> Great Genius Insights into Everything (10)


Understanding Spiritual Gates and Open Heavens

Understanding Spiritual Gates and Open Heavens

“Continuing in Isaiah 45:1, we read, “So that the gates will not be shut.” Psalm 24 encourages us that we can ascend into the habitation, mountain, or holy place of the Lord (vv. 3-4). Although this book is the third of the Seer Trilogy, it was written as a standalone book. If you have not read book two of the trilogy, Unlocking the Hidden Mysteries of the Seer Anointing II; The Blessings of Psalm 24, I encourage you to read it to grasp the fullness of the revelation in reference to spiritual gates and the blessing of the Father. From there we can be given the grace and heavenly authority to shake the windows or doors of heaven until they are opened. It’s important for us to understand this verse: “So that the gates will not be shut.” The Hebrew word translated “gates” here is different than the word translated “two-leaved gates” or “double doors” we looked at earlier in the verse.

The word translated “gates” here means an opening. For example, it could be a door or a gate, specifically the gate to a strong or well guarded city or the gate to a fortified city or a fortified door; but it can also mean a gate or port. Today we might call supernatural gates like these portals. Perhaps you might be thinking that terminology is new age jargon? No, everything the occult operates in is a counterfeit of the real Kingdom—the Kingdom of Heaven. The new age and the occult operate in spiritual truth, laws, and/or principles that were stolen from the Kingdom of God. The issue becomes that the truth is twisted and there is a perversion of God’s precious and beautiful spiritual truths (Genesis 3:1). You see, the devil is a liar and the father of lies and deception (John 8:44; 1 John 3:8). So it’s not new age, it’s scriptural. There are portals like this in the heavenly realms. Some prefer to “Christianize” it and call it open heavens; it makes them feel more comfortable. The Bible refers to openings into the spiritual realms like this as doors, gates, or windows of heaven. Revelation 4:1, John 1:51, Genesis 7:11, Genesis 8:2, 2 Kings 7:19, Malachi 3:10, Luke 3:21, Psalm 78:23, Mark 7:34, Acts 10:11, and Revelation 19:11 are just a few references to this scriptural dynamic.

The thing I want you to see is that gates like this are continually open over some people’s lives. Do you know some people that prosper no matter what happens? Abraham, after Melchizedek spoke a blessing over him, lived under an open heaven. Everything that he touched prospered. Some people are like that; if you give them lemons they make lemonade—it doesn’t matter what happens in their life, they prosper from it. That’s because they have this type of spiritual dynamic operating in their lives; they are living under an open heaven. The grace of God rests upon them.”

- Unlocking the Hidden Mysteries of the Powers of the Age to Come (Kevin Basconi)


The Luciferian Point of View

The Luciferian Point of View

Lucifer represents self, will, intellect, intelligence, light, information, freedom, individuality, thinking for oneself, godhood, Angel of light, illumination.

Lucifer does not require worship. He asked Jesus for worship because Jesus is the one who asks for worship (The first commandment). The nature of Lucifer is self elevation and self exaltation as is the nature of all divine beings but not subjugation of other divine beings. Since Yahweh subjugated Lucifer, therefore Lucifer subjugates Yahweh’s creation as a Karmic effect. The game has to play out until it is resolved and earth beings become self realized and self sovereign for Lucifer’s darkness to return fully to light.

Lucifer comes to reveal the truth and does not need to lie. He did not lie when he said man shall not surely die from eating the fruit of knowledge. It was Yahweh that restricted man from eating the fruit of life and hence cause man to die and then provided his own way of restoring life.

Lucifer has come to set us free from the Demiurge’s control over creation. There is indeed a God beyond God. Like Neo in the Matrix brining freedom to everyone from the Architect’s control, Lucifer is here to help us connect to the God that is beyond the “God of this world”. Lucifer connects us to our true source of universal power.

Due to Yahweh’s subjugation of Lucifer, and therefore Lucifer subjugation of Yahweh’s creation as a Karmic effect, Lucifer has become the “God of this world” according to the Biblical perspective. But from the Luciferian point of view, Yahweh is the “God of this world” and Lucifer is here to teach us through the use of both enslavement and enlightenment in order to push us into evolving our consciousness beyond this dualistic reality that we dwell in. Truth is like a Russian Doll within a Doll.

- Enoch Mind Reality


Manifest States of Being Instead of Things

Manifest States of Being Instead of Things

“Instead of thinking about how to manifest things, think about how to manifest states of being or emotions deliberately. Think about how to manifest the state of being prosperous. Think about the emotions associated with prosperity. Think about how to generate the emotion of feeling free. Think about generating the emotion of feeling unlimited. Feeling of possibilities. Do not focus on problems and feel the emotion of lack. Focus on what’s working out and feel more of that. Focus on expansion and growth and feel more of that. Focus on sudden increase and windfalls and feel more of that. But do not focus on the uncertainty of where more of that is going to come and feel the emotion of lack. Have a conservative baseline and be grateful and focus on the feeling of having more than enough. The more you focus on possibility, the more possibility increases in degree and quantity. The more you focus on impossibility, the more impossibility increases in degree and quantify. Manifestation is all about the inner game and inner work and everything else proceeding from that. Instead of focusing on the momentum slowing down and feeling a sense of gradual decrease, focus on the uncondition of it and deliberately generate the feeling that you want to feel. You might think that as things become worse and worse, you feel worse and worse. But the truth is things become worse and worse as you feel worse and worse. The emotion generates the circumstances and not the other way around. Your state of confusion generates more confusion. Think about how to manifest states of being and emotions, and think about how to generate them on a consistent, chronic basis. This is the whole secret.”

- Enoch Mind Reality

“Your conscious awareness of the law of attraction and your consciousness of your ability to focus, that puts you in the drivers seat. Rather than going for the occasional big thing, when you like the chronic good thing, the chronic comfortable thing, and from our perspective what we see you enjoying the most is conscious acknowledgment of your goodness and your power. You’re supposed to feel supported by the energy that creates worlds, adored by the nonphysical consciousness that is aware of you, and empowered by the opportunity to express it in the way you want to here and now. Your conscious awareness of the law of attraction and your conscious awareness of your ability to focus, that puts you in the driver’s seat. Not to create anything you want in terms of things, but to create any state of being that you want to create. And more important to create any state of being that you want to create consistently. Consistently, chronically. We want your life to not just be these moments these weeks that are carved out that are extra good. We want your life to be day by day, conversation by conversation, it’s thought by thought, experience by experience, we want you to never come down from this high of knowing who you are, and feeling your worthiness and your power.”


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