> Great Genius Insights into Everything (24)


Portals on Planet Earth to Heaven

Portals on Planet Earth to Heaven

“There are some places on earth that already have an open portal to Heaven which makes it easier to receive revelation. For instance, when you are in a church or city that is experiencing revival, there is an open portal allowing a greater awareness of the supernatural—possibly a Jacob’s ladder-type of portal with angels ascending and descending. The biggest portal is in Jerusalem. I believe it is the easiest place to hear from God, receive dreams, visions; and angelic appearances are common occurrences there.

Of all the cities in the world, He has designated Jerusalem as the city of the Great King. (See Matthew 5:35.) It is the largest open Heaven portal on earth. Not to mention the fact that Jesus died, was buried, and rose from the dead there and will return there; as well as the first major revivals in the Book of Acts took place in Jerusalem.

Also, almost every major religion has a presence in Jerusalem because they value the portal even if they do not know the Messiah. Many battles throughout history have been fought in and for this city. Bethel is another city in Israel where we easily received visions and third heaven encounters because Jacob already opened it. Once a portal has been opened I believe there is a permanent door in that place allowing it to be reopened much easier because someone already paved the way.

Genesis 28:17 says, “this is the gate of Heaven” speaking about Jacob’s ladder located in the city of Bethel. It does not say it was but that it is the gate, or a doorway, of Heaven.

Other portals are found in more infamous cities. Sedona, Arizona, is one such portal—currently known as the largest New Age town in the Southwest. It has also been named the most beautiful town in America by USA Today as it is surrounded by breathtaking red rocky mountains and was once the main site for filming many of the early TV westerns. I have found that when you pray and enter into the Spirit in Sedona there is a huge wave of God’s glory there, and clarity in hearing God’s voice that is unlike many other places. Why and how is this so? Even though you can obviously see the New Age influence and many cults headquartered there—great glory also resides there. Great darkness and great light. Often, the greater the darkness, the greater the light and destiny over a city.

The Native Americans called Sedona a sacred town. Legend reveals that they considered Sedona so sacred that at one time they would only let chiefs or medicine men (witch doctors) in to pray. Greater Sedona later became “a meeting place for all Indians from all over the southwest.” When rival tribes met and migrated to Sedona, they ceased fighting and would worship and practice their religions. The Native Americans have regarded Sedona’s environs as sacred and special, long before the settlers arrived.

I believe the Native Americans could sense the glory of God in this town and did not know how to respond as they had not yet heard the Gospel and so worshiped what they knew. They could sense the open heavenly portal. To this day thousands of tourists each year travel to Sedona to get a spiritual high, not knowing why they are drawn to the city. We are seeing God now reveal Himself there to those who are true seekers of the true Creator.

In the early 1900s Sedona was a place where Christians from all over the United States gathered to hold large conferences and retreats as God’s glory filled the city—long before it was claimed as a New Age vortex city. God has already designated Sedona as an open portal, a high place over the Southwest. He is waiting for His people to completely take it back, crack open the portal even wider, and invite the world to soak in God’s presence as they enter the city limits and find the King of Glory. I believe that after this occurs there will be a domino effect over the entire Western part of the United States, especially the areas of the Rocky Mountain chain all the way from Arizona up to the Northwest and into Western Canada where the New Age movement is the most concentrated.

High up in the Himalaya mountains in Tibet, the highest point on the earth, there are rumors that great evil is lurking there. It seems that both the Lord and the enemy like to dominate the high places, and often mountainous places. The Bible talks about the Lord dwelling on Mount Zion in Jerusalem and of coming up to meet the Lord at the mountain of the Lord. (see Ps. 76:2; 68:16.) Many passages talk about visitation with Heaven in high mountainous places like the Mount of Transfiguration (see Matt. 17:1-3), the mountain Moses climbed to meet God (Exod. 34:2,5), and Elijah confronting the false prophets on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:19-20, 42).

Supernatural powers from Satan and God on the earth seem to include and focus on mountains and high places. I believe that Tibet’s highest mountain range is a place that God has ordained to demonstrate his beauty and majesty and a place to meet with God in a special way as it is physically the closest point between Heaven and earth. Satan seems to dominate that region, but why? One reason: there is already a natural portal of glory there making it easier for Tibetan Buddhist monks to access the supernatural. But they are only accessing the second heavens where demons and principalities dwell. After God gets hold of that area, it will be an entire open “Heaven on earth” atmosphere once again.

