the inner and outer worlds with relative ease. . . . As you develop in your use of it, you will be able to rest within its framework while you are consciously awake. It adds duration to your normal time. From its framework you will see that physical time is as dreamlike as you once thought inner time was. You will discover your whole selves, peeping inward and outward simultaneously, and know that all divisions are illusion.”

- SETH (The Seth Material)


“If you will remember our imaginary man as he stands upon a street, you will recall that I spoke of his feeling all of the unitary essences of each living thing within his range, using the first Inner Sense. Using this third sense, this experience would be expanded. If he so chose, he would also feel the past and future essence of each living thing within his range.”

- SETH (The Seth Material)


“The fourth Inner Sense involves direct cognition of a concept in much more than intellectual terms. It involves experiencing a concept completely. Concepts have what we will call electrical and chemical composition [as thoughts do]. The molecules and ions of the consciousness change into [those of] the concept, which is then directly experienced. You cannot truly understand or appreciate any living thing unless you can become that thing.”

“You can best achieve some approximation of an idea by using Psychological Time [as a preliminary]. Sit in a quiet room. When an idea comes to you, do not play with it intellectually, but reach out to it intuitively. Do not be afraid of unfamiliar physical sensations. With practice and to a limited degree, you will find that you can ‘become’ the idea. You will be inside it, looking out-not looking in.”

“Concepts such as I am referring to reach beyond your ideas of time and space. If you become proficient in the use of the third Inner Sense [perception of past, present, and future] when cognition is more or less spontaneous, then you can utilize the conceptual sense with more freedom. Any true concept has its origins outside of your camouflage system and continues beyond it. Unless you use the Inner Senses in this manner, you will only receive a glimmering of a concept, regardless of its simplicity.”

- SETH (The Seth Material)


“Remember that these Inner Senses operate as a whole, working together smoothly, and that to some degree the divisions between them are arbitrary on my part. This fifth sense differs from the fourth [conceptual sense} in that it does not involve cognition of a concept. It is similar to the fourth sense in that it is free from past, present, and future, and involves an intimate becoming, or transformation of self into something else.”

“This is difficult to explain. You attempt to understand a friend by using your physical senses. Use of this fifth sense would enable you to enter into your friend. In its fullest sense, it is not available to you within your system. It does not imply that one entity can control another. It involves direct instantaneous cognition of the essence of living ’tissue.’ I use the word ’tissue’ with caution and ask you not to think of it necessarily in terms of flesh.”

“All entities are in one way or another enclosed within themselves, yet also connected to others. Using this sense, you penetrate through the capsule that encloses the self. This Inner Sense, like all others, is being used constantly by the inner self, but very little of the data received is sifted through to the subconscious or ego. Without the use of this sense, however, no man would ever come close to understanding another.”

- SETH (The Seth Material)


“This is an extremely rudimentary sense. It is concerned with the entity’s innate working knowledge of the basic vitality of the universe, without which no manipulations of vitality would be possible as, for example, you could not stand up straight without first having an innate sense of balance.”

“Without this sixth sense and its constant use by the inner self, you could not construct the physical camouflage universe. You can compare this sense with instinct, as you think of it, although it is concerned with the innate knowledge of the entire universe. Particular data about specific areas of reality are given to a living organism to make manipulation within that area possible. The inner self has at its command complete knowledge, but only portions are used by an organism. A spider, spinning its web, is using this sense in almost its purest form. The spider has no intellect or ego, and its activities are pure spontaneous uses of the Inner Senses, unhampered and uncamouflaged to a great extent. But inherent in the spider, as in man, is the complete comprehension of the universe as a whole.”

- SETH (The Seth Material)


“This sense operates in two ways. It can be an extension or enlargement of the self, a widening of its boundaries and of conscious comprehension. It can also be a pulling together of the self into an ever-smaller capsule that enables the self to enter other systems of reality. The tissue capsule surrounds each consciousness and IS actually an energy field boundary, keeping the inner self’s energy from seeping away.”

“No consciousness exists in any system without this capsule enclosing it. These capsules have also been called astral bodies. The seventh Inner Sense allows for an expansion or contraction of this tissue capsule.”

- SETH (The Seth Material)


“Complete disentanglement from camouflage comes rarely within your system, although it is possible to achieve it, particularly in connection with Psychological Time. When Psychological Time is utilized to its fullest extent, then camouflage is lessened to an astounding degree. With disentanglement, the inner self disengages itself from one particular camouflage before it either adopts another set smoothly or dispenses with camouflage entirely. This is accomplished through what you might call a changing of frequencies or vibrations: a transformation of vitality from one particular pattern or aspect to another. In some ways, your dream world gives you a closer experience with basic inner reality than does your waking world, where the Inner Senses are so shielded from your awareness.”

