> Great Genius Insights into Everything (20)


Enlightened Perspective of Intellectual Property

Enlightened Perspective of Intellectual Property

Subjective Reality and Intellectual Property (Steve Pavlina)

Since I’m on the subjective side now, I see this situation in a different light than I otherwise would have. Bob and that ghostwriter and I aren’t separate from each other. They are me.

If I look within myself, I would say that the dream character Bob currently represents a part of me that feels phony and false. And why is that part there? Perhaps it’s because part of me feels phony and false claiming ownership of the material I’ve been producing and publishing for years.

The truth is that I can’t really say that I’m the one creating all this content. It flows through me so effortlessly that I don’t really know where it’s coming from. I spent thousands of hours producing all this content, but did I really create it? Sure I worked hard, but I overwhelmingly enjoyed the process. Writing is a peaceful, flowing, and pleasurable experience for me.

When I write in the best way I know how (from inspiration), it’s like my consciousness steps aside, and content flows through me and onto the computer screen. I’m basically a pen. I let the dreamer communicate through me.

How can I possibly blame Bob or his ghostwriter or anyone else who’s tried to pass off my material as their own? If I do that, I’d just be projecting my own issues onto them.

I cannot solve this problem at that level. I could try of course, but what would that “solution” look like? Send Bob some nasty letters maybe. Get an attorney involved. Succumb to negative emotions like blame and resentment. Disconnect from who I really am. No thanks!

In the end, I’d only be fighting with myself, and I’d be injecting more conflict and negative drama into this dream world. That is not an intelligent solution.
To be totally truthful, I have to confess that I’m in the same boat, trying to pass off the dreamer’s content as my own. I’ve been doing that for years. Bob is simply reflecting that back to me. The problem is mine, not his. I’m responsible for it.

To go a little deeper, I would say that I did write a lot of content (hundreds of articles) at the level of my own mind. But by and large, that’s the content that sucks. The best content, the stuff that makes people freak out the most, flows through me, but it is not of me.

- Steve Pavlina

Full Article: http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2010/08/moving-beyond-copyright/

Inspired vs. Uninspired Content (Steve Pavlina)

Over the years I’ve noticed a strange pattern.

If I write content at the level of my own mind, such as by pulling an idea off my to-do list and mentally working through it point by point, I usually get feedback along the lines of “Great article.” People typically still like it, and they often report good results by applying those ideas. I can’t say this has been a negative experience per se.

But if I write from a place of inspiration, running to the keyboard when an energized idea comes to me out of the blue, something very different happens. First, my writing speed is 2-3 times faster. Sometimes the ideas are flowing through me as quickly as I can physically type.

Second, the feedback I get is very different. Someone ALWAYS reports back that reading that article was a synchronicity for them. Maybe they just wrote about that same topic in their journal the previous night. Maybe it’s exactly what they were wondering about before they read it. Maybe I share some specific detail that’s a major trigger for them.

Another way of explaining the difference between these two styles of writing is that in the first case, I’m writing with an objective lens. I choose topics based on what I think people will want to read, or what might give me a traffic boost, or to create and share value, or to teach, or for some other logical reason.

A good example of such an objectively written article is 10 Ways to Improve Your Technical Skills. It’s an article for the mind, but it doesn’t stir the heart and soul.
In the second case, however, I’m using a subjective lens when I write. I don’t pre-plan what I’ll write about. I simply wait for inspiration to hit me, and then I run with it.

Sometimes I’ll write for hours without a break in order to record the ideas that are flowing through me. I get the ideas as mental downloads. I understand the information quickly, and my job is to translate it into words, sentences, and paragraphs. I often use stories from my own life or analogies from my background to explain the concepts more clearly. I’m essentially a human translator.

It was only recently that I really understood what was happening here. When I write subjectively, I’m receiving information directly from the dreamer of this subjective universe. My job is to give those ideas form and substance within the dream world.

As I reached this point of understanding, I was able to go deeper into the experience of subjective writing, more deeply than I’ve ever done before.
A good example of such an article is the last one I posted, Subjective Relationships.

