> Great Genius Insights into Everything (13)


Finding True Love in A Dream

Finding True Love in A Dream

“Late in the middle of a cold November night, Bette went back to sleep after the police had run her abusive alcoholic husband off from the premises for what felt like the millionth time. Bette climbed into bed next to her eleven-year-old daughter who’d fallen asleep by her side, watching the 10 o’clock news. Seeing it was now 2 AM, Bette closed her eyes, thinking about responsibilities at her new job and how the billing cycles worked.

Bette heard the voice of her supervisor, and woke up with a start at 4 AM to see him standing beside her bed. She started to speak, but felt his hand reach out to gently touch her mouth as he shook his head, “no.” With his mouth closed, Bette heard him say, “Come,” and hand-in-hand they walked through a wooded grove to a waterfall. Bette felt a closeness and loving connection with him unlike anything she’d ever before experienced, and stepped together with him into the waterfall. They held hands and walked back to her bedroom, where Bette looked at the clock to see it was 6:30 am. Fully awake now, Bette was stunned to see her hair was wet, and she went to the kitchen to get a drink. As Bette stood at the sink, she felt arms around her body and the familiar voice softly saying, “I love you. I will always love and take care of you,” in her ear. Bette could even smell his scent… and then he was gone.

Upon returning to work, the first person Bette saw was her supervisor, who with eyes widened made a point of walking away without a word—avoiding her. A few days later, Bette’s supervisor mentioned on a break, “I had a dream about you,” and Bette told him she’d dreamed of him, too. He said, “So it was real,” and Bette replied, “Yes it was.” He asked Bette to marry him, and she happily accepted. They’ve celebrated November 7th as their true anniversary ever since their shared dream of love became a dream-come-true.”

- Quantum Jumps (Cynthia Sue Larson)


Finding Lost Things with Quantum Jumps

Finding Lost Things with Quantum Jumps

“The following examples of finding lost things gives you an idea of what it can feel like to move from a state of feeling separated from an important object, and the surprise and joy of seeing it turn up, often quite unexpectedly.

I experienced a remarkable reality shift in which my friend’s missing eyeglasses materialized after both of us had conducted a very thorough search of the house. My friend commented that his glasses were not anywhere they would be expected to be… not in pockets, or on a table, or a counter, or a chair. We retraced his steps around the house, and still didn’t see them anywhere… including in his car or out on the street by the car. I asked my friend to describe his glasses to me, which helped me gain a clear impression of what his glasses looked like in their case.

I then felt how much I loved my friend, and how important these glasses were to him, as we walked once more around the house. In this state of walking meditation, I held a vision of what the glasses looked like, while feeling relaxed, confident, and loving. I knew that when things of importance go missing, there’s no need to panic. In fact, I remembered that it’s best to calm down, any time my friend or I started feeling worried.

I knew from first-hand experience that the best state of mind for having lost items reappear is to feel relaxed, yet excited that at some point the items will return. On the very next stroll through my kitchen, I heard a soft “thump” sound one pace behind where I’d just walked. I spun around to see what had made the noise, and saw I was the only one in the area… and there just a couple of feet from me, on the kitchen floor, were my friend’s glasses!”

- Quantum Jumps (Cynthia Sue Larson)


One of the more enjoyable ways to experience quantum jumps is to find yourself in a reality in which you’re reunited with a favorite missing possession. You can start with the usual steps we typically follow when searching for something we’ve lost, that include:

1. Retrace your steps to where the item was last seen and where it may have traveled,
2. Ask anyone nearby if they’ve seen it,
3. Ask the item to show itself by asking a question my mother taught me when I was very young, “Now if I were _______________(missing object), where would I hide?”
4. Tidy things up while searching. Put things together that are similar, creating a systematic process of elimination that makes it easier to spot the missing item later on.

After you’ve covered these search basics, it’s time to harness the natural search powers of our brain. Researchers at UC Berkeley have found that your brain calls in backup to find lost things. We typically organize objects into one of one thousand categories in our mind, in such a way that when we see something, we can assign it to a logical and easily retrievable location in memory. While this may not in itself be all that remarkable, recent neuroscience studies show that when study participants are asked to look for something in particular, such as a person, their brains can be seen to widen the net of possible categories:

“… their brains also commandeered the brain regions responsible for perception of animals, body parts, action verbs and natural minerals and shifted them toward the perception of people. Likewise, when participants were seeking vehicles, the categories of tools, devices and structures were also stimulated by representations of vehicles.”