- SETH (The Seth Material)


“An energy personality who wishes to become a part of your system does so using this sense. The energy personality first diffuses himself into many parts. Since entry into your plane or system, as a member of it, cannot be made in any other manner, it must be made in the simplest terms, and later built up-sperm, of course, being an entry in this respect. The energy of the personality must then be recombined. ”

- SETH (The Seth Material)

Tao-Sensor, Tin Yat Lineage Exclusive Taoist Magic

ECP stands for Evil Crap Pollutions. This is a term I created for Tin Yat Lineage Taoism which explains the subject very well and it is something we always encounter in our life. The evil here doesn’t always have to be about evil spirits, it can be evil magic, evil energy, etc! But these evils are for sure something real, solidly affecting you, and not just a “thought” of evil intention.

Tao-Sensor is not a physical tool, but a form of Pre-Heaven energy from CR (Celestial Realm) in TYHQ (Tin Yat Headquarter)’s power-source that beams from CR, to your altar, and to you. With this surge of energy that gets injected into your meridian system, it activates your Soul-Celestial and charged up your Soul-Mental and Soul-Physical while giving your body an extra layer of energy field over the seven spirits energy layer.

Avoid getting ECP

With Tin Yat Lineage Tao-Sensor, you will be able to sense ECP right-away when it is near you or coming toward you. Reactions will happen on your body to alert or signal you when ECP is close by.
Common symptoms are like headache, pain on a specific spot, vibrations feeling, or other sense. You will learn to sense and also tell what it is as you cultivates, then to prove they are really ECP, you do some Taoist magic to cleanse and detox yourself and see if the feelings and sensations go away. If it is real ECP, it should be gone immediately.

ECP can be traveling to you in no time, without limitation to space, location or time. You can be chatting with someone on the phone and picked up their ECP. You can be typing an e-mail and all of a sudden “someone” e-mail came in and you can sense the ECP. You can be in a store a all of a sudden you sensed ECP and after 5 minutes you bump into a person who were doing curses on you and so they have all that ECP on them. If you can sense it, you can bust it before it gets near you.
Avoid danger and threats in advance

With Tao-Sensor, your body also have this feature of detecting natural disasters, bad happenings or something not-so-good in advance. The reason is because energy will always come first before the physical happening. Just like an earthquake, the earth will already be giving on some kind of energy before the earthquake actually started. That is also why some animals will flee before an earthquake comes, because they can sense it before us. With Tao-Sensor, your life will become much safer and better.

Be able to tell who is the bad guy to avoid, improve social skills

With Tao-Sensor, you can also sense if other people are lying to you, or they are cursing you at the back, doing some sorcery on you, stealing luck and energy, etc. By sensing these things, you can avoid making friends with bad people, and polish up your social circle, erasing bad friends from your list!

Exorcism must-have ability

Tin Yat Lineage Taoism is expert in exorcism, because we can sense, see, feel and even touch what we are exorcising. With Tao-sensor, you can sense or even see what is going on in the magic warfare or exorcism.

The Tao-Sensor also serves as the foundation for everyone in Tin Yat Lineage to earn their ability to do HT (Hui Tung) magic and soul traveling magic!
Tin Yat Lineage Tao-Sensor, How to Achieve

While the Tao-Sensor of Tin Yat Lineage seems very useful, practical and powerful, it is not easy to gain or maintain. In order to possess the Tao-Sensor, the student must stay as clean as possible (on the energy side) by following the Tin Yat Lineage Protocols, doing their daily cultivation and cleansing their energies.

If the magic power or energy of the Tin Yat Lineage Taoist is dirty, or running low, the Tao-sensor will also be weakened.

- Mak Jo Si (Taoist Master Yin Tat Lineage)


Cultivating Positive Energy is the Basis of Good Fortune

Cultivating Yang Chi (Positive Energy) is the Basis of Good Fortune

“When people truly rest their mind, however, Taoists, yogis and sages all equally state that this will open up the body’s energy channels that serve as the conduit for the flow of life force. These are energy or chi channels similar to the meridians doctors use in acupuncture. Furthermore, when these chi channels do open up, the fact that they are no longer clogged means that the active life-giving yang chi in the body can circulate more freely, bringing health and vitality to wherever it goes. Also when it circulates freely, the mind calms down and can access the mental state of samadhi.

