> Finding True Love in Your Life that is Perfect




Finding True Love in Your Life that is Perfect

Finding True Love in Your Life that is Perfect

“We do live in a perfect universe. Scientist say there is such perfection in the way the earth, the sun, and the stars all fit together, that if one planet had been placed in the sky just a teeny bit differently, we wouldn’t be here today. That’s perfection.

Staying with the big picture, think about how almost all of life on earth is sustained by the perfect harmony of the seasons, the sun, and the cycles of life. Now, zooming from the expanse of space, letting your mind’s eye focus in on the image of a newborn child – see those five little fingers and five tiny toes. Add five amazing senses, and you are looking at the creation of harmonious perfection. That little person is you.

So listen to this: if perfection exists in that which is as large as the universe and as miniature as a baby’s toe, why wouldn’t it also be likely that God has created a perfect design for your life that includes a perfect soul mate?

In Yiddish they have a perfect word: bashert. It means “your intended one.” This is the simple truth of this book: your bashert there, your intended one is right there in that pile of puzzle pieces called “My Life.”

- When God Winks on Love

“Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see.”
- When God Winks on Love

“Although you often will receive something other than what you prayed for, I have never known it to be worse – it has always been better than expected.””
- When God Winks on Love

“A man named Paul expressed the point this way: he said, “We don’t know everything, and our prophesies are not complete. But what is perfect will someday appear, and what isn’t perfect will then disappear.” That was written a few thousand years ago in the Bible.”
- When God Winks on Love

“Godwinks are not directives. They are signposts of reassurance, guiding you in making your own free will decisions. You must continue to listen to the small, still voice within – your intuition – and make the important choices in your life on your own, bolstered by an awareness that you are surrounded by the invisible safety net of the Almighty, confirmed by Godwinks, that you are never alone.”
- When God Winks on Love

“While a single coincidence is a signpost, a continuous pattern of Godwinks – multiple coincidences flowing in a distinct direction – is a map. It’s hard to see the trees when you are standing in the middle of the forest. But when you observe your life through the wider perspective of hindsight, consistent patterns of Godwinks will emerge with greater clarity; you will begin to understand that a map of Godwinks has all the while been directing you along your path to your rightful destiny.”
- When God Winks on Love

“The most wonderful of all things in life, I believe, is the discovery of another human being with whom one’s relationship has a glowing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing. It cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident.”
- Sir Hugh Walpole

In other words… Serendipity.

“The only reason romance ever dies in a relationship is because we let it die. Both men and women need to take steps to assure that the flames of romance are always burning. That’s romance. It really doesn’t take all that much to keep a candle lit. Nor the romance alive.

During those tense moments that invariably arise in relationships, if one partner or the other can provoke laughter, stress is released, and the potential for disagreement dissipates.”

- When God Winks on Love