Satan tries to entrench himself in areas called to be great portals to keep them closed up and inaccessible to us. I believe that even Mecca in Saudi Arabia was once a portal of glory because people are drawn there to worship and to experience spirituality. They may not worship our Messiah but they feel the urge to worship. Mecca is a portal; but again it is being used to access the second heavens only. This is where dark principalities dwell; but it will one day be redeemed and the purpose for which God caused people to be drawn there will be revealed.”

- Glory Invasion (David Herzog)


How to Prevent or Allow Pregnancy with Mind Power

How to Prevent or Allow Pregnancy with Mind Power

“Often, for example, a person wanting to die originally intended to experience only a portion of earth life, say childhood. This purpose would be entwined with the parents’ intent. Such a son or daughter might be born, for instance, through a woman who wanted to experience childbirth but who did not necessarily want to encounter the years of child-raising, for her own reasons.

Such a mother would attract a consciousness who desired, perhaps, to reexperience childhood but not adulthood, or who might teach the mother lessons sorely needed. Such a child might naturally die at 10 or 12, or earlier. Yet the ministrations of science might keep the child alive far longer, until such a person [begins] encountering an adulthood thrust upon him or her, so to speak.

An automobile accident, suicide, or another kind of accident might result. The person might fall prey to an epidemic, but the smoothness of biological motion or psychological motion has been lost. I am not here condoning suicide, for too often in your society it is the unfortunate result of conflicting beliefs — and yet it is true to say that all deaths are suicide, and all births deliberate on the part of child and parent. To that extent, you cannot separate issues like a population explosion on the part of certain portions of the world, from epidemics, earthquakes, and other disasters.“

- SETH (The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events)

“The pro-life/abortion issue has been purposely orchestrated in the United States by different factions within the government to create a lack of harmony. Divide and conquer, and you own the people. Allow the people choice, freedom, and the ability to continuously improve their lives, and you cannot own them. Whenever people oppose people, those in control benefit, even down to the issue over abortion.

How do they benefit? They keep women from uniting with each other and men from uniting with each other here in the United States. They keep people in fear. They convince you, by continuously putting these issues before you, that a woman has no control over the birthing process in her body. You don’t need abortion: you never need to get pregnant in the first place if you don’t desire it. How? By will. A woman can say to herself, “I am not prepared at this time for a child.” Or, alternately, “I am in receptivity of a child.” When you own yourself, you will not need permission from the government about what you can do with your own body.”

- Bringers of the Dawn (Fifth Dimensional Beings Known as the “Pleiadians”)


Illuminati Control of Internet to Suppress Individual Power

The internet has been said to be a technology that levels the playing field in entrepreneurship. It is said that with the internet, the individual now has the power to compete with a corporation in business. Finally, the path to unlimited personal financial freedom is here. Or is it? What if by investigating the history of the internet and the conditions for internet marketing, one discovers a hidden nefarious plot that has been going on and leads to a future that people are unwilling to speak about?

The two main methods of internet marketing are free traffic and paid traffic. In the early days of the internet, it was simply a network of websites connecting to each other through links and banner ads.

Later on, there came the development of search engines. There were multiple search engines in the picture.

And then over time, Google became the predominant one being used.

The most prominent form of free traffic was organic search engine traffic. It was simple to create content pages with keywords that ranked well in the search engines.

The most prominent form of paid traffic was Pay Per Click Google Adwords. In the early days, internet marketers could actually advertise to a squeeze page (A very short page with little content and an opt-in box to get the visitors email address). It was easy to make a lot of money through Google Adwords.

Later on, Google started to weed out a lot of lousy sites by changing their search engine algorithm. It seemed like the start of positive change.

Google then also stopped allowing marketers to advertise to squeeze pages and required them to put up content pages instead. This made advertising not as simple as before and more complex to test and measure results.

Over time, Google even banned many Adwords accounts and came up with more and more ridiculous rules for advertising that weren’t aligned with the principles of marketing and promotion. The net effect was that many small businesses were taken out of the game leaving only companies that advertised for branding and had money to spend, or those who were newbies and were testing PPC and later quit due to the unfeasibility of the rules and restrictions.

