> Great Genius Insights into Everything (17)


The Story Of The Little Star – A Parable

The Story Of The Little Star – A Parable

A bright little star within the millions of stars in our galaxy was watching and learning, because that is the purpose of all life. The little star had been watching a strange small planet, in a far away solar system with very unusual forms of life known as humans, living on a planet they called earth. The humans experienced such a wild, vivid and unusual reality! Their reality manifested itself as very dense forms of light matter. In this very dense reality they seemed to play out very vivid and trying experiences for the only purpose of learning from them. The experiences were beautiful and loving at times, but also evil, ugly and hateful also. All types of experiences were played out, because they learned from both good and evil experiences equally well. This strange reality intrigued the little star greatly and he wished that he could experience life this way. It seemed very exciting.

The moon orbiting this planet called earth heard the little stars thoughts and said to him, “I can help you learn what it is like to be a human. As it turns out, I have the ability to insert star beings into a human body so you can feel what it is like. You can then return as your star self with much greater wisdom having learned from being a physical human being in this dense light reality.” “How can I do that?”, the little star asked. “It’s easy!”, said the moon being, “I will create a human child body for you to enter. You can then live as a human for one human cycle of life. After one lifetime, you can then return to being a star as before.”

This idea intrigued the little star greatly. Watching was useful, but to be able to experience life in a physical light body seemed like a great way to experience new things.

“But, I would know that I was really a star being.”, the little star said, “I would know that I wasn’t really a human.” “No problem!”, said the moon, “I’ll make you forget who you really are during your time on earth. That way you will think that this life was all you really are.”

“That sounds like fun. So, you will insert me into a human body and at the end of one lifetime, I will return to being a star?”, said the little star.

“Yes, unless you wish to play the game again.”

“Yes, I agree. I’m ready!”

So, as agreed, the moon inserted the spiritual essence of the little star into a child about to be born. As agreed, the star human slowly forgot who he really was and experienced all aspects of human existence. The star human became a human husband, a father, fought in war, experienced love, hate, pain, jealousy, anger, all of the experiences that humans face during their lives. As with all human life, it was soon time for the game to end. The little star human found himself on his death bed and waited with some fear of what was to come, since he no longer remembered his true star self.

At the time of death, the star human left the human physical form and rose in spiritual human form to meet his fate. The star human was met by what he believed to be God, since he still had no memory of his true self. The little star human said to the being, “Are you God?”, and the evil moon being lied and said, “Yes, I am your God!”. The confused and afraid little star then asked, “What happens to me now, Lord?”

“Well, let us review your life on earth to see how you have lived your life. Are you ready?, said the crafty moon. And the star human nodded that he was.

They saw in front of them all of the life experiences that the star human had lived. Some experiences were loving, kind and good, while other experiences were filled with death, hate, anger and greed. These negative experiences made the little star human sad and regretful, because he incorrectly thought this human existence was all he was and he felt sorry that he had wasted his life on earth with such ugly experiences.

The scheming moon said to the the helplessly lost star human, “I will give you another chance. Would you like to go back and to live another life on earth to make up for the many mistakes you made? You need to atone for your sins in this lifetime.”

“Oh yes please!”, said the lost and confused little star, “I need to learn to be a more loving human being.”

“Ok.”, said the evil moon, I will erase your memory of this lifetime and reinsert you back into a new life form on earth. Try and do a better job of this life this time.”

“I will! Thank you Lord for this chance.”, said the confused little star human.

And it was done. This way the evil moon being kept the little star trapped in this endless loop of reincarnation for many, many lifetimes on earth, never to know his true heritage.

Finally, one day the little star’s family began to wonder what had become of their brother. Because we are all part of the One, he wasn’t too hard to find. What they found troubled them greatly and they said to the moon, “Why have you trapped our brother in this terrible place for so long?”

The crafty moon replied, “I have not trapped him, he volunteered for this experience. The choice to enter this reality was his and the choice of continuing these cycles of life were also his.”

