> Noctis Enoch

Noctis Enoch

Author's details

Name: Noctis Enoch
Date registered: February 9, 2012
URL: http://www.greatgenius.com

Latest posts

  1. Power is Required to Manifest Desired Life — May 20, 2024
  2. Occult Secrets of Justice, Retribution and Self Defence under Natural Law — May 16, 2024
  3. The Pleiadians on Soul Recycling, How to stop the Archon Matrix Reincarnation Trap — April 1, 2023
  4. Yin Yang Movement in All Relationships and SEX — August 8, 2021
  5. Sex is the Most Fun You Can Have With Your Body — September 28, 2020

Author's posts listings


Power is Required to Manifest Desired Life

Power is Required to Manifest Desired Life “First meet the one you might call Dragon. He is very forceful, energetic, and loves to explore new things.”   Kenneth MacLean: “Now I would like to speak with the one I call Dragon.” Dragon: “I am here.” Kenneth MacLean: “I feel a powerful, assertive energy from you.” …

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Occult Secrets of Justice, Retribution and Self Defence under Natural Law

Occult Secrets of Justice, Retribution and Self Defence under Natural Law When people have been wrongfully attacked or harmed, they naturally feel the need to revenge, to avenge, to punish, to get back at the other side. This feeling is natural and right. Punishment is causing harm, suffering, pain and misery to the other side …

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The Pleiadians on Soul Recycling, How to stop the Archon Matrix Reincarnation Trap

The Pleiadians on Soul Recycling, How to stop the Archon Matrix Reincarnation Trap “Anunnaki recycling center We are in a new inquisition today which is called political correctness. People are frightened today to admit what’s really happening. It is best for you to understand the world of spirit, the non-physical as it works with physical …

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