Interestingly, the feedback I received on that article included many reports of synchronicities from my readers, perhaps more than I’ve ever seen. Some people said they were blown away by the mysterious parallels between that article and their own lives.

As far as I can recall, this really is an ALWAYS vs. NEVER thing. I never receive reports of synchronicities from my objective articles, and I always receive at least one synchronicity report after posting a subjective article. I can’t think of a single exception on either side. There is, however, a gray area in the middle, where some portions of articles were inspired and other parts were more mental. In those cases I receive synchronicity reports only about the inspired bits, or about the topic itself.

Now I know that the reason for those synchronicities is that we’re all projections of the same dreamer, so when I write from the dreamer’s perspective, a different form of communication is taking place.

Now that I’m aware of what’s going on, I can more deliberately write subjective articles, and so I expect to see a corresponding increase in the level of synchronicities that my readers report.

- Steve Pavlina

Full Article: http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2010/08/moving-beyond-copyright/


How Spirits See Our Physical World

How Spirits See Our Physical World

“Perception of your world is possible, but in a dim overview fashion, for now that reality is the ghostly one to me, its edges unclear, its motions blurry, and its most solid masses having a transparent cast.

If sharpness of detail is lost, I am quite able to follow large patterns of thought with ease, perceiving them somewhat above the hard-bed reality of the world, rising from it like multicolored clouds of different shapes, colors, and varieties. All in all, then, I can follow the world’s ideas and emotional climate very well. Realities connected with your own experience, but invisible to you, are quite clear from my viewpoint, then, while ordinary events of a physical nature are unclear and shadowy.

I can follow thought’s masses as they form above the world, mixing with others, flowing in patterns sometimes light, sometimes dark or dimming, and I can perceive the intensity of emotion that drives them. As a rain cloud will surely bring a shower, from my standpoint it is obvious that certain thought patterns will bring about physical events suiting their nature, so it is with considerable interest that I watch those emotional and mental patterns that surround the world.”

- William James (The Afterdeath Journal of An American Philosopher)

“I can “see” the world’s thought patterns as I described them and the world’s emotional forms “at once,” as you might see the clouds if you were high enough above the earth. I can also “see” my own life in the same way, in its entirety as I knew it, but also in ways that were unfamiliar to me then. The events of my own life appear open-ended to me; I see what I did, but also what I might have done, and can perceive the energy I sent out in directions that I did not take consciously. I can track my own influence then, see the thousands – no, millions – of people I affected, as each of you affects the earth and its populace in far greater terms than you realize, Each contact, direct or not, counts and ripples outward so that each person’s life sends out lines of contact intersecting with others on a psychic level, but quite practically in psychological terms. So after death, watching the tracks of one’s own influence is perhaps the most fascinating of endeavors.”

- William James (The Afterdeath Journal of An American Philosopher)

“The light of the spiritual world is different from the physical sunlight that the material earth has. It is interpenetrating and shines through the physical realm. Thus when we look at a human being from the spiritual realm, we do not really see the physical body, it appears like a mist or envelope – although this also depends on the spiritual development of the spirit; those who are still earth-bound see the material realm as a solid. The well developed spirits of the higher spirit realm see right into the spirit and soul of humans.

The spiritual world has its own substance and just as the spiritual world is invisible to us, our material world is more or less like a mist to those in the spiritual realm – with the exception of spirits in the lowest earth spheres whose basic character and mind is still very much earth based. When the spirit world looks at this material earth, it primarily sees only the spiritual aspects of the earth (the spirits of humans and the spirit life that sustains the material world). The material world is almost invisible to the spirit realm especially to those of the highest sphere. The material world is only temporary and its “temporariness” is visible (like a mist) to those in the spiritual world.

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

“In the spiritual world, one can see the ultimate result of each thought and action. They ripple through space and time causing the results that we see in the physical earth. Every human that is born into the earth becomes part of the thoughts, actions, and reactions of the totality of thought and spiritual forces (good or bad) released since the creation of the earth. Not all the evil or suffering in the world is caused directly by first choice of the individual. The majority of it is caused by the ripple effect of the thoughts and decisions of others preceding the individual.