“Yes, but he no longer remembers his true family or what a truly powerful spiritual star being he really is.”

“Again”, said the evil moon slyly, “That was his decision when the game began.”

So, the call went out for volunteers to incarnate on earth and awaken the little star to his true heritage and to break the cycle of incarnations that he had become trapped in for so long. Only the strongest of star beings volunteered for this difficult mission, because it was possible for them to become trapped in this dense reality also. The evil moon being used every trick possible to keep the star humans confused and in fear, so as to keep them from the truth of their real heritage.

But, slowly and with great difficulty the volunteers began to awaken the many little stars that had become trapped in the earth reality game. As the little stars slowly began to remember their true families, they were anxious to return home and to become the powerful spiritual beings that they had always been and to be welcomed with open arms by all of their loved ones.

And so the little stars left earth thankful for the wisdom they had gained during their time on earth as humans and also sad for those that remained. However, many vowed to return as volunteers and to never leave any trapped star humans behind.


Source: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1701963/pg1


The Trap System: Why You are Imprisoned in Physical Body

The Trap System – Secrets Never Before Revealed: Why You are Imprisoned in Physical Body, Reptilians, Higher Soul, Creation of Our Existence (Edward Alexander)


Here is a general introduction and overview over The Trap System.

The Trap System is a spiritual-technological construct, for lack of better terms, that serves the purpose of keeping people trapped in their physical bodies on Earth , even through many different incarnations.

In fact, the whole purpose of reincarnation is to stay trapped and not be able to experience once True Self. New Agers are completely misunderstanding this concept, as they mostly believe the Reincarnation part of the Trap System to be something “necessary” for a persons spiritual development, and they also see the Prison World we live in as a “School”.

However, as logic itself clearly show here, if it was intended for development, schooling, and learning, there are some major flaws in how it works. Consider the fact that between each incarnation you are put into amnesia, forgetting everything you ever learned and everything about your past lives and experienes.

This alone should prove rather clearly that indeed Reincarnation can NOT serve such a believed purpose, as it would be completely opposite of letting a person develop in any way, rather a person is stripped away from everything he ever learned and even his own conception of self and his consciousness, and basically “reset” at each time of birth of a new incarnation. This is to make sure the person indeed will stay trapped, lose any higher knowledge obtained in previous lives, and to make sure he can not develop properly to Self Understanding or Experiene of his Higher Soul and True Being.

This also makes sure that he will remain here, in lower planes of the astral , ignorant and blinded, not least mind controlled and brainwashed.

Now of course, some will ask “Who created the trap system” and “for what purpose” ?

The answer to that is that other, higer astral being to call them that, decided that it would be useful to keep mankind trapped here to serve as their slaves and food source. Slavery through always having to work their lives for the Ones in Power, whom are part of those in control of the Trap System. Food source through being basically drained from their own energy, as these entities feed on the etheric energies within a Human Body that has a Soul occupying it. These entities, whom can be called astral entities, or as many term them “Reptilians”, are working in both the astral planes and physical world. They have their representatives here whom have infiltrated the physical world and leading most of the world through their influence within higher levels of society such as Governments, Religious intitutions, Media and various Corporations and so on.

The Human Body itself is manufactured, to be very limited, and not be able to generally access or experiene its soul to any significant degree. However, a Soul Fragment must be in place in any Human Body for that body to live, be conscious, and function as the mentioned Food Source due to the etheric energies that will only be in place in Human Bodies having a Soul (or Soul Fragment which really is the more proper term).

The mentioned entities, whom keep us trapped here, feed on the etheric body energy, the mind of the subject, the thoughts and emotions, and in specific they prefer to feed on “negative energies”. Because of that, these entities make sure a lot of negative events take place in the world, to increase the negative energies within the Human Global Consciousness. This is done in form of various wars, terrorism, deaths, disasters, anything that bring for great fear, anxiousness, paranoia, sadness and other negative states of mind.

In addition, these entities can influence the minds of people through different means, to create specific thought patterns, behaviors and emotions in those people. This influence is done from astral telepathical connections with victims, to various technology that alters the persons state of mind.

