How the Law of Attraction fits with Opposites Attract
(Editors Note: The Law of Attraction states that ‘like attracts like.’)
Kenneth McLean: “You say that the Law of Attraction is a universal law. Yet a simple experiment with a battery and two metal–plated spheres connected by wires will serve to disprove this. If you hook the two terminals of the battery each to a different sphere hanging by a wire, those spheres repel each other. However, if you connect each sphere to the same terminal of the battery, the spheres repel. This shows clearly that like charges repel, and opposite charges attract. This can also be seen by placing the North pole of two magnets near each other and watching them repel. How does your statement reconcile with these experimental facts?”
Gang of Six: “The positive and negative you refer to are simply aspects of the same kind of energy. The charges and atoms science refers to are metaphors. At one pole there is a surplus of energy relative to the other pole. This creates a tension between the two, which activates the space between them and provides a potential.
Science has not yet discovered the intimate, completely interconnected relationship between what you call electromagnetic energy, gravity, light, and what you refer to as nuclear forces. When you do, the contradictions and gaps in your science will resolve. For now, accept that the law of ‘like attracts like’ is valid for the life experience of every human and can be successfully applied so that all that you want may come to you.”
- Conversations with My Higher Self (A book channeling the same entity known as “Abraham Hicks”)
“Male and female bodies are vibrationally different, and attract, somewhat like the poles of a magnet. Remember, physical objects are ultimately representations of vibrational content. The desire of one sex for the same sex is an altering of the vibration of that body by the consciousness present in the body, to be attractive to the same sex.”
- Conversations with My Higher Self (A book channeling the same entity known as “Abraham Hicks”)