Whole communities, cities and countries are gripped by the strongest ripple (more like it building to a tsunami wave) of forces that influence people on the earth. The whole earth looks like an ocean of ripples and waves of forces ebbing and flowing according to each new action and reaction of the human race. Positive or negative forces of influence sweep over entire communities, cities or countries from time to time. Every sin causes more suffering for the entire human race and every righteous thought and loving act releases a power that lifts the whole human race.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)


The Master Language Used in the Spiritual World

The Master Language Used in the Spiritual World

“Different languages of course represent various characteristics of feeling, thought, and belief; and they dignify some of these through expression and emphasis, while ignoring others as verbal frameworks. Languages are verbal frames as well as, say, verbal paintings, giving expression to certain images and sensations and emphasizing these through the framework of verbal structure, which expresses and restricts at the same time.

Basically the thoughts of the dead need follow no such patterns, and the information received from this generalized mental field of information is given in a kind of “master language” which each person translates into his own idiom. Such translations are automatic, in the same way that photosynthesis is an automatic process on the part of plants; so that any communication in whatever language is already an automatic translation of inner information, as water poured into a glass takes the shape of its container.

These are not distortions but various expressions of inner realities, the languages being psychic containers that serve to display information so that it can be “poured” from one container to another most efficiently.

In basic terms, however, languages are born in each moment, and this atmospheric presence of which I’ve spoken seems to be characterized by a knowledge in which all languages are understood. That is, no matter what language you use to address a question, the answer is given in the same idiom. And with my mental conversations with others here, the same applies. Here, then, the atmosphere itself seems to translate my words from my language to the language of the hearer. This happens automatically, as far as I can tell. The translation is mental, instant, and complete. No misunderstandings occur in that regard.

The usual barriers of language are nonexistent, while I am equally sure that a master language is utilized that remains “invisible,” since the translations are so instantaneous.”

- William James (The Afterdeath Journal of An American Philosopher)

“Communication is via thoughts and spirit impressions. In the spirit realm, one can understand perfectly all the spoken languages of the earth. This understanding is not directly through knowledge of the language itself but rather the meaning and thoughts of the speaker are communicated directly and telepathically. God does not speak in human language even though we seem to hear God in the language that we are conversant with in earthly life. There is no language good enough or great enough for God to express Himself through. All human language created by humans is insufficient for the Creator of all life.

When we hear God speak in a human language, it is because our spirits understand it in a manner beyond language and then conveys it to our soul in a language that we have acquired during our earthly life. Spirit to spirit communication is beyond language. It is like deep calling unto deep (1 Corinthians 2:10, 11; Romans 8:26, 27). It is like an impartation of experience and knowledge or like the transfer of data from one computer to another except that this computer illustration lacks the transfer of the full experience and senses involved with the subject matter. One instantly “knows” (the word ‘know’ is limiting here because it also involves the process of actually experiencing the knowledge) what is communicated. The further one progresses spiritually, one does not need even any earthly language thoughts to communicate; then would pass away the last shreds of the limiting earthly habit of human language.

There is a sense of knowing that is beyond the physical world. When you pick up a flower in heaven and desire to look at it to analyze it, you actually “seem to become the flower” and know everything about the flower because you have “experienced being a flower”. When you meet another person, and desire to know about the person, you “seem to become the person” and be able to know everything about that person. There is a limitation with sentient spirit beings with free will. This special and supernatural “knowing” is only possible with the free will consent of one another.

The apostle Paul is speaking about this realm when he said that we shall know as we are known (1 Corinthians 13:12). This sense of being able to “become what you want to know” (without actually becoming the object) is an instantaneous knowledge infusion which includes not only objective knowledge but all subjective and perspective knowledge. Thus everyone understands everyone else perfectly. Spoken language is still used more for the beauty and music in the differences of communication and for special areas of purposeful creations through the working of the Holy Spirit.”

- The Spiritual World (Peter Tan)

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