They are doing their best to keep this utterumost secret, which is why you will hardly find any information on this in any previous publications of information. Very few have discovered this part of Human Existence, and the few of us whom have are ourselves from what can be called other realms of existence, or astral planes, where we have seen it all from an outside existence, and chosen to incarnate here to let people know of this and other truths regarding Existence. We have done so on great risk, which is why we are few, as we too can be trapped into the complex construction of the Trap System – such as losing our own knowledge, past life experiences, insights, and spiritual connections with our Higher Souls.

There are many Gods, higher and lower. Let me give you an explanation on the Origins and the various Gods and Entities:

In the beginning existed only the one Mind, the first Cause of all other existence – it created within itself the first energies of what we can call this “other existence”, including other Creators with abilities to Manifest and design Dimensions and Life spawned from their own Minds. These Creators also brought forth other various sub-creators, whom in their turn also took part of Creation and various Levels of Existence.

This divided down all the way to this Physical Existence. Thus, there are many “Gods”, of different ranks, and many of these have been worshipped by different people and cultures both here on Earth and elsewhere in the Universe. Because different Creators with different polarities and functions were set out different types of Energies manifested within different types of Creations, and the One was split up into different fragments, such as “negative” and “positive”, thus “Good” and “Evil”, and since Creation has gone through countless levels of manifestations of different Life, this has also brought forth Beings whom are of different nature than other Beings, because of having different origins of the first polarities.

This has lead to some Beings being termed here as the Good Ones, and some of these as the Evil Ones – this goes on at many levels, between the Gods themselves, and all the way down here between People. Some believe themselves to be the True God because of having forgotten, or not truly realized, their true origins – same as with People in the physical World – forgotten themselves and believing they are something they are not, and in addition often being fooled by some of these other Beings into believing certain things regardin Reality that not necessarily is true, seen from a longer perspective.

In essence, all Life is One, simply due to Everything existing within the One Mind, the First Cause, and all and everything is connected to eachother, and all life have potential equal to that of their creators, meaning that even Man himself can become Creators – or what is called Gods, and manifest their own Worlds and Realities. It is a complex topic, and it is a lot of confusion between Mankind and other Beings on this, having caused many problems for many Lifeforms.

It is the programming of the Mind that keep you in the physical body, yet this also is true for the astral body, as the astral body is not the Soul or your True Self any more than your physical body. Though, nevertheless, you are still spiritual beings trapped currently in physical bodies because of this Programming of the Mind.

With what I say, there will always be someone who agrees and some who don’t, it is impossible to speak in a way that all will accept and understand simply because of the difference between peoples level of self-realization and personal beliefs and so on. For me it doesn’t matter if you dislike what I say, or the way I say it, you are entitled to feel or believe anything you want in regards of me and my claims.

Good and evil exists all over the physical realm, I do not mean that is is simply something that exist here on Earth or in the Human race. In fact it does exist on many levels, what I am referring to is higher spiritual planes of existence where it can not exist due to the specific vibrational levels, or frequencies if you want, that these planes exist within.

The most important thing you can ever study is Yourself, and the best person to ever listen to is You, and more people should spend more time on both those things.

You can listen to me and make what you want of what I say, but truly listen to yourself instead of anyone else to find the real answers.

Good and evil is an illusion of the lower astral realms, as the whole physical world and lower realms are illusions as well created around us to keep us here. Yet, you can say they are real, as they do exist even though in their illusional form. In a sense the same way as a fantasy, where you make up something in your mind that do not exist, yet at the same time it does exist since you just made it up and got it in your mind, in the form of said fantasy.

Here, we are part of someone elses fantasy however. We all also contribute to it ourselves and take part of creating it.

These “others” are those whom are controlling you through your programming and the illusions you live within, even though these themselves also are living in the illusions and do not know their own true being. Some of them are the ones you refer to as the “Elite” constantly here, and some of them are the ones working with the “Elite” from other planes of existence, yet within the same Illusion.