If after trying all the above steps, you still can’t locate your missing item, it’s time to pull out all the stops and resort to some really amazing natural quantum processes. Just as scientists are now discovering that plants try all possible pathways in order to maximize efficiency of light absorption in cells by virtue of a process called quantum coherence, so too can we take advantage of the fact that as many physicists believe, we and every object around us exists in a superposition of states.

When seeking lost keys, for example, envision there is more than one reality in which your keys exist. In some realities, your keys seem to be gone, and in others your keys are nearby in a perfectly accessible place. You are now seeking one of many possible realities in which your keys return to you. Without getting overly concerned with which particular realities have your keys and which don’t, it’s best to adopt the attitude seen in many a “Missing” poster that states, “No questions asked.” In the realm of quantum physics, in which Shrödinger’s cat is either alive or dead, we don’t so much care about the details as to which of many possible realities the keys come back from, as long as they do return.

Once you’ve focused attention on what you’re seeking, so as to expand your ability to find it with more of your brainpower actively being put to work, it’s time to lighten your mood a little… and relax. Saying “Hope for reality shift!” the way my daughters did when they were young is an excellent way to feel a bit more light-spirited, thereby making it easier for you to make a jump between parallel worlds of possibility. What this phrase lacks in sophistication it more than compensates in successful returns of missing things—often either in places already thoroughly checked, or rather unexpected locations one would not expect (such as my toddler’s favorite juice cup suddenly perched atop the refrigerator, or water shoes resting atop my daughter’s pillow, or my favorite jewelry tucked inside a dresser drawer).

When lost objects reappear, they often seem a little shy… preferring to quietly sneak into an out-of-the-way location, rather than startling people by exuberantly popping into existence right before their very eyes. Trust your intuition, and look in even some of the strangest, least likely locations that come to mind. You might just be surprised to find what you’ve been looking for!

- Quantum Jumps (Cynthia Sue Larson)

QUESTION: Do things go missing in the other reality if I am successful at finding my lost things?

ANSWER: Things do not go missing in other realities when you find them arriving in your reality. What’s actually happening is that you are the one moving between realities, and this is something you’re doing all the time. We exist in a superposition of possible realities, choosing which reality we inhabit at every decision point. In most cases, the transition is so smooth that nobody gives it any thought… much the way frames of a movie progress forward with small movements, and everything seems perfectly natural. Except once in a while, something that wasn’t there may suddenly appear, transport, or transform.

- Quantum Jumps (Cynthia Sue Larson)


Brain Memory is Not Storage but Frequency Focus

Brain Memory is Not Storage but Frequency Focus

“Forgetting is about inactivity. You forget what’s not active. If you can forget something that’s meaningful, then you could certainly forget something that’s not helpful. So you could say “I’m really good at forgetting.” It’s just a matter of what your attention is turned upon. In this physical world it is really logically that you would give a lot of your attention to what’s going on around you, and when you’re giving your attention to what’s going on around you, you are sort of forgetting who you really are. In other words, if you’re living financial shortage and it’s vivid and the bills are coming in and people are hounding you you’re uncomfortable about it, it’s easy to keep that active and it’s easy to forget prosperity under those conditions. Because you can’t live prosperity and lack of it at the same time. So let’s give a definition to forgetting and remembering. Let’s call it what it really is. It’s an active vibration or an inactive vibration.

You’re wondering why you could forget something that is beneficial but it’s all about focus. If you’re got not enough money active in your vibration, then you are essentially forgetting how to be prosperous. If you’re focused upon someone who is having a really hard time in a relationship, then you’re for the time that you are focused there, you’re forgetting about how to have a really good relationship. Your television is a veritable wasteland of there’s not much well being going on in your television. It’s mostly stuff that if you watch it, it will cause you to forget the well being that is abundant. You have this planet spinning in its orbit that is completely observable, impossible to forget. And the sun that comes round every day to warm your planet. Every single day. And yet you can get so immersed in crap. There’s just so much that you can focus upon that causes you not to remember.

Your brain is not a storage cabinet. It’s not like a file cabinet where you’re putting things. It’s a transmitting, receiving mechanism. And when you’re on a frequency, that’s what you’re remembering. And law of attraction will compound it and help you to remember it more and more and more and more. And that’s what we really mean by getting out ahead vibrationally.”

- Abraham Hicks (YouTube: Why Do I Forget Your Teachings? – Abraham Hicks)

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