From the Tao school point of view, it is a basic scientific principle that when your body fills with yang chi, your fortune becomes of yang nature as well. This means that good fortune will result when someone cultivates the yang, or positive aspects of life. Cultivation, such as meditation, therefore produces good fortune because it quiets the mind and increases the production of yang chi. Yang energy is a type of power that attracts other positive energies to us, and we can employ it to achieve any of the outcomes we desire in life.

Therefore, by creating yang chi (positive energy) through the process of meditation, it is natural that a person can change their fortune because an individual can use its positive abilities to bring about whatever it is they desire.

Another way of saying it is that when you want to experience a spectacular improvement in your life conditions, then you must learn to develop the higher-grade yang energies in yourself and your environment. Cultivating emptiness and virtue produces the highest yang type energies, and so in reforming your faults and correcting your errant behaviors, you will be able to grow your yang energies to an extreme and create any new fortune you may envision.”

- White Fat Cow

Grace From Heaven Requires Sufficient Merit

“Merit and wisdom are what enable you to dissolve problems, and nothing else. If bad karma comes to you, only through merit and wisdom will you be able to avoid, dissolve, or dilute its effects. If you still think this is wrong and that you can solve problems purely through celestial assistance, you must remember that you need wisdom in order to know how to make contact with Heaven, and you need merit to provoke a merciful, compassionate response. Without sufficient merit, such requests will come to nothing. You see, you never get something for nothing … and it all boils down to merit.

Whether you are Hindu or Christian or Moslem or whatever, if you choose the path of imploring God for grace to solve everything in one stroke, you must remember that there is no grace without merit.

Once again, we find that performing difficult acts of charity can help you accumulate a store of merit which can be “spent” when there are difficulties to be overcome in life. When you unselfishly work hard and sacrifice to solve another’s difficulties, the karmic reward is the mental peace you create for others and the help you need to solve your own difficulties as well. Ultimately, practicing charity is the highest form of yagya.”

- White Fat Cow

The Superior Path of Receiving Righteousness as a Gift

Heb 4:14 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. 15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

Romans 5: 15 The grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.

Romans 5: 17 They which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.

It’s All About Merit and Meditation in the End

“All the methods one can employ — whether from Chinese or Vedic or other traditions and whether one is talking about the planets, the five elements, feng shui, relocation, yagyas, special diets, gemstones, ceremonies, mantras or yin and yang — are designed to change someone’s chi forces by supplementing what is weak or purifying what is corrupt. From the final analysis, the best way to do that is through meditation and having your own chi arise itself.

Performing acts of merit, or cultivating oneself through meditation, will have a big impact on changing one’s chi but the biggest impact comes only when a person cultivates emptiness of mind. When the mind is empty of self, it is full of the universal oneness. It is then beyond the realm of birth and death and taps into the Source of all creation.

In that state, gemstones become rocks and mantras are just words for you tap into the really big power behind it all. So the best way to alter one’s fortune is to cultivate the mind and spirit. To really change your fortune, you have to work on changing your mind and behavior, your thoughts and habits, your views and inclinations. You have to empty them out and function with a mind free of taint that can select the proper wisdom move at any moment.

When your mind changes, your chi will immediately change, and this explains why cultivating the mind will also change your fortune because the emptiness of mind taps into the greatest yang chi in existence.

Using modern parlance, science would say it can then somehow access the latent “zero point energy” in order to create change in the world. The “zero point energy” represents infinite power, so once again through emptiness we’re tapping into nearly infinite power to change the fortune.

According to spiritual cultivation teachings, if a virtuous person changes the deepest levels of their mind, their spirit (shen) will also change which becomes an even more powerful force for altering one’s destiny, though we cannot enter into this discussion within the scope of this book.

Now when the yang forces become balanced and particularly strong in an individual, the yin forces of sickness, weakness or bad fortune will naturally be repelled. Since yin forces cannot penetrate deeply under such circumstances, one’s bad fortune can be lessened or entirely dissolved away for those who cultivate and increase their yang chi.

This is one reason why many individuals can escape certain aspects of fate entirely, or simply delay their manifestation. Furthermore, when there is no bad fortune ready or able to manifest, one will only experience positive states (meaning good fortune) in the future. This is how, from a materialistic or mechanistic point of view, cultivation produces good fortune.