They are abusing the system that was created to control you by the “God” I previously mentioned, the original Creator left but the System was still in place and kept you here and made you easy to abuse, manipulate and control, and thus these entities took the chance when they discovered this.

You are responsible for accepting a belief. You did a mistake – we all did – from getting lured, but there is a way out of the net that was cast upon you willingly, and eventually everyone will be free.

The so called enlightened beings can explain what is happening simply because they can observe the Good and Evil from their own point of view, such as from visiting these lower realms. So that means they too can be exposed to it, when being down here, yet it is non existing in their own higher realm, though that do not mean they have no knowledge about it – as I explained, it exist yet still does not, as the metaphor I used in my example with Fantasy.

Spirit guides, angels, ascended masters etc are more often than not within the trap system themselves and thus also “prisoners” without knowing it, believing themselves to be higher and free. But as long they are Individuals, they are not true Selves, as only Oneness is True Self. Such beings are only to be found within the lower astral planes, however, some of them do know of the higher truts and can help guide people towards True Self, as they may have chosen their role as such a being to assist people in the right direction instead of the false direction after death.

Regarding your imprisonment in a physical body, I’m talking about matters that took place in the very distant past before your first physical incarnation. It was at this moment you let yourself into the physical bodies being lured and blindly believing what you were told by the God of those times, who wanted his Human Bodies who inhabit a Human Soul essence, for them to work properly, and with a complex level of programming and systems implemented, so that these who fell for the trick got trapped, yet still some managed to escape as they could see what was coming and did not get tricked like the majority and thus they managed to escape and enter other realms, some of you know these original peoples, interdimensional ones at they were then and not physical as now, as the Atlanteans. And now you are learning from this mistake and slowly realizing it and on your way to let the clouds clear and let the light in from your True Origins and the Source of All

The first Maniupalator was the God I’m speaking of, but as he left after some time and he was satisfied with the work he had done and used the humans for, other entities eventually came upon you and discovered how you were programmed and blind and easy to manipulate and take advantage of, so they did. The rulers have changed from time to time, but the rulers of top level are those of a more negative, powerhungry and sinister type. Their agenda is to gain more power and control, by having people working for them mostly without even knowing it, or worshipping them as their Gods and so on which further empowers them, as the energy you give out you get back.

Here on earth they mostly use the religious and spiritual institution and banking and money for their models put in place for control and power. Their God in a sense is Money, which they have created, and made you worship as well. With the religions you are mostly worshipping them and thet Old God as well, as that’s what these were intended for. They also run the larger industries, governments and such, to keep their control in place and feed the people with more suggestions and lies that they are open to believe.

As I have previously explained, I disagree that we were physically incarnated here to “learn” anything at all. We could learn very well without these physical bodies, as the astral realms of the lower levels are so close one can hardly tell the difference – some cant. So there is no need for a physical body for other purpose than being limited, and not unlimited or to obtain new knowledge, specially considering the fact that reincarnation would make that a complete and utter failure as people do not even remember their very last life before the present. So, nothing learned, memories all gone, back to scratch.

Learning comes from Higher Consciousness and is independent on Physical conditions. We are all eternal beings with limitless knowledge and power already, free to explore the endless areas of existence, if only we learn to separate and be free from these bloody stumps we are so trapped within.

The only lesson to really learn here, is that we are failing to find ourselves, and that true knowledge comes from much deeper aspects of our Being than wandering around in blindness on Earth.

They are smart, and they are on “both sides”, and they use all means they can do further program you and manipulate you from spiritual means, to education, news & media, foods and the mind altering substances they put in them, vaccinations and health institutions and medicine and the pharmaceutical industry, through technological means such as sound frequencies, radiations, water systems, anything they can alter and pollute with their methods and products to make your mind dull, filled with apathy, more open for suggestion, and trustworthy of your media, leaders and so on.

