> Great Faith without Effort




Great Faith without Effort

Great Faith without Effort

“Faith to believe and receive from the Lord is directly related to our understanding and revelation of His love and grace towards us. The more you are conscious of God’s love for you, the more faith becomes effortless.”

- Pastor Joseph Prince (Solid Rock Magazine 2013 Edition 1 – The Key of David Opens Doors of Blessings)

“A number of years ago, I had chronic pain in my body. Bothered by the pain that would flare up again and again, like any Bible-toting, tongue-talking, Spirit-filled believer, I did my best to lay hold of God’s healing. I confessed healing, claimed healing, spoke against the condition and healing, spoke against the condition and commanded it to go in Jesus’ name. I was believing as hard as I could that the pain would leave.

One day, as I was commanding the pain to go in my bathroom, the Lord spoke to me and said, “Son, what are you doing?”

“I’m believing that this pain leaves me now,” I told Him. Thinking that He was perhaps impressed with my faith.

He said, “Well, has it left?”

It hadn’t.

“Would you like to know why?” He asked me.

“Yes!” I said. I was at my wits end. I’d done all I knew to have great faith, but it obviously wasn’t working.

He said, “You have faith in your faith. Now, son, do you believe that I have the faith necessary for your miracle?”

I said, “Yes, of course I do. Lord, I believe that You have all the faith necessary for my miracle.”

And He said, “Now, rest in My faith.”

It wasn’t long after that the pain left. I didn’t even know when I was healed, as I was no longer preoccupied with the condition nor my faith to make it leave. I was simply resting in Jesus’ faith.

Am I saying that it’s wrong to make scriptural confessions or command sickness to go in Jesus’ name?

Absolutely not. The Bible does say that “the righteousness of faith speaks” (Romans 10:6). But there’s a big difference between doing these things out a revelation of what Jesus’ finished work has accomplished for us, and doing them in order to demonstrate our faith to God to convince Him that we deserve our breakthroughs. One is borne of a real, intimate relationship with Him, the other is simply putting faith in our faith and is full of works.

Beloved, what God wants is for us to put our trust in Christ alone, who has all the faith for our miracles. Let’s just rest in His faith, by simply believing that He who always believes without wavering can and will bring our miracles to pass!”

- Pastor Joseph Prince (Solid Rock Magazine 2013 Edition 1 – The Key of David Opens Doors of Blessings)

Rest in Jesus’ Grace and Find Faith Flowing

“The Secret to great faith without strain or self-effort is to simply see Jesus in His grace and to rest in His faith. It’s not about us and how much faith we must conjure up in order to receive our miracles. It’s all about Jesus, His love for us and how He alone has all the faith, all the time, for our miracles. He alone is the author and finisher of faith. So it behooves us to look to Him always.

Faith is the product of a living and growing relationship with the One who loves us and died for us. Our faith grows as our revelation of His love and grace towards us grows. Our faith is unconsciously fed when we respond to that love by spending time with Him and getting to know Him more intimately. The more we see Him as a gracious God who doesn’t condemn us but who wants to over-supply our needs, the more faith develops in our hearts effortlessly and unconsciously.

Beloved, if you’re going through a trial today, I encourage you to look away from your troubles and how much faith you have. Let faith be a flow from His throne of grace as you fix your eyes instead on Jesus and be absorbed with Him and His goodness. Instead of trying to produce more faith, keep hearing messages that are full of His grace and new covenant promises, and just rest in the riches of His grace and unwavering faith. And you’ll have unconscious and audacious faith to believe God for the impossible and overcome every challenge in life!”

- Pastor Joseph Prince (Solid Rock Magazine 2013 Edition 1 – The Key of David Opens Doors of Blessings)

You can use your faith to manifest things, but what is even better is to put your faith in Jesus to manifest those things. You can direct your faith towards those things, but what is even better is to direct your faith towards Jesus and make your requests known unto Him and He will manifest those things for you.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Even the Word of God acts as a pointer towards Jesus. God wants you to see Jesus more in His Word than to see Him in the flesh. Here are verses that points you to put your faith in Jesus for manifesting all things.

“It is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me. The life I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of God.” (Live by Faith in Jesus)

“Looking unto Jesus the Author and Perfecter of Faith.” (Put the faith He has given you back in Him and He will perfect that Faith in manifesting what you want)

“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. For the Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit.” (The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus Himself)

“If God spared not His Son but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He (God) not with Him (Jesus) also freely give us all things?”

- Enoch Mind Reality