From the mental aspect, when the mind changes then a person’s chi changes and when their chi changes, their allotment of fate changes since everything originates with transformations of the mind. Hence when one selflessly practices charity, the act of true selflessness becomes a type of emptiness cultivation practice, a practice of freedom from the ego and freedom from discrimination. And since emptiness (mental stillness) gives birth to yang chi whose powers we are already familiar with, the entire process of changing one’s fate can be viewed from this aspect of mind.

Whether we say that someone cultivates a non-discriminative mind through meditation (and relies on the stillness of emptiness to give birth to yang), practices charity to generate positive merit, or opens up their chi channels so that obstructed yang forces can increase and flow, the results are equally the same.

“Praise and worship quickly transports you into an atmosphere of the glory of God. It’s not just any old way of praising that will open up the glory realm to us. There is a pattern in Heaven and when the pattern is followed here on earth, it releases the glory. If the pattern is wrong, you don’t get the same glory. The Bible talks about praise, and then worship. Basically you should praise until the spirit of worship comes. What is praise? I am talking about the fast tempo songs that make you dance, jump, and shout to the Lord—breakthrough praise. Even adding a shofar blast in a meeting can add to the breakthrough. Keep praising until the spirit of worship comes.

When the spirit of worship comes you will notice that you and those in the crowd don’t feel like shouting or dancing any more. You feel more like loving on God, singing intimate slow songs of love to Him. As you continue, you will sense the thick, heavy presence of God. That is the glory. Once the glory comes, just stand and soak in that glory. Don’t stop short of the greater glory of God and settle for something lightweight. Most services, including those in revival and renewal, often mix up the worship with a worship song here and a praise song there, without following the pattern. The pattern is important—it is the pattern of Heaven. Skillful playing and singing are secondary. What use is it to have the most skilled singers and musicians if they don’t usher in the glory of God. Only in His glory does the miraculous happen that we pray for. Follow the pattern even in your home and the same glory will come. I recommend reading Ruth Heflin’s first book, Glory, for more information on this subject of praising and worship that ushers in His glory.”

- Glory Invasion (David Herzog)

“Another key to ushering in the glory is sacrificial giving. It opens up the glory and miracles in ways that nothing else will. There are countless testimonies confirming this throughout the Scriptures, from Genesis through Revelation. The Book of Malachi examples that the “windows of Heaven” open when there is a spirit of sacrificial giving.

“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it” (Malachi 3:10).

The widow who gave her last meal to Elijah multiplied her blessings and her son was raised from the dead. Many of these examples are in my book Mysteries of the Glory Unveiled. When these open doors of glory are together at the same time, it causes an explosion of glory. When these elements are mixed together in a ministry or at a meeting there will be a major glory explosion leading to visitations from Heaven’s throne, signs and wonders, revival, harvest, and an eternity full of His blessings.”

- Glory Invasion (David Herzog)

Meditation Changes Your Mind, Body and Fortune

“When we perform a selfless deed, for instance, we often say that we “feel warm inside,” because when it really is a good deed, a physical warmth can actually arise in our bodies! This is the result of one’s chi channels opening up because of performing a good deed, after which the body’s yang chi will start flowing through those previously restricted energy channels. And sometimes those particular channels could not be opened up through any other means than through the practice of charity, even when the individual is an advanced cultivation practitioner! So the practice of charity is extremely important, much more than we can possibly relate.

When you perform a truly virtuous and selfless deed, your mind virtually “opens up” to experience a peace that reflects transformation at a very deep level. The stillness one thus experiences will result in emptiness bliss for a split moment, and yet this fractional instant of time will still be long enough for the yang chi to be born. By universal law, yin (stillness no matter how short in time) always gives birth to yang and yang produces life and warmth. Thus this phenomenon we have all experienced is actually just one of the many personal confirmations one can encounter proving that the Tao school is correct in its science and observations.

Why can the effects of emptiness be so powerful, so powerful that it can change fate? For exactly the same reason that a tiny atom can power entire cities, even though it is mostly emptiness as well.

We say emptiness is empty like the void, yet emptiness gives rise to all creation. Ancient Chinese civilization has sometimes represented emptiness by the element of metal because metal is extremely strong, and emptiness is so strong that it can break absolutely anything. It is also strong enough to give birth without dying. So the potential force within emptiness is immeasurable — so immeasurable that it can change matter, especially when it is guided by the mind.

Emptiness is like the number zero, which can stand for nullity or infinity. However, when we cultivate to change our minds, bodies and fortunes, we tap into the infinity side of the matter and thus can access the energy of the entire universe! This is why we can actually change things through cultivation, for no other method enables you to tap into emptiness.