I applaude those of you whom not blindly believing anything, in fact I highly praise people who follow their own intuition and highly encourage people to not listen to what I say as being facts, but look some up yourself and listen to your inner guide, though perhaps take some of the things I say in consideration as it may be useful for certain new insights to come. But this world has its great share of way too gullible people who believe anything they are told, that is also one of the reasons I am here to tell them to not listen to what I say or what anyone else say – the greatest truth you can find you will find from within yourself.

Even the higher entities are also living within the illusions to great extents and even though they are of good and pure intentions, far from all have discovered their True Self, or the Connection with the All. However, once reestablishing your contact with the All, your true Oneness, it all will become clear.
Evil is a lower level reality, indeed, but because of the lower level God wanting to have the Powers and Control as a Real God would.

Thus, from originally kindness, pureness, and even neutrality, sprouted what we can now term as evil, which in turn made a difference between Good and Evil.

The lust grew, and thus, as his power grew, he made sure to take advantage of you in every way he could – and even though he left this programming is still here.

You are NOT here for any “purpose” – you are here because you are TRAPPED, in the ILLUSIONS and PROGRAMMING. The only time you will “ascend” or go “further” is when you realize this and manage to keep your awareness with you at the time of death.

The only thing you will learn here is what deception and lies and illusions are – not because you are “supposed to”, but because you have been forces to, partitially by your own choice.

Your purpose is higher, your real selves are cleaner, more pure, here you are just a small grain of your own selves, if even that. You barely know even the slightest about yourself and your origins – and the small things you know are mostly lies and deceit, so it leaves you with even less.

Remember, you are on one of the lowest forms of existence, and there are MANY gods and creators above you responsible for the different realms and programming which you reside within.

The GOOD thing is that you can also create and be Gods, as you too have these powers within you because in the end you are all One and part of the Ultimate Source, thus you can control and dictate your own lives if you want to – as long you learn how to.

First part is to realize you are here in a world of lies and deceit put upon you, the next part is to move towadrs your truer self, even though it takes some time to get to the real core.

What you experience, is no matter how wonderful it seems, part of the lower realms illusions. Of course, you are free to stay there, and if you want to go further and get to know yourself at a deeper level you are free to do so as well

I will not tell “this is right” and “that is wrong” – in fact I will leave that up to you to figure out.

Nevertheless, what many of you have found is that there is “something” beyond your normal waking reality, and something beyond your “dreams” – look further, and you might just get your foot prints over the place and experience a completely new aspect of yourself.

There is no need for me to ask you to believe anything, nor is there any need for me to ask you to disbelief anything, it is your free choice after all – I am just here as someone whom have gone through those choices before you and thus may be able to help you towards a greater and somewhat easier progress to reach the level of attunement I have reached.

My own purpose here is to serve you, bring you that spark of self-realization that you all have within – so that you can once again be more connected with yourselves, in balance with your being – harmony with Creation.

Personally it is irrelevant for me if you believe me or not, consider what I say or try things I might suggest. I will not gain anything from you doing so, nor will I lose anything from you not doing so. Only you yourselves will.

I am not here to make you believe a single word of what I say – those whom it resonate with will know on their own.

When I say there is a lot of deceit out there, I am sure most of you would agree to that. Am I a deceiver? Well, you figure that out, find yourself.

Do not take what I say for granted, take it into consideration and see what you feel – if you do feel I am lying that is fine for me, if you feel I’m truthful that is fine too.

It is good to be skeptic, look within yourself – you have a combination of tools available with you to help you discover great things, without the need of others – though there are some whom will benefit from some guidance, it might ignite the light inside so it can start burning brighter on its own.

We are here to help you on the way towards yourself and understanding divine laws so you can live in accordance with them and thus reach higher levels of insights and understanding, as well as improving your own condition in every way.

This is because we have chosen to do so, not because we are forced – some of those working against us, and you, are however often forced. But there are many of those as well whom do what they do because they’ve chosen that path, for personal gains.

Those whom I am affiliated with are never forced, they can not be, as it would work against the whole system of free will and thus make us nothing more than those whom try to keep you in the dark away from yourselves.