What about organic search engine traffic? Google also began to alter their algorithms by making up more and more complex rules that were originally easier to understand with common sense and wisdom, but were getting more and more obscure later on as to what Google really wants. Many legitimate and quality sites were losing their former exposure and traffic due to the shift in search results.

Where exactly was Google heading to? This will be covered in a while…

Next in line was the social network. In the past there were many social networks that didn’t quite cut it.

Finally when Facebook came into the picture, things changed.

It became the most popular social network in the world and it grew in size and user activity to the point where it could rival or even surpass Google in certain instances.

At one time, people could get massive amount of reach from their fan pages and lots of traffic to their own sites through links posted.

And then there came a point when Facebook changed their algorithms and Fan Pages dropped by a gigantic amount in their reach.

It is touted that Facebook did this to drive people to advertise more on their paid advertising system. Well, paid advertising on Facebook has been a good option to take for a period of time, but the rules have been changing as well (This part of the article is being written on 16 September 2014). They have begun to disapprove certain types of ad. One of the ridiculous anti-marketing rules they have put up in the past is the “No more than 20% text in images” rule for Newsfeed Ads. That defies the nature of banner ad design.

Where exactly is Facebook heading to? This also will be covered in a while…

Next up are the video sharing sites.

In there past, there were many places that people go to put up videos and/or watch videos. Some even created their own video sharing sites.

But then came along YouTube and things changed again.

The popularity of YouTube grew and grew to the point where it started attracting traffic away from other places where people used to go to watch videos, and those video sites started to fail and became like virtual ghost towns. There were those who owned such sites and reported the massive decline of their users over time.

And YouTube was bought over by Google. Is this move part of something bigger? You bet it is, and all will be revealed in a moment.

What about other search engines? Well guess what, the next ones Yahoo and MSN have merged together to form Yahoo Bing. And their Pay Per Click Advertising Platform have begun to change their rules to follow Google Adwords in terms of not accepting squeeze pages when they formerly would.

And EMAIL – The majority of people have been drawn to use Gmail over time. For some reason, the other major competitors have screwed up along the way terribly. MSN Hotmail has come up with its initially clunky Outlook webmail and have made many user frustrated enough to leave it for Gmail instead. Yahoo also has its own major problems with POP3 and certain strange bugs in their program. This has driven more and more people to Gmail.

Along the way, Google decided to make a change and set up “Tabs” in Gmail. Many messages that come from internet marketers are now moved into the “promotions” tab where people are more prone to ignoring.

Email marketing has been the most important element of internet marketing all along, and the most popular email system has been adversely messed with for marketers as well. Many users have reported that they do not like such as setup and prefer to see all the incoming emails in the inbox instead. But many are too lazy to undo it.

The “Powers that Be” have given many “Positive Reasons” why those changes were made. But like the Yin/Yang Symbol, there is white within black and black within white. The bigger picture is that every single move that those in power have made, they have given a “positive explanation” for it that seems reasonable. But when you look deeper and further into what has been done, you will find many irrational and flawed effects in their actions. Much of these have been pointed out by intelligent marketers.


The creation of the internet has been a solution that PUTS POWER BACK into the hands of the INDIVIDUAL to create their own Financial Independence, Sovereignty and Freedom of being their own Personal MEDIA of Expressing Information to the rest of the world.

BUT, there has been a covert underlying move that has been taking place over time to REVERSE this flow of power to TAKE IT AWAY from the individual and put in back into the hands of THE FEW or the RULING ELITE.

After all, it is said that “Information is Power” and “Who controls the flow of information controls the flow of power”.

TRUE FREEDOM and Financial Independence comes to everybody through the path of SMALL BUSINESS, Individual Entrepreneurship and working as a Free Agent.

An Individual’s work is meant to put forth value that grows and increase in its compensation over time. With all these changes, the individual’s “virtual asset” that they build up seems to be eroding over time and they would have to keep on doing “activity that are specifically tune to making money” such as selling, selling, selling, finding more clients, scraping their previous ways that worked and trying to work on new marketing channels, seeing things crumble, and starting the cycle all over again.