The Taoists often say, “from the stillness of yin (achieved through emptiness meditation), yang (good fortune) is born,” so of course meditation will create yang chi, and yang chi will in turn bring good fortune. However, this explanation is purely from the physiological or material basis. What is more important than the physical nature is the mind, for mind is the fundamental ground which can give birth to the thoughts creating our karma, so mind is of a more fundamental nature than yin chi or yang chi.

In other words, mastering the meditative realm of emptiness, which means cultivating mental quiet within by abandoning discursive thought, is a way to remove the obstacles which impede good fortune from manifesting. Since it is our own evil doings that have formed the barrier to receiving wealth and other good fortune, we must get rid of our errant ways.

To do so and actually change our fortune, we must therefore copy the farmer who does not actually push any sap into the roots of his crops. Instead, he simply removes the weeds standing in the way so that the sap can flow into them naturally. To flood a piece of land by irrigation, we do not have to push the water into the field with our hands but simply make a breach in the ridge separating the water from the land, and then the water will flow into the field automatically.

In the same manner, our obstructions to good fortune are basically self-imposed. That’s what motivational experts would tell us, but they’re working at an extremely superficial level. However, when we abandon obstructions in the mind by achieving a realm of discriminative emptiness — whether through the practice of charity or meditation — all good things will naturally flood our way. But we need cultivation as the means for this to happen!

The yang condition of good fortune is our natural disposition. Unfortunately, we impede its flow by clogging ourselves with layers of yin obstructions so that our positive fortune has difficulty in manifesting. If we want the fruition of good fortune, we can effect it simply by removing the yin obstacles standing in its way, most of which are poor mental habits and unwholesome thinking processes.

When we then discard the bad thoughts, negative habits and tendencies, and nonvirtuous acts that create and support our inherent yin forces, only the yang will be left. When only the yang is left, then even if we do nothing to promote the growth of yang forces themselves, in decreasing the yin our good fortune will rise.

This, too, is yet another explanation behind cultivation’s effectiveness.

There is still yet another way to approach the issue as to why self-cultivation can alter one’s destiny, for we must remember that when we cultivate ourselves through meditation and other spiritual exercises, our ordinary mind will become clearer and develop broader vision. As a result of our increasing refinement and purification, we can then sometimes see solutions where previously there was only confusion.

Since cultivation produces clarity of mind and clarity, like education, produces better decisions, the process of self-cultivation enables us to choose better directions and make better observations such as spotting the opportunities that can change our destiny.”

- White Fat Cow

Meditation Leads to Wisdom Clarity that Can Restructure the Fortune

“Fortune depends upon the choices we make, so if we abandon confusion through cultivation, increase our clarity of mind and improve our normal decision making process, it is natural that our quantity of good fortune will improve. Even people who do not believe in karma will say that you must identify options and look for opportunities in order to change your fate, but no one ever tells you that cultivation — which produces patience and clarity of mind for evaluating alternatives — is the means for doing so!

This aspect of the matter is so simple and easy to understand that we can leave it to others to expound upon.

All of us are periodically presented with a cubic centimeter of lucky chance that fortuitously pops up in our lives every now and then. Actually, luck occurs when preparation meets opportunity, so only those who have clear minds (and merit) and have done some prep work can ever seem to grab it. Of the thousand choice points you will encounter in life, the crossroads of decision where you have the power to mold your destiny, which will lead to prosperity and which will lead to destruction?

A saying aptly runs, “it is the mind endowed with intuition which sees the light at the first hint.” Thus the clear wisdom mind knows how to evaluate matters instantly, but it is unfettered nature can only be accessed by meditators and cultivation practitioners, those whose stock of merit prompts them to act quickly on their right knowing. Without this factor of merit, however, an individual might indeed see an opportunity, but fail to act on it.

The self-cultivation of meditation therefore increases our wisdom and insight, both of which are like education in their potential for creating change. It is common for our heads to become cloudy, our reasoning faculties to become faulty, and for errors of judgment to creep in when we experience bad fortune. However, if we actively work to increase our clarity of mind, then while in some cases we might not be able to entirely escape the rainy weather of a bad situation, we might definitely be able to prevent it from soaking us by taking along a raincoat or umbrella!

Thus we have yet another explanation of how cultivation can help us change our destiny. By cultivating clarity of mind through meditation practice, we can reduce the harm that comes our way, and through emptiness of mind we can accept whatever happens, and then go on from there.”

- White Fat Cow

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