And when it comes to you, you mostly work against yourselves, not because you want to or chose to do so freely, but because you are forced to without realizing it yourselves. You’re prisoners sitting in the cage with the key to the lock in the dark corner without knowing it. We are here to help you reach that key.

Be cautious about what you believe though, do not take anything to be the Truth, not even what I say. Even if it “rings true” with you, that does not make it true, in fact a lot of what seem to be true and make sense to you has been constructed that way for you for the complete opposite purpose of what can be called “truthfulness”.

It is also somewhat entertaining that some of you seem to consider your spiritual teachers and those like us, whether we are who we claim or not, to be omnipotent , almost at the level of what you yourself consider to be Gods.

What you call God, and the Creator, do not “come” here or “visit” you to help you out in any way – or to make things hard for you for that matter. There are no “tests” to fulfill or understand created by that which you call God. However, there are other Creators, in fact we are all co-creators, yet there are what you can consider the Creator of the physical world, as well as numerous Creators upwards many levels in the higher planes of existence.

There are also many out there who want you to believe they are your Creator or God, or higher beings such as angels and what you call aliens. In fact, of all communication with any other non-physical beings and consciousness of other planes it is the ones we can term the “negative energies” that is the most frequent.

That is the reason to continuously failed predictions and disinformation coming from your “gurus”, “masters” and “new age channelers” etc. Just like you , most of you, often tend to blindly believe and accept what you are told by “higher authorities” so do these people when it comes to their contacts. This is of course unfortunate, and those among you whom may be in contact with other entities should show extreme caution there as well.

At this level of existence which everyone whom are here in this physical world find themselves the lies and deceit rules, and it is what keep you here, and why you are even here in the first place. There are some exceptions to this of course, some are here to help and guide, and others hare here for deceiving you more and keeping you here.

Very few people existing in this level of existence are in contact with any higher beings or the Source, but there are plenty whom are in contact with lower beings that pretend to be “higher” and give you false ideas of what they are – and what YOU are.

The same goes for your so called after life – in fact most people whom find themselves free from reincarnation after death are located at lower levels of existence very close to this physical world, and in most cases they live their lives there almost identical to what they did here, and the surroundings and landscapes and structures of these realms are very similar to those of this physical one. Here too the deception and lies goes deep.

This can be useful to have in mind both for your remaining time here as well as when you step over to the next experience of existence – if you will just be able to keep yourself aware when doing so and remain conscious.

In essence, if I should put it very simple, Life is simply a preparation for Death – as you call it.

For the “loopholes” you want to get free, I can tell you that the very first thing needed is Self-Realization and Understanding of the Deceptive System you live within. As soon you realize and acknowledge this you are on your way to freedom as you have already taken a step further and seen the Prison Walls surrounding you, the illogical system of Reincarnation is another important thing to be realized – just think about it, Reincarnation serves the purpose of letting people die and live again, as I am sure we can all agree on. What is falsely put forth in regards of Reincarnation is that it is something to actually be wanted, that it is “natural” and part of our spiritual development. New Agers claim the Earth to be a “school” in where we develop by reincarnation. If that was the case, then obviously you would need to remember your past lives to be able to learn from them and develop. This is not the case, simply because reincarnation is not a way for spiritual development, it is the complete opposite, a way to remove you from your spirituality and your true self, by putting upon you amnesia from life to life so yuo will not remember who you were, where you came from, what you have done, and so on. Instead, you are forced to start “all over” , again and again, century after century. It could rather be called a “devolution of the spirit” than an “evolution of the spirit”.

So, realize that, and you will have that in your conscious mind as well as your subconscious mind, indeed in your soul, so that at time of death, what you should do is request yourself to experience your True Form, your Real Spiritual Essence, and immediately fly as far away from Earth as you can in spirit form.

The best way to prepare is to practice spirit travel regularly before death so yuo will be able to retain awareness and consciousness at the time of death, so that you will not fall into an unconscious dreamy state of being and suffer from reincarnation again, nor suffer from being trapped in lower levels of existence such as the lower astral planes which serves the purpose of keeping you trapped until you once again get reincarnated, you need to venture still further away from all familiar forms, towards realms of only pure consciousness where no being has any form and no form exist.