People are ENSLAVED to the economic system where they are being “Slaves to Mammon” and are UNABLE to expend much TIME and ENERGY in other avenues of interest such as the exploration of consciousness and the understanding of the universe. They are stuck in just trying to continue keeping their business together.

What about MONEY? The Illuminati has been engineering an erosion of the US dollar all along. Through the setup of the Federal Reserve and manipulation of the financial markets, they have caused the “value” of people’s work to diminish more and more over time, and bring them into greater economic enslavement through DEBT. And since the rest of the world is doing business online mostly through the US dollar, the rest of the world is also being affected economically and enslaved by the system.

Those entrepreneurs who really wish to make BIG Money and sustain it longer are Forced to go from the structure of Small Business BACK into the structure of BIG BUSINESS once again.

We all know that Corporations and BIG BUSINESSES have always been a form of SLAVERY of the MANY to enrich the FEW.

The Elites like that. They are not avid supporters of individual sovereignty, personal financial independence and freedom of personal media of expression.

The Elites (More specifically the Dark Elites) want the many to be ruled by the few, and for the masses to be financially controllable by the few, and for the few to control the media and flow of information.

And by doing so, they are able to further SUPPRESS information that EXPOSES THEM, or keep people in continuous slave work for financial well-being to have NOT the TIME or ENERGY to TALK about them or STUDY about them.

There has even been a move to CENSOR all ESOTERIC CONTENT on the Internet in the UK. Go check that out.

Esoteric is also equivalent to the Occult which means “Hidden from Ocular View”.

This has been the underlying nefarious plot that has been operated by the INVISIBLE HAND, the Dark Illuminati who have been trying to keep Real Knowledge Hidden from the View of the Masses and making the “Occult” seem taboo so that people would stay away from it.

But the True Illuminati which are people who have come to possess the Light of Knowledge are the ones who are trying to DE-Occult the knowledge and take knowledge out of concealment and into the open and expose it for all to see.

May this message shed some light on “What on earth has been really going on” for all those who are internet marketers, internet entrepreneurs, or using the internet in some way as personal media for expressing information to the world and seeing your reach drop due to all these “complex” or “bizarre” changes going on.

Another revelation is that Google and Facebook and many other major internet services are owned by JEWS. Somehow things have happened in such a way that more and more control of power has gone into the hands of those who are Jews. The Jews have been promised by supernatural powers that they would “be the heirs of the world.” That may seem like a good thing, but what about all those who are Gentile Christians who are also supposed to be “Abraham’s seed”? Is it really a good thing for everyone else to be ruled or dominated by the hands of the few? Most certainly not! Man can never be trusted with such power because they always abuse it as they have done so.

Is the God of the Jews actually behind this nefarious agenda, or is it just some Jews being exploited in the Satanic Agenda for the New World Order? It is possible that Satan is making use of the Jews whether aware or unawares as part of his evil plan of world domination because they do carry the blessing of God to be “heirs of the world”, just like he made use of them to crucify their own Messiah Jesus the Christ.

The way for small businesses to avoid being cornered is to go into underground or sideways methods of internet marketing rather than try to go through the main media channels. PPV, direct media buys, solo ads, network media buys, mobile marketing are the ways to go. Just keep in mind whenever they start becoming too big and alter their rules to follow the big boys. It’s always “government” and “authority” that cause them to do it.

There is a difference between Dark Freemasonary and Light Freemasonary. Much of the secret agenda of the Dark Freemasonary is revealed by those who have been on the inside of the official structure and are higher up in the ranks themselves or have access to revelations of the agenda spoken by the higher ups themselves. The highest ranks in Dark Freemasonary and Satanism (A real religion that exists) are actually Dark Luciferianism and Dark Illuminati. They hold the “Light” of Knowledge but use it in ways to gain power over others. Light Freemasonary usually make up a portion of Freemasons who may be well-intentioned in their path but are unaware of the true agenda of those at the higher ranks in their system, or are those who are in the know and are out to expose the darkness. Some of those who are in Freemasory may debunk this, but it is hard to know whether they are truly unaware of the dark agenda of the higher ups, or they themselves are seeking to suppress the truth and perpetuate a lie.

You have to do your own observations and deep research yourself to come to a decision of what the truth is. It is ok to keep changing your mind with new information discovered.

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