> Great Genius Insights into Everything (12)


Woman Cured of Cancer through Law of Attraction

Woman Cured of Cancer through Law of Attraction

Question: “Last June I was told that I had lung cancer, which necessitated surgery. I asked for time and what I planned to do with that time was to listen to a lot of Abraham tapes. I did a lot of visualization. I did a number of things. But at the end of two months I went back and the lung cancer was gone.”

Of course, it is only present by your attention to lack. And sometimes that lack causes you to identify what is wanted, and as soon as you turn your attention to that and vibrate with it, it must be. Can be no other way. Would defy law for it to be any other way.

Question “Then what has been happening recently is people are so excited for me and about this whole situation that this is something that we can conquer. And so they call me and they’re delighted and I have to answer in this husky voice because I’m sick again. What am I doing?”

Let us tell you why. As you’re surrounded by those in the vibration of conquering the illness, you’ve been swept up again in the influence of pushing against what is not wanted, rather than relaxing into what is wanted. It is really as simple as that. You’ve heard another teacher say resist not evil. And what he was saying is relax into what you consider to be goodness rather than resisting evil. So we say resist not illness, relax into wellness. So the word conquer is an indicator, in other words you’re not trying to conquer wellness. When you use a word like conquer, you’re pushing against something you do not want.

- Abraham Hicks (YouTube: Abraham Hicks | Many REINCARNATIONS Simultaneously)


Cancer Patient Healed from Doctor’s Mistake

Cancer Patient Healed from Doctor’s Mistake

“I heard a story of a doctor who mixed up the results of two different patients. One patient had full-blown cancer with an estimated three months to live. The other patient’s tests showed he was cancer free. The doctor accidently switched the results. When the man who was cancer free was told he had three months to live, immediately his brain began to send very strong signals that indeed there was a cancer. He thought about it day and night, his emotions believed it, and his actions confirmed it as he planned his funeral. Within three months he actuality developed terminal cancer and died.

The other man who actually had the cancer was mistakenly told that he did not have cancer. His brain began to send signals of healing. He started to dream again of all the things in life he wanted to accomplish. He cancelled his funeral plans and began to be thankful that he was healed and was a better person for it, thanking the Creator he was given a second chance. When he was checked again three months later, the cancer had gone into remission and he was cancer free. Both of these patient’s brains released very powerful intense radio-type frequencies, which in turn created responses and signals in the body.”

- Courts of Heaven (David Herzog)


How to Manifest and Unmanifest Fears

How to Manifest and Unmanifest Fears

“Pamela wrote to me about one of her most memorable experiences while living in the Mojave Desert. She and her husband were both stationed at the Naval Hospital in Twentynine Palms, California at the time, when they drove one Thanksgiving weekend to a Borders bookstore that was about a 90 minute drive from home. Pamela and her husband had recently had a string of bad luck with vehicles breaking down, and Pamela became increasingly apprehensive that their one operational vehicle, her husband’s old Toyota Trooper, would break down and leave them stranded.

Pamela couldn’t shake off this fear, until she voiced to her husband how much she’d hate it if the truck broke down. Though they arrived at Borders without incident, the truck started making unusual noises after only half an hour on the return trip home. When they pulled off the freeway and into a gas station, the Trooper died completely. No auto shops were open on that Thanksgiving weekend, so Pamela and her husband walked to an ATM to get some money for a motel for the night… but neither of their ATM cards worked in any of three separate ATMs they walked to… though their cards had worked earlier that same day.

With only $5 in cash and no way to pay for a hotel, they walked back to sleep in the truck. It was cold and miserable, and Pamela marveled how she’d been rendered powerless by a few small circumstances—a broken-down truck and non-operational ATM cards. As time seemed to slow down, Pamela felt like she’d created the whole situation. Instead of getting angry or depressed like she usually would when not in ‘control,’ she felt an amazing sense of peace and well-being. Pamela decided to just allow things to happen, while being present and calm enough to observe and participate in their unfolding. This was a new way of being Pamela hadn’t experienced before.

Pamela was sitting in the driver’s seat when dawn finally came. She glanced over at her husband to see if he was still asleep, and saw him open his eyes as he said, “Turn the key.” Pamela had a moment of doubt and was just about to open her mouth and remind him they’d already turned the key a hundred times, when she saw something in his eyes that stopped her. She turned the key, and the truck started! They were grateful to be able to drive home with no problems. Their truck ran just fine, and their ATM cards worked, too.

Pamela wrote to me that she came to a deeper realization about a lot of things after this experience. Pamela no longer allows herself to fear anything, because she now knows she can easily create the very thing she fears, finding herself face-to-face with it. This experience helped Pamela realize,

“If I can create the things I fear, I must be able to create the things I desire as well.”

- Quantum Jumps (Cynthia Sue Larson)

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