Though, a being that is self-aware, can maintain himself in a state of freedom even in lower astral planes, and avoid the cycle of reincarnation, indeed there are people living in astral realms that are wonderful and beautiful in every aspect, and have done so for thousands of years and longer, but still these planes are part of the lower level illusion of existence and not the True Form of Self. It is not even a merging with ones Higher Soul.

One need to merge all ones soul fragments with ones Higher Soul, the real True Self that exist on a higher plane which is outside of the system that keep people trapped here. Then you are truly free, then you are truly One, and Yourself, ready to explore the real existence and freedom beyond all the deception and lies, and move on towards the Source itself.

You can retain memory of past lives, of the spiritual realms, of your Higher Soul, and so on even here in your physical body. There are meditations and exercises one can perform that puts you in direct contact with your true self so that you will be able to explore and understand yourself and gain great insight on reality and illusions. Many of these exercises can be found on my website under the Topic “Meditations, rituals & self development”.

The famous “light” at death seem to be part of the trap system. There is no need to enter any light to go anywhere. When you die, simply tell yourself you want to experience your true spiritual essence, your real higher self. Tell yourself you want to merge with the Source, or experience the true God above all Gods. The loved ones are always with you as they are all part of you and All, so yes you can always reunion with them for a while on lower astral planes where you still find yourself experiencing individuality.

So here you have been presented with some general information on the complex Trap System and its implications.

- Written by Edward Alexander

Source: http://www.pleiadiantalk.com/2011/04/trap-system-secrets-never-before.html


ADAM & EVE: The REAL story of what it was all about

ADAM & EVE: The REAL story of what it was all about.

Were Adam and Eve being “tricked” by the serpent to eat the Fruit of Knowledge from the Tree of Life – or maybe not?

What they really did, and what that symbolizes, is that they lived under the rule of a Lesser God, a Evil Creator, which we still do, but they discovered the Qabalistic Tree of Life – it was not an actual real physical tree or apple, that was symbolism – and they gained access to the Fruit of Knowledge from discovering their spiritual aspects, and thus became aware of the difference between Good and Evil and themselves etc. The Serpent represents the Kundalini Rising which is an effect of Illumination and Enlightenment and which is needed to receive the “Fruit of Knowledge” from the “Tree of Life”. The Serpent was NOT Evil, it was quite the opposite, the God of the Bible was the Evil one, and god filled with rage when he saw that the people represented by Adam and Eve had found the “secret” to their own existence, spiritual reality, their Soul, and thus ultimately a path to be Free from the Physical Prison planet they were in.

So as summary:

Adam & Eve = Mankind

Tree = Kabbalistic Tree of Life

Apple = Fruit of Knowledge – symbol of the understanding gained from “climbing” the tree of life.

Serpent = Kundalini energ / spirit, which ascends (“climbs the tree”) to reveal the Fruit of Knowledge (truth, understanding).

The whole story of Adam & Eve represents mankinds practice with the Kabbala, a spiritual system for development and insights, and what the results of such practice will be – the ability to understand more (“knowing the difference between good and evil”, as per the bible, meaning being more conscious and aware of ones own actions and thus able to get on the “right path”). It is an esoteric and symbolic text, not meant to be taken literal as actual events or the way the story is presented.

What all this really means, is that “God”, an evil tyrant entity/deity NOT the Real God above All, wanted mankind to stay ignorant in the lowest part of the Tree of Life, only being present here in the physical world, and not gain the experience and understanding of all aspects above which would make mankind free. That’s why this biblical “God” got angry when Mankind discovered the secret of how to gain this Understanding all the way to the top of the Tree of Life, where the Fruit of Knowledge is.

- ADAM & EVE: The REAL story of what it was all about. (Edward Alexander)

Source: http://www.pleiadiantalk.com/2011/08/adam-eve-real-story-of-what-it